Huang Forest

The Cursed Mansion

The sun a crimson red,the sky painted with it.Our group reached Huang Forest at quarter to 5. Everyone had brought small bags consisting of mainly water,snacks and an umbrella.I carried along a compass just incase we're in a situation where we'll need it if our phone batteries died out or the signal becomes weird.

Walking along a trail left by previous explorers,we took pictures of amazing sceneries and backgrounds,consisting of ,flowers,caves and rivers.

Baekhyun walked in front,all excited.Tao stuck close to me.Chanyeol dragged his feet along.Kris had his ears covered with his earpiece.Kai and D.O walked side by side in the center.Sehun,Luhan and Xiumin walked at the back.Chen and Lay walked a little bit of a distance away beside Baekhyun.

Baekhyun spun his head around and pointed a direction."Leadeeeer,lets go in that direction,10 o'clock from our position,It looks interesting!" He said it cutely and showed his puppy dog eyes aegyo.

Indeed,it looked very interesting how the trees and the surroundings looked like they were never touched or passed by by any living creature.

Kai rolled his eyes in annoyance."Leader this,leader that.Just call him hyung.You're so annoying" He clicked his tounge when he finshed.

Baekhyun pouted and made a face about to cry."Hey crybaby!You cry,You die!" Chen,out of nowhere,butted into the argument and that made Baekhyun really cry.

He ran away towards that direction and never turned back,as if something was pulling him that way."Now look what you've done...." Chanyeol sighed.Chen rolled his eyes.He couldn't care less.

Tao grabbed my sleeve "S-Suho..Hyung.. follow Baekhyun or he would..." Just as he was about to finish his sentence,we heard Baekyun screaming.

Panic took over us and i quickly told everyone to follow and stay behind me."Baekhyun!Where are you?!"

We searched the area but found no traces of him.The grass all looked untrampled.The wind blew the leaves and made an eerie sound.Tao clung onto me tightly.

"Baekhyun!Seriously where are you?"

Time went by like a thief in the night.We walked around in circles but never saw him.Our watches struck 7 .30 and we were already dead tired.

"Hmph,that crybaby mustve already been dead"

"Chen stop that!You're not helping the situation at all" Xiumin who had finished eating his mandoo,threw the wrapper of it at Chen.

"Graaaaagh.Lets just go home and leave him behind!He doesn't even want to come back to us so why should we care about him?!"

Kai agreed to Sehun's statement and nodded."Yeah,who cares about him?It's getting dark here and we wont be able to see well.Lets just go back before everything is painted black."

Xiumin clung onto me like a girl."Suho ya,,we haven't search that place yet,the one that looks like the mouth of a cave.Maybe he hid in there.Who knows?"

Oh thats right,we haven't search there yet.I wonder if he really did hid in there.I gave Xiumin a nod as a sign I understood his point and decided to check it out.

The cave is actually a lot further than where we were once standing.We stood outside its mouth and shouted for Baekhyun.I let out a sigh of relief when I heard him answering.He came out and clung onto me tightly,his face was covered with dirt and scratches.

"Oi,where the hell have you been?"

"Chen! Quit it! Graaaagh!" Chanyeol couldnt bear it any longer and grabbed him by his collar.

"The both of you.Shall we leave you behind?Oh,I cant wait to see you guys suffer!HaHaHa!" 

Thanks to Kai,their argument ceased.Sehun rolled his eyes in annoyance."Yeah yeah whatever,lets go back now.Its already 8pm.Its dark enough already."

We all nodded in agreement but the problem is,we didn't keep track on where we came from so we are practically lost right now.The only source of light we have is the moon since we didn't expect to go home this late.Oh brother,my phone died out few mins ago.most of them did'nt bring theirs along and only Kris,me and Baekhyun brought it.Thanks to Kris for playing music all journey long,his phone died out.Baekhyun lost his phone while he was running so we have no choice but to use the compass.I took it out  and lead the group.

"Suho hyung.You sure this is the right way?" I couldn't really answer Lay as I myself wasn't sure. "L-lets j-just trust our hyung..."

Tao looked me in the eye and I couldn't resist feeling responsible for their safety.We passed a few trees and chanced upon a really huge mansion.It looks old but it seems occupied so I gestured a lets-go-and-rest-there-and-ask-for-directions.

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T-araFans #1
Chapter 10: What happened???
Nice update...
Please update soon...
parvitasari #2
Chapter 10: Wah what happen to them?? Is Kris just like luhan? Please luhan save them, especially my healing unicorn.. Update soon.!!
parvitasari #3
Chapter 9: Ohhh poor lay.. Author nim how could you do that to lay.. I can't imagine..
parvitasari #4
Chapter 5: What is that?? It's getting scary..
parvitasari #5
Chapter 2: Why are they so selfish?? Poor baekhyun.. Exo we are one!! How can they ask to leave baekhyun behind?
Chapter 10: WAHHHHH! Cliffhanger! LOLOLOL! I shall wait patiently! :)
xiumin21 #7
Chapter 9: Luhan please hurry up and save Xiumin and Baekhyun... no i can't believe it, why did they hurt Xiumin. are these dolls trying to make him a doll too. why did they pluck his eyes out? please update soon, please... also how did Luhan became a wolf... is that what he really is when he was born or did he just get those abilities...
Chapter 9: I knew it that either luhan or kris would be the wolf XD those dolls are scary and creepy. ...update soon~
Chapter 9: Wait! Is the wolf one of the EXO boys?
T-araFans #10
Chapter 8: The wolf look like a cute...Hahaha for me...
Nice update...
Please update soon...