
The Cursed Mansion

"1 by 1,

They entered the house,

Never seeing,

The sun again,

Forgotten they are,

By the rest of the world,

Never knowing,

When they'll escape,

1 by 1,

They disappear and died,

Made into dolls,

With no escape,

Looking through the eyes,

Of a man made doll,

Deep in regret,

For sure they are."


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T-araFans #1
Chapter 10: What happened???
Nice update...
Please update soon...
parvitasari #2
Chapter 10: Wah what happen to them?? Is Kris just like luhan? Please luhan save them, especially my healing unicorn.. Update soon.!!
parvitasari #3
Chapter 9: Ohhh poor lay.. Author nim how could you do that to lay.. I can't imagine..
parvitasari #4
Chapter 5: What is that?? It's getting scary..
parvitasari #5
Chapter 2: Why are they so selfish?? Poor baekhyun.. Exo we are one!! How can they ask to leave baekhyun behind?
Chapter 10: WAHHHHH! Cliffhanger! LOLOLOL! I shall wait patiently! :)
xiumin21 #7
Chapter 9: Luhan please hurry up and save Xiumin and Baekhyun... no i can't believe it, why did they hurt Xiumin. are these dolls trying to make him a doll too. why did they pluck his eyes out? please update soon, please... also how did Luhan became a wolf... is that what he really is when he was born or did he just get those abilities...
Chapter 9: I knew it that either luhan or kris would be the wolf XD those dolls are scary and creepy. ...update soon~
Chapter 9: Wait! Is the wolf one of the EXO boys?
T-araFans #10
Chapter 8: The wolf look like a cute...Hahaha for me...
Nice update...
Please update soon...