

The chapter has got nothing to do with the title. I apologize, I was out of inspiration. 

Word count; 2.339

Kyungsoo blinks a few times before stepping aside and letting Jongin in. The younger looks like a drowned cat and he takes his jacket, placing it over the heater in the hallway. “Who is there Kyungsoo?” His mom yells from the living room. “A friend mom, don’t worry.” He tells her and he hears her getting up from the couch. She walks into the hallway and smiles at Jongin. “Hi, I’m Kyungsoo’s mom, nice to meet you.” She says as she extends her hand, Jongin bows politely and introduces himself. “I will make you some tea, Kyungsoo, get the boy a towel and make sure he stays warm.” She orders Kyungsoo and he nods, leading Jongin upstairs and into his room, handing him one of his towels while he turns the small heater in his room on, placing a chair in front of it for Jongin to sit down. “What gives me the honor of having you as my guest?”


Kyungsoo’s mom enters the room and hands Jongin the cup of tea, he thanks her and as soon as she closes the door, Jongin’s face turns serious. “I just needed to get out of the house and you offered me to play some games here, so I take my rejection back and I’d like to play some games.” Jongin says, sipping from his cup while examining Kyungsoo’s face. “What happened to you?” He asks all of a sudden, snapping Kyungsoo from his thoughts. “Ah, Nothing.” He mumbles, getting up to fish his playstation from one of the moving boxes. “I haven’t unpacked anything yet, give me a moment ok-“His sentence is cut off when Jongin grabs his wrist and turns to face him, holing his chin to make him face the younger. “That’s a black eye, Kyungsoo, what happened.” Jongin glares at him and Kyungsoo rips himself away from the younger’s death grip. “I-“ “Wait, let me rephrase my question: Who did that.” Well .


Kyungsoo sits himself down onto his bed and installs his playstation while telling Jongin the story he had told Baekhyun last week, glancing at the younger every once in a while, looking for an emotion in the younger’s face, but it stays stern and when Kyungsoo finishes, Jongin only opens his mouth to ask him; “Who are these people.” So he tells him and they spend their night with video games until Kyungsoo’s mom politely asks Jongin to leave because it’s late and the rain has stopped, Jongin nods and thanks the both of them for their hospitality and leaves.


Kyungsoo’s night is short, restless dreams waking him at the break of dawn in cold sweat and breaths short. He can’t return to his state of sleep and when his alarm goes off, he throws his pillow against his nightstand, knocking everything off of it in the progress.


Rumors around the school about a fight near the gas station are spread, something about someone stepping up for a beat up kid and everyone gives Kyungsoo odd looks because of his black eye, he feels quit uncomfortable, but when Jongin and Sehun show up during lunch, cuts and bruises on their faces, Kyungsoo knows that Jongin had gotten himself into trouble, for him. “Please tell me you didn’t.” He says and everyone at the table turns to face him in confusion. “I did.” Jongin says, taking place next to him. “You shouldn’t have-“ “Listen, Kyungsoo, You’re one of us now and I’m not going to stand on the side lines and watch those s beat you into a pulp, they deserved this and you know it to.” Jongin’s tone is harsh but his eyes are soft. Silence falls until another subject is started by Chanyeol and Kyungsoo nudges Jongin with his foot, making the younger look at him. “Thank you.” He whispers and Jongin smiles. “You’re welcome.” He whispers back.


Weeks fly by in a blink, the hours tick by fast and Kyungsoo feels happy, his bruises start to fade, he gets to know everyone a little better by the day and his notebooks are filled with memories and pictures. His room has been re-decorated by Baekhyun and Luhan, every picture frame was filled and his walls were stuffed with Polaroid’s, most of them consisting the three of them with the occasional group pictures. There was one picture of him and Jongin, they had fallen asleep on the bus when they went on a day trip with school to a national museum. Kyungsoo had his head on Jongin’s shoulder and Jongin had his on Kyungsoo’s head.


Jongin was still one big question mark for Kyungsoo, he knew that the male was one year younger than himself and that his name was Kim Jongin, but that was it. The younger had never told him about his family or where he came from, his childhood and future plans were vague. He knew that he grew up together with Sehun, since he saw some pictures of them when they were younger, but when he asked, Jongin brushed him off and for some odd reason, he was okay with that.


He had talked about it with Sehun once, he told him that he should just let it rest, that the younger would tell him about himself when he got more comfortable with Kyungsoo. The youngest quickly edited his sentence when he saw Kyungsoo’s hurt expression, explaining that Jongin was already comfortable with him but not enough to tell him about his family and his childhood because those things were kind of personal on a high level to the male.


Kyungsoo’s birthday had passed during those weeks as well, Baekhyun had given him his own Polaroid camera to snap pictures of his own, since he kept stealing Baekhyun’s pictures. Jongin’s birthday was two days later, so they celebrated it together with their friends and separately for their families. Kyungsoo had turned eighteen and his mom finally allowed him to go out with his friends for once. She was a very protective person.


Kyungsoo walks into the club with Baekhyun at his side, the elder is the first to notice their friends standing near the bar so he drags Kyungsoo towards them. Luhan shoves a drink into his hand and he smiles, thanking him before he takes a sip. He glances around and notices that Jongin and Sehun aren’t with them. “Where’s Jongin?” He asks Luhan, glass resting against his lower lip. Luhan chuckles and points towards the dance floor “You won’t be talking to him much tonight.” He says before turning to resume his conversation with Minseok.


Kyungsoo leans against the bar, emptying glass after glass until he feels himself getting a little tipsy, that is when Jongin walks up to him to drag him towards the dance floor. “I don’t dance!” Kyungsoo yells at him, trying to make himself audible over the loud music. “Everyone dances.” Jongin yells back.  Kyungsoo gives in after a few minutes, absolutely sure that he looks like a complete fool next to Mr. smooth moves. They dance for hours and Kyungsoo is only slightly surprised when Jongin moves up behind him and grinds their bodies together in time with the rhythm. Kyungsoo vaguely notes Baekhyun snickering in the distance and a few wolf whistles from Luhan and Jongdae but he’s too focused on Jongin’s warm body against his to be bothered by it.


A few moments pass and Jongin places his hands onto Kyungsoo’s hips, turning him to make them face each other, he leans forward and pushes their lips together in a heated kiss which contains 99% of pure lust. When they break apart, Kyungsoo is sobered up and he stares at Jongin with wide eyes, the younger stares back at him with an equally surprised look on his face. “I-“Kyungsoo starts but Jongin cuts him off by shaking his head. “Sorry about that.” He lets go off Kyungsoo and moves away from him. Baekhyun runs up to him and Kyungsoo just stares at the spot where Jongin stood just now. “What-“ He shakes his head and yanks his arm away from Baekhyun’s grip on his wrist, stalking over to the bar and ordering drink after drink. Kim Jongin just kissed him, Tan skin, hard lines, toned muscles, sharp jaw line, y smirk, smooth moves Kim Jongin. His mind is spinning and his eyes feel heavy, the only thing that he remembers is the hard wood of the bar when he lets his head fall on top of it.


He wakes up with a major headache, dry throat and a sick feeling in his stomach. “What the hell…” He mumbles, blinking a few times to find himself situated in a room that he doesn’t recognize. He tries to sit up but his head starts bonking, so he decides against it and lies back down only to hear the door leading into the room open. “Good morning” Baekhyun’s voice says and Kyungsoo looks up at him. “You took me home?” He mumbles voice thick with sleep. “I figured your mom didn’t want to see you like this, so yeah, I took you back with me.” Baekhyun hands him a glass of water and a few pain killers. “You should take a shower and then we have to talk.” The elder says in a soft and caring tone. Kyungsoo gets up and into the shower, taking his time as the warm water runs across his skin, washing away the memories of last night. He sighs and gets out after 15 minutes of washing himself clean. He dresses and brushes his teeth with a spare toothbrush that Baekhyun gave him before walking downstairs, hair still wet and Baekhyun’s sweatpants resting on his hips. “Hey.” He greets Baekhyun and Chanyeol. They smile at him and Baekhyun gives him some breakfast before he sits down next to Chanyeol with a serious expression on his face. “Do you still remember what happened last night?” He says and Kyungsoo considers lying about it. “Yes, Jongin kissed me.” He mumbles, taking a bite from his sandwich.


Chanyeol bites his lip and nods. “He texted me if you were okay, what do you want me to text back?” Kyungsoo chuckles “That I have a major hangover and that my head feels like it’s going to explode.” Chanyeol gives him a weary glance but does so anyway, showing his phone to Kyungsoo to confirm the content of the text, only when Kyungsoo nods in approval he sends it to the younger male.


Chanyeol leaves after a while with the excuse of having to help his mom with the groceries. Baekhyun smiles at him, but as soon as the front door closes his expression grows stern as he faces Kyungsoo. “Out with it, it’s obviously bothering you.” Kyungsoo shakes his head and rubs his temples. “I don’t care, I knew it was coming when he kissed me, he told me himself. It would never happen, remember?” Kyungsoo furrows his brows and takes a sip from his orange juice. “And it’s still bothering you.” Baekhyun says while crossing his arms. “Why do you care so much?” Kyungsoo snaps at the elder. “Because I am your friend, Kyungsoo, I want to help you after all of the that you’ve been trough and since Jongin isn’t helping-“ “He obviously regrets it and feels guilty about it!” Kyungsoo lets his face fall into his hands. “Just forget it ok? I need some time to think and I will still act normal and try to not anything up. Promise.” Kyungsoo whispers in a soft tone, glancing at Baekhyun trough his fingers. “Okay, just come and find me when you want to talk about it.” Baekhyun places a hand on his shoulder and gives it a light squeeze. “Thank you, sorry for snapping at you.” “It’s okay, I understand where the frustration is coming from, when you’re ready, I’ll comfort you with the story of how Chanyeol and I got together, okay?” Kyungsoo nods and with that, Baekhyun offers to drive him home, which Kyungsoo politely declines. “I’ll take the bus, it helps me think.”


The thing with Kyungsoo and public transportation is that he feels as if the whole world is open for him, when he’s in a bus or a train, he feels as if he’s traveling and he loves the way people rush and talk about the most normal things right next to him. Every time he steps into a bus, he targets a few people, reading their expressions and body language to find out bits and pieces of their story. Sometimes, he gets out his notebook from his bag and writes a story about the people he encounters. Kyungsoo always had a thing for writing, he created new worlds with every story, wishing that he could live inside of them. It was his own personal get away ever since his dad left his mom. However, what he doesn’t expect is to encounter Jongin on the bus ride home, the younger male silently took place next to him and mumbles a soft ‘hi’, making Kyungsoo smile at him in response. They talk for a while, neither one of them mentioning last night’s incident. To Kyungsoo, Jongin could have been a random stranger on the bus from who he had gotten to know the name and age , a stranger who he would encounter everyday at school, but who just passed him by, leaving his story to Kyungsoo’s own imagination. “Where are you going?” Kyungsoo says as he gets ready to get off at the next stop. “Dance class.” Jongin says with a small smile. “You dance?” Kyungsoo asks and Jongin only nods. “Well then,” Kyungsoo stands up and moves past Jongin to get out of the bus. “Have fun, Jongin-ah.” He says and he gets off, walking down the street to get to his house, where his mom welcomes him with a warm hug.


That night, when his mom is asleep, he adds an entry in Jongin’s note book; first page, second line: ‘Dances.’



I actually feel really proud of this fic.

I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I do with writing it! 

Thank you for reading and I hope that you stay with me for a long time! :)

comment if you like! I'd love to know what you guys think!

Lots of love!


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Chapter 4: I love this <3
Chapter 4: i love this story.. update soon..
Chapter 4: I love this story!!! I can't wait for the next chapter !!
This fanfic is so good omg. Keep up the good work ^_^