

"'Yeol, I love you."

Chanyeol stared back the innocently smiling boy with confusion. The very boy he had just had a fight with hours ago was confessing his love. "What?" He couldn't help but utter. 

"I love you, Yeol, so much more than you believe. I been in love with you since forever." Baekhyun spilled tears of honesty, not faltering in his strange vagary of words. His voice was soft and sincere, one Chanyeol hadn't heard from him since they were children. 

"I don't understand. Don't you hate me?"

"Oh Yeol I could never." He paused before he continued, tears still racing one after another on his cheeks. "Yeol, do you hate me?" His face displayed an expression of pure horror and fear. 

Chanyeol didn't even know if he did or not. Sure, he might've been at fault here. He still believed that he was the reason why Baekhyun had cardiac arrest. The most he did to repent was carry Baekhyun into the ambulance. You wouldn't usually do that for someone you hate so did Chanyeol really hate Baekhyun? He never stopped to think about it. They were always fighting when they saw each other. 

"I don't know..." Chanyeol had no choice but say. The sheer expression of pain illustrated Baekhyun's face. Beeping filled the room as staggered lines of an erratic heart beat showed on the machine. "Baekhyun!?" Baekhyun clutched at his chest in pain, releasing a heart breaking cry. 

Doctors and nurses came rushing in. Chanyeol stood silent upon the blur of people, absent to their words. Heart mimicking the sound of the beeping, Chanyeol rushed out of the room before he felt like he was going to throw up.

Baekhyun woke hours later, exhausted, with his mother by his side. He sat up and her hair. She's always been so tired, because of him. 

"Baekhyun?" His mother slowly woke drearily by his side. "Are you okay now?" 

"What do you mean? What happened?" The shock of possibly having an attack at school scared him. 

"Oh baby, you had a cardiac arrest at school. We had to reschedule the heart transplant earlier." She pointed at his heart and smiled, thankful the new heart saved her sons life. Baekhyun's heart began to race with a new warmth. The chances of having a successful heart transplant were rare but he did it. He can finally live normally now. His parents wouldn't have to worry so much over him now. They wouldn't have to argue about money and other problems anymore. The assurance filled his heart with a new warmth. "Baek... Oh baby, come here. It's okay. It's going to be okay now." Baekhyun's mum embraced him, wrapping her arms around his head, patting him soothingly. Baekhyun hadn't realised he was crying. His mother cooed soft words into his ear. "My baby, it's okay. It's going to be okay now...You are one of the lucky ones. You made it. My lucky lucky child."

The two sat in silence until Baekhyun's tears stopped, separating as his mother began to cut a peach. The serene sound the knife hitting the plate with every relaxed Baekhyun, closing his eyes and focusing on the sound.

"Oh Chanyeol stopped by earlier. What happened?" Her words snapped him out of his trance.

"Chanyeol? He did?"

"Yeah, he told me he spoke to you." His mother eyed him suspiciously as she handed him the plate of peaches. "What did you talk about? Did he touch you?" His mother's eyes were filled with fear.

"No, I didn't even wake up before now... What happened?"

"Chanyeol, I told him to visit you since I haven't seen you boys talk in so long but, before we knew it, you were having another problem. The doctor thinks you two spoke about something that seemed to hurt you." 

"Hmm, who knows. We fight all the time..." Baekhyun's voice grew distant, staring away from his mother's curious eyes to gaze at the window, sun shining bright outside.

"It seemed serious. Chanyeol looked so shell-shocked when he came outside." His mother reached for the plate of untouched peaches in his lap, taking one for her own. "Maybe you should talk to him when you get back to school." 

"No... We don't talk anymore..." Baekhyun whispered as the night drew in. The orange sunset filled the room for his final moments before enveloping the room with darkness. 

"Okay, sleep well okay honey, I'll visit you again tomorrow." His mother kissed him on the forehead before leaving Baekhyun alone with his thoughts. However, the problem was Baekhyun could never be alone with his thoughts ever again.


Chanyeol's been on the edge for weeks. His anxiety of Baekhyun's return was eating away at him. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to act. Baekhyun confessed his love! How was he meant to respond to the confession of his supposed enemy?

He took his seat in class and kept frequent glances at Baekhyun's seat. As much as he didn't want to see him, he still worried about Baekhyun's absence. The longer the other was away, the more Chanyeol assumed how ill he still was. 

The room filled with noise and the murmur of voices which silenced immediately when the door opened, introducing their teacher and a familiar face from behind.

"Baekhyun!" A girl squealed as she stood up from her seat. The other girls and a few guys cheered at his return, snapping Chanyeol out of his thoughts. Baekhyun, Baekhyun, Baekhyun's here! Chanyeol's thoughts ran a million kilometers an hour, surprising himself with his own excitement. His heart thrummed, eyes constantly glued onto Baekhyun's every move.

"Well, I guess there's no need for re-introductions." His teacher smiled at Baekhyun. "Just take your seat."

Chanyeol fiddled with his fingers and toes all class, unable to concentrate on the matter of education with Baekhyun a mere few rows of seats away. The boy rested on his palm, half concentrating on the teacher. His every expression from understanding to confusion to boredom kept Chanyeol entertained the entire day. 

As soon as the bell signaled for end of day, Chanyeol quickly rushed to Baekhyun's side. With the giant towering over him, Baekhyun couldn't help but notice him. Sighing, he asked Chanyeol, "did you need something?" Chanyeol's expression reflected his shock. 

"Um, we need to talk." 

"Why?" Baekhyun was now the one confused. Chanyeol and him haven't spoken normally like this in years and the other was just expecting him to follow along?

"Y-you know why!!" Chanyeol tried to pull at Baekhyun's wrist, stopping a second to question its fragility.

"No! Let me go!" Baekhyun clawed at Chanyeol's tight grasp on his wrist. The electric shock he was getting from Chanyeol's hands was no joke. It spread warmth until it filled his heart. His mind, however, was completely lost on what was happening to his body. Was it Chanyeol who was making his heart beat as so? 

At the instance, Baekhyun's phone rang. Sighing in relief as he remembered his mother was picking him up today. Seeing Chanyeol distracted with the phone call, Baekhyun quickly pulled off his grip and grabbed his bag to make a run for it.



That night, Baekhyun laid on his side and admired the night sky outside. It was clear and speckled with stars, an almost full moon illuminating the night. 

Gorgeous, isn't it? A thought suddenly came to mind. It was odd. It seemed like a thought he wasn't used to. It didn't seem like it was his "voice". Of course, it's not your own thoughts. Don't you remember? You promised to share this body with me until my wish was granted. Baekhyun froze. It was indeed a voice he remembered, in his surgery that is. He was sure it was a dream. Cold sweat wetted his forehead, lump forming in his throat.

"Who are you?" Baekhyun whispered, voice quivering. 

Your savior, the voice seemed to chuckle.

"Okay... But, w-what do you want from me?" 

I want you to grant my wish and I'll be out of your way. You just live as long as you can with my heart. 

"So there was no way for my body to accept your heart otherwise?" Baekhyun couldn't believe the boy's confidence. It was overbearing.

Yes, because it's my heart. The idea was ridiculous but, Baekhyun was always one to go with the flow so he didn't particularly mind. As long as he could live with a healthy heart was all that mattered to him. Isn't there anything else you want to ask?

"No, not really... Just... What's your wish." Baekhyun wanted to grant it as soon as possible. He hated the feeling of his body not being his own.

Confess to Chanyeol for me. Tell him I love him. Baekhyun's eyes bulged at the thought.


Yes, of course, why else would I choose you?

"No! There's no way. I'd rather you just stay in my head for the rest of my life." Baekhyun flipped his head around to the other side, using his pillow to block off his ears. 

YAH! You promised!!

"No! No!! Shut up shut up!" Baekhyun clenched his eyes shut. Was this really what it means to be lucky?








a/n: hello!! hehe i felt good having so many subscribers (AND THAT ONE UPVOTER Sammiwammi65 BUT YES THAT DOESNT MEAN I HAVE FORGOTTEN YOU TOO, springjasmine91 I LOVE YOU GUYS) (((of course i love all my subscribers too hehe))))

on the first chapter so decided to update but omg this update took me a whole day to write because i just procrastinated so much ahahahaha anyway hope you liked it!! I'm kinda awkward so i dont really know how to reply to comments but please continue to!! I love reading them it really makes my day. Anyhoo its like 12am here so im off to bed :) send me some love in the mean time love ya too



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Pabo-sshi #1
Chapter 3: It is Kyungsoo, right? Urgh, I HATE chansoo. -.-
Pabo-sshi #2
Chapter 1: Wow! This was unexpected! But great chapter anyways.
Gonna read the next two chapters. ^^
Chapter 3: I wonder......fighting for next one!
Chapter 2: baekhyun.....aigoo~ fighting for next one!
Chapter 1: Wow. That u said! Unexpected. Well done for the first chapter. Fighting for next one!
Sammiwammi65 #6
Chapter 1: Whaaaaahhht.........? O.O
i want to see this story~~
please update soon author-nim ^^
AnggySam #8
Cant wait for the story~