The Cursed Mansion


We entered the room and bid them goodnight.I climbed up the bed and grabbed ahold of a pillow,hugging it."Lu ge,come here and sit beside me." 

Luhan was viewing himself in front of the mirror when he heard me calling him.He smiled when he found a rubiks cube near it."Minseok-ah,look what I found!" He jumped onto the bed and showed it to me,his face close to mine.

"Good for you! How about you solve it now?" He nodded and moved his hands gracefully,solving it in a mere minute and gave it to me."Done.Now it's your turn! I'll mix it up again." I took the rubiks cube away and held both his hands together."No way,I can't solve it,you're a genius,i can only solve 1 side." I tried to convince him that i really don't want to do it but he kept insisting that he'll teach and won't quiet down until i said okay.

So i released his hands and reached for the cube,passing it over to him to let him mix it up."Done!now i'll teach you the first step.Here,hold it,i'll guide you along the way." I took it from him and listened very attentively. "Make a cross for 1 colour and the other four faces a straight two of the same color.Make sure the one with the same box as the cross is the same colour as the one in the center of each." I spaced out.I can't understand what he's talking about.

He looked at me and chuckled."Ah..you don't understand?Here let me show you how it's done." He went behind me and put his arms around my waist."Come closer,i can't reach." I felt embarrased but did what he told me to and he grabbed my fingers that were holding the cube.

"Here,move this and turn it right.Take the bottom one and turn it up.Now take the middle and turn it right.Can you see the cross and the lines now?" I felt his breath on my neck.I slightly went red and quickly shook my head to get rid of it. "Hmm?You don't understand?" This time,his head popped up beside me and i was startled."N-no i-i mean i understood." I averted his gaze and he looked slightly puzzled.

"Minseok-ah,are you sleepy?Do you want to go to bed now?" He removed his arms around me and got up. "Lets go and wash up first in the bathroom!" He grabbed my hand with his left and turned the door knob with his right.

"Uwaah...It's so spacious.There's a big bathtub over here.You wanna take a shower before you sleep?" I shook my head and pointed to the sink. "Okay~let's just wash our faces and go to bed".I washed my face first and went out.I opened the drawer near the mirror where he found the cube to grab a towel but when i did,i found no towels.Only dolls.Yes.10 of them.All were wearing different clothings.5 male and 5 female.I slammed the door shut and Luhan quickly got out of the bathroom.

"What's wrong? Minseok?" 
"Did you find a towel?"
"Nope.Are there any in the bathroom?"
"Yup,but there's only one.Lets share it"

I felt utter relieve when he said the word share.He wiped his face first and i held my hand to ask him for it.He did'nt give it to me.He stood in front of me and wiped my face gently."Let me take care of you,the oldest one." He said that jokingly and i immediately grabbed the towel from him. "Aww were you angry?" I used the towel to cover my face.I was'nt angry.I kind of liked it.

I stood in front of the mirror and examined my face.He suddenly hugged me from the back."Lets go to bed already~" okay okay i got it.I pulled him and pushed him onto the bed.I went up the other side and laid down. "Minseok-ah,what do you want to do early in the morning?" I took a few seconds before answering him."I dunno~Stroll around the forest area near the mansion?" 

He got up and pulled the blanket to cover me and then him.He placed his head near me and his face was so near that i could hear him breathing.He wished me goodnight and went to sleep.A few minutes passed by.I tossed around in bed.I was hungry and couldn't sleep so i woke him up."Lu ge,i'm hungry." His eyes were half opened and i felt bad for waking him.He rubbed his eyes and finally spoke."Ah....lets see...do you want to go to the kitchen?" I nodded and stood up.He followed me from behind and i turned the doorknob,got out and closed it after he got out.

"I wonder which rooms the kids are in?" I was curious too but then again,the corridor is long and they could be in any room so we just forget about the idea and went towards the stairs."Good thing our room is near to the staircase!" He grabbed ahold of my hand and rushed down the stairs."Slowdown lu ge,we could fall if we missed a step." He frowned and nodded an okay.There were no lights swithced on on the first floor,well except for the candles placed on top of a table near it.I took it and made it as our torchlight.

"Lu ge,we turn left right?At the intersection?"
"Yeap,lets go"

We reached the long table where we sat down earlier."Lu ge,do you want to eat too?" He shook his head sleepily. "Okay then wait for me here.I'll be back in a few minutes." I passed him the candles and entered the kitchen." Be quick Minseok!" I just replied him an okay and searched around the kitchen.I opened a few cupboards and found a loaf of bread.I took it out and opened the plastic covering it.I was'nt so sure if it's still edible as i can't see if its mouldy or not so i pinched some and tasted it.I then ate the rest up,too fast.I choked on it and quickly got to the sink and the tap.No water came out and i started to panic.I could'nt breath.A minute passed and i can't hold it anymore.I bent down on my knees.Just as my vision was about to turn from blurry to dark,i felt something grabbing my hair and shoulders.


Whats taking him so long? Its been almost 15 mins and he still has'nt come out."Minseok!Are you done?" I waited for awhile but heard no answer. "Minseok,don't fool around with me!"
Still,i heard no answer.I felt that something was wrong.

I grabbed the candle and went into the kitchen."Minseok,where are you?"
Strange,he's not in here.I went out the other side of the kitchen."Minseok ah!"
Silence answered me.I felt scared.

I decided to return back to our room and climbed the stairs near the kitchen and reached the third floor.Or was it? But then again,the stairs felt really short in distance and i realized i took the wrong one,the one Yunho said to reach to the second floor.

I turned back to face the stairs but i was blocked by something,something i couldn't believe my eyes.I wanted to scream but my voice couldn't come out.I felt a pain on my legs and saw 5 dolls near it.I got hit on the head with i don't even know what and i out.

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T-araFans #1
Chapter 10: What happened???
Nice update...
Please update soon...
parvitasari #2
Chapter 10: Wah what happen to them?? Is Kris just like luhan? Please luhan save them, especially my healing unicorn.. Update soon.!!
parvitasari #3
Chapter 9: Ohhh poor lay.. Author nim how could you do that to lay.. I can't imagine..
parvitasari #4
Chapter 5: What is that?? It's getting scary..
parvitasari #5
Chapter 2: Why are they so selfish?? Poor baekhyun.. Exo we are one!! How can they ask to leave baekhyun behind?
Chapter 10: WAHHHHH! Cliffhanger! LOLOLOL! I shall wait patiently! :)
xiumin21 #7
Chapter 9: Luhan please hurry up and save Xiumin and Baekhyun... no i can't believe it, why did they hurt Xiumin. are these dolls trying to make him a doll too. why did they pluck his eyes out? please update soon, please... also how did Luhan became a wolf... is that what he really is when he was born or did he just get those abilities...
Chapter 9: I knew it that either luhan or kris would be the wolf XD those dolls are scary and creepy. ...update soon~
Chapter 9: Wait! Is the wolf one of the EXO boys?
T-araFans #10
Chapter 8: The wolf look like a cute...Hahaha for me...
Nice update...
Please update soon...