The Star


Come onnnnnnnnn. 

"No." Baekhyun groaned, toothbrush still in his mouth as he reached for his hair gel.

It's just a simple request~ Who knows you might like it pleassee? You just need to go out with Chanyeol for a while.

"WHAT? That was--" Baekhyun stopped to take out his toothbrush, rinsing his mouth and earning a sound of disgust from his head. "--Shut up okay. Anyway, that wasn't what you said yesterday! All you said was to confess to him!" Baekhyun still couldn't believe he was having this conversation in the first place. Was he becoming crazy? 



No you pabo, I meant yes that I did initially ask you to confess but, I kind of did that myself already when he came to visit you in the hospital... That was so sweet of him by the way. I love him. The voice sighed happily, squealing a bit at the end.

"Wait wait wait a minute what? You're telling me that while I was unconscious you took over my body and CONFESSED?" Baekhyun, in his completely shocked state, almost ruined his hair but quickly grabbed a comb and fixed it.

Mmm yeah but it doesn't seem like Yeol noticed he probably thinks it was you who said that but, that's perfect!

"I said no and that's final." Baekhyun sighed, trying to ignore the fact that his body was used without his knowledge.

Why not?

"Because that was something I already decided a long time ago..." Baekhyun whispered under his breath but, Baekhyun forgot, there was nothing he could hide from his consiousness. 

The boy stayed silent, thinking about what to say but ended up saying nothing. The rest of that morning was in silence, the stranger in Baekhyun's mind, plotting and waiting for them to arrive at school already.


"Late again, Baekhyun?" His teacher addressed as he entered, ignoring the teacher's glare to get to his seat.

"Yes, sir," muttered Baekhyun, groaning a bit as he did. He was less than five minutes late.

"Nothing else you want to say?" The teacher pressed, tapping his foot against the floor as he watched baekhyun with a sharp glare. 

Apologise, you idiot!

"What?" Baekhyun scowled. There was no way this man deserved an apology.

Just do it, oh my god.

"What was that? How dare you speak so disrespectfully!" His teacher heard him. The class hushed with a further silence. Baekhyun sighed. 

"I'm sorry." The teacher blinked.


"I said I'm sorry... For both. Being late and being rude." His teacher seemed flustered and it was reasonable to be. It was a rare sight to see the rebellious Byun Baekhyun apologise. 

"A-ah. I s-see. Well then... Just take your seat. " He looked confused like he was anticipating something to happen. Even Baekhyun was surprised that that worked too. 


His eyelids dropped. Baekhyun couldn't handle it anymore. He took a glance at the time, probably for the nth time. It's only been 25 minutes but it felt like an eternity for Baekhyun. Leaning into his palm, his head tilted to the side as his natural urges to sleep began to take over.

The teachers voice droned out. Baekhyun was already in trouble enough as it is, he couldn't afford to sleep. Slapping his face a couple of times, he forced himself to stay awake, despite losing focus a few more times. 

"Baekhyun? Could you please answer this question?" His teacher suddenly asked, completely snapping him awake. Baekhyun blinked at the random numbers on the board, trying to figure out if a question was even up there in the first place. 


"6-64." Baekhyun blurted out, hearing a snicker in his mind. 

"Oh good I was wondering if you were paying attention. Anyway if you---" Once again, his teachers voice disappeared from his ears. Baekhyun was still shocked. How could someone he thought was younger than him be smarter? 

I'm older than you, just so you know. You should be calling me Hyung. 

"How are you so smart?" Baekhyun couldn't believe it.

Well I had a lot of time to study. You did too but all you did was read manga. 

"How do you know that?" 

MMmm I just know keke. 

"Well thanks for the help.... Hyung." The voice went silent which Baekhyun was thankful for when a girl who sat beside him began to gave him strange looks, reminding him that he looked like he was talking to himself.


Baekhyun snuck out of class as soon as the bell rang for lunch, hoping that the girl who sat beside him wouldn't question him or follow after. Trying to find an isolated area to talk to him, Baekhyun came across Chanyeol in one of the courtyards alone with another figure. Curiosity killed the cat but that didn't stop Baekhyun from taking a peek. 

Chanyeol sat beside a younger boy, one that Baekhyun recognised. He'd seen the two together before. The younger boy was some sort of dancer and he couldn't help but admit to his handsomeness. Strangely, his heart twisted and caught his breath. Placing a hand on his painfully racing heart, Baekhyun whined quietly to himself, hoping that the two figures wouldn't notice him but the dancer did.

"Who are you?!" He screamed,  voice crackling at the end as Baekhyun realised he was crying, suddenly feeling guilty for taking a peek.

"S-sorry. I... I'll get going...aah." Baekhyun let out a cry as his heart ached again.

"Baek!" Chanyeol rushed to him, both hands on his shoulders as he pulled him to a seat. Baekhyun's shoulders burned with the feeling of Chanyeol's touch. What was happening to his body? 

First, it's jealousy. Sorry, I can't help it.  

"," Baekhyun swore as he began to try and steady his breath.

"A-are you okay? Baek?" Chanyeol soothingly his back, not realising how red Baekhyun was getting.

"Stop... St-stop calling me that..." He managed to say. Looking up, he noticed the dancer was before his eyes, trembling as his tears began to still to a stop.

"Y-Yeol, is he... is he going to die?" Baekhyun looked up at the strange boy and cocked his head to the side, trying to remember where his sense of deja vu was coming from.

"Kai! How could you say that!" Chanyeol growled, keeping a protective arm around Baekhyun. Baekhyun's heart rate suddenly switched, still racing but with a different sort of discomfort. 

"L-let go of me." His heart pained as it tried to reject Baekhyun's words, wanting more and more of Chanyeol's touch but, Baekhyun had to control himself, he knew it wasn't his feelings. 

...Secondly, your... "my" heart... it.... It's not completely stable yet... You shouldn't strain it. You don't want to waste it do you? Just deal with it for a little while longer. 

"S-Sorry Baek, I mean, Baekhyun, I just..." Chanyeol let go of Baekhyun, exactly as he wanted, however, he knew he couldn't bear with this aching heart any longer and if Chanyeol was the remedy, he just had to deal with it. Before Chanyeol moved away from arm's reach, Baekhyun quickly took hold of it.



"St-stay.." Chanyeol took a glance at Kai, receiving an a quick nod, he took his seat beside Baekhyun again. He didn't touch him but the feeling of Chanyeol's shoulder pressing against his own was enough for Baekhyun. While Baekhyun tried to calm down, his eyes droned over to Kai, who sat on the other side of Chanyeol, quiet, strangely not awkward at all.

"Who's... Who's that?" Baekhyun mustered.

"Oh that's..." Chanyeol looked at Kai for a while, asking for his permission. With a nod, it was given, "...Kai. Oh! His real name is Jongin. Kim Jongin. He's a dancer here so he likes to use a stage name."

"How are you two friends?" Baekhyun suddenly felt so tired once he relaxed, trying to keep up conversation to keep awake.

"I'm a big fan! Apparently, he's my fan too!"

"Why do you have fans...."

"I-I... uh..." 

"Chanyeol's a singer! He's a busker!! Famous for his guitar!" Kai suddenly chimed in enthusiastically. Baekhyun blinked, surprised at the fact.

"When did you start busking?" Baekhyun couldn't help it. He was suddenly curious.

Isn't Chanyeol fascinating? Isn't he perfect? You just can't help but be interested in him. The voice sighed.

"I don't know. I started a really long time ago, when I was in elementary school.... Actually it was when..." Suddenly Baekhyun remembered. He knew that Chanyeol busked. He saw it. It was only one time when it was raining. Baekhyun thought it was a dream but that was the same day that Chanyeol's grandfather died. He saw Chanyeol grab his guitar and begin to busk in the streets. The 11 year old boy was busking even though it was raining, even though his voice cracked and tears ran down his cheeks. It was a sight he couldn't forget. Baekhyun sat, struck, unknowing of what to say to stop Chanyeol. However, Chanyeol himself beat him to it, switching over to Kai. "Oh yeah, Kai, are you okay now?"

Wait... I know him... Baekhyun's thoughts switched a 180. 

"How?" He tried to whisper as quietly to himself as possible.

He... He used to visit the hospital. He used to dance for me.  Before Baekhyun could reply, Kai's words interrupted his thoughts.

"Y-yeah.. I ju-just couldn't help it. Sorry hyung, I can't forget him... ever. I loved Kyungsoo and seeing him... hearing about his death was just... just overwhelming." Kai's eyes swarm as he started to cry again. Before Chanyeol and Baekhyun could respond, the bell rang, signalling the end of lunch time.

"Baekhyun, are you okay? Would you be okay about going to class?" Chanyeol asked, helping Baekhyun stand up. 

"Yeah... I'm fine..." Baekhyun started walking away, thinking that the two would follow soonafter but found himself alone. "Aren't you guys going to class too?" 

"Mm, nah, we're skipping. See ya' Baek!" Before Baekhyun could yell at Chanyeol for calling him that, the two were already gone. The arm that was just around Baekhyun were now firmly onto Kai's, leaving Baekhyun with nothing else to say.


Why didn't you make a move? Chanyeol was right there! The voice suddenly erupted as Baekhyun was walking to class. 

"No I thought I told you. We. Hate. Each. Other."

Didn't seem like that to me. Just ask him out already! You guys seem to know each other well enough. Something in Baekhyun snapped, feeling a loss of privacy for his own memories.

"How dare you! Those are the only number one thing that belongs to me! How dare you take a look!" 

Well it isn't like you like him anyway! Why do you care! 

"What the hell is wrong with you? Get out of my mind!!" Baekhyun screamed. He was losing it. He couldn't handle such an incredulous person anymore. 

If you aren't going to do anything I guess I have to! Baekhyun was speechless. Who did this boy think he was? How did such an immature person ever convince Baekhyun to call him hyung? All of a sudden, Baekhyun came to a halt.

"Wait a minute.",

What? The voice huffed.

"What did you say your name was?" And once again, the voice went silent.








a/n: a sloppy chapter i know but i wanted to get a few things out haha and since i wrote this over a course of a week i really hope it makes sense and why is it that when you copy and paste words from other files onto here thE FONT GETS SO UGLY EW.

omg and btw it was so hard to decide on the name of this chapter since im trying to keep them accordingly to exo songs

i only decided on the star because kai and chanyeol are kinda like revealed to be famous (or would this count as infamous) lol anyway i hope you like it!!

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Pabo-sshi #1
Chapter 3: It is Kyungsoo, right? Urgh, I HATE chansoo. -.-
Pabo-sshi #2
Chapter 1: Wow! This was unexpected! But great chapter anyways.
Gonna read the next two chapters. ^^
Chapter 3: I wonder......fighting for next one!
Chapter 2: baekhyun.....aigoo~ fighting for next one!
Chapter 1: Wow. That u said! Unexpected. Well done for the first chapter. Fighting for next one!
Sammiwammi65 #6
Chapter 1: Whaaaaahhht.........? O.O
i want to see this story~~
please update soon author-nim ^^
AnggySam #8
Cant wait for the story~