The Cursed Mansion


Our room has a window whereby the previous room doesn't. Lucky. I could view the outside.The moonlight is beautiful.The stars are glittering up in the sky.The moon a full moon.

"Kris hyung,don't go anywhere without me okay?"

He held the back of my shirt and looked down at his feet.Is he scared of the forest? Or is he scared of the dark? The mansion? 

"What's wrong Tao?"
"I'm scared..."
"Scared of..?"
"Don't worry,ghosts won't appear as long as i'm here."
"O-okay..if you say so..."

He let go of his grip and looked straight at me.This kid's weird.Good at martial arts but afraid of ghosts? Hah this is funny.I sat on the bed and tapped at an empty spot,calling him.

He hurriedly came and sprawled on the bed. "Hey,you could put your martial arts to good use if the ghosts appear." i Smirked and he ducked his face into the pillow.

"Hmm?want me to tell you a ghost story?"
"Haha alright."

Maaan he's so cute.I felt like sleeping so i rested my head onto the pillow."Hyung are you going to sleep?But i'm not sleepy,don't sleep before me..." I turned my head and met his eyes."Alright alright hurry up and lie down already." 

I don't think he heard what i just said cos he's currently looking around the room and pointed at a door.

"Is that the bathroom?"
"Go check it out."
"Could you open it?"
"Open yourself."
"But there might be ghosts in there."

I'm starting to get annoyed by him.I unwillingly got up and turned the doorknob.Swinging the door open,i went inside."See?No ghosts."He came in hesitantly and slowly.He surveyed the bathroom and pointed at the bathtub.

"Hyung,i wanna take a bath."
"Take it then."
"Can you bath with me?"
"Then just stay in the bathroom?"

I rolled my eyes and pointed outside."I'll wait for you outside,be quick okay?" He looked scared but agreed. "Hyung,make sure you reply whenever i call out your name.." 
"I got it,go and bath now."

Where did his manly martial arts image go? I was wide awake due to all of that so i lay around on the bed,gazing at the ceiling."Hyung!Are you awake?" I sighed "Yes now hurry up." The sound of water filling the tub and Tao humming filled the bathroom.He said he's scared but could still be humming.How weird.

Looking around with nothing to do,i decided to visit Xiumin and Luhan's room.

I quietly turned the doorknob and closed the door.Standing in front of room 9977,i knocked on the door but only silence replied me.Are they asleep?I tried to turn the doorknob and found out It's unlocked.

I let myself in and discovered that both of them are'nt there.Where did they go?I found a rubiks cube thats not yet solved and figured Luhan would probably be solving it later.I sat on their bed,waiting for them to return.


I hummed happily,knowing Kris is still awake and waiting for me to finish.Having filled the tub,i submerged myself into the water,feeling its warmth throughout my whole body.

Half an hour might have passed as the water is losing its warmth.Kris wo'nt be asleep right?He promised to stay awake.I called out to him but he never replied."Hyung are you sleeping?! You better not!"

I quickly got up and stretched my arms.The sound of laughter rang into my ears.Fear took over me.The laughter is coming closer and closer but it suddenly stopped exactly when its right next to me.I didn't know what to do."Hyung!Help me!I'm scared!! But he never came.

A sudden sound of an electrical appliance being filled the room.I turned around and saw a doll,holding a hairdryer with its right hand.I froze and opened my mouth in horror.I couldn't move.

Laughing and smirking,the doll slowly walked towards me and threw the hairdyer into the water,causing a short circuit.I called out for Kris,hoping he would come in and help but he never did.The electricity was too great and i can't hold it anymore.

Just as i was about to black out,i heard the doll laughing happily,clapping its hands and looking straight at me.


30 mins passed but Xiumin and Luhan never returned.That's strange.Just where on earth did they went off to?I decided to return back to the room.Tao would be finished by now right?

Leaving room 9977,i entered my room and found that Tao still hasn't come out.Just what is he doing inside for so long.I felt bored and sat on the bed,gazing out the window when suddenly,something fell from above,falling with a loud thud.

I opened the window and looked down.For some weird reason,the clothes seem to look like Luhan's.The sound of a door creaking made me turn around."Tao is that y....."

To my horror,2 dolls were standing on the bed,holding an arrow,ready to release at any moment.Hah,the doll thinks it could kill me with it?I walked nearer to it but then realised i couldn't go further.

The sound of giggling could be heard  and i quickly jumped.Dolls were holding saws and arrows and kept attacking my legs.I tried to shake them off but to no avail.I couldn't react in time to dodge the doll on the bed who released the arrow and it hit my right eye,turning it bloody.I moved back slowly but never realised,the dolls had made me trip using a long wire and i fell out of the window,plunging three storeys down.Lying beside Luhan,i lost all energy to even move.

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T-araFans #1
Chapter 10: What happened???
Nice update...
Please update soon...
parvitasari #2
Chapter 10: Wah what happen to them?? Is Kris just like luhan? Please luhan save them, especially my healing unicorn.. Update soon.!!
parvitasari #3
Chapter 9: Ohhh poor lay.. Author nim how could you do that to lay.. I can't imagine..
parvitasari #4
Chapter 5: What is that?? It's getting scary..
parvitasari #5
Chapter 2: Why are they so selfish?? Poor baekhyun.. Exo we are one!! How can they ask to leave baekhyun behind?
Chapter 10: WAHHHHH! Cliffhanger! LOLOLOL! I shall wait patiently! :)
xiumin21 #7
Chapter 9: Luhan please hurry up and save Xiumin and Baekhyun... no i can't believe it, why did they hurt Xiumin. are these dolls trying to make him a doll too. why did they pluck his eyes out? please update soon, please... also how did Luhan became a wolf... is that what he really is when he was born or did he just get those abilities...
Chapter 9: I knew it that either luhan or kris would be the wolf XD those dolls are scary and creepy. ...update soon~
Chapter 9: Wait! Is the wolf one of the EXO boys?
T-araFans #10
Chapter 8: The wolf look like a cute...Hahaha for me...
Nice update...
Please update soon...