[Mission 2]

The Secret Exo-stan Society
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When Death Rose Meets New People

The Secret Exostan Society


Place unknown, 3:00 A.M.


I sat there in my bed, fully awake. I made sure I didn’t make a sound. It was too early for me to be awake and if they knew I was, my parents would be suspicious. I was never the morning person. And even though I had tons of requirements to do and pass on the next day, I would never wake up early to finish them. No matter what the circumstance is.

They would ask me, yes, and whatever lie I could toss, they would know they weren’t real. My parents are friggin walking lie detectors. And well, I absolutely positively can’t tell the truth. How do you think would they react if I say, “Oh, this? It’s nothing. Just checking our secret website if there had been any update on the mission I issued. You see, I’m the leader of The Secret Exostan Society. It’s this top secret organization where we prevent sasaengs—crazy psychotic die-hard fans—do their bidding. Don’t worry! It’s not a mafia. Now go on and give me some privacy, will ya? Hahahahahahahaha~”

Oh, yes. It would turn out juuuuuuuust great. *insert sarcastic tone here*



You heard that right. I am the leader of The Secret Exostan Society.



Tapping on the keyboard, I typed in the password and activated the retina scanner. After confirming that I was indeed who I am, a faint robotic voice rang in my deadly silent room.


As soon as I was redirected to the homepage, a window popped up.


From: M

Ayo, Black! Death Rose successfully prevented the sasaeng attack.

See you tomorrow!


A smile crept on my lips and I began typing my reply.


To: Mirane

Very well. Good job.













I am Black Rabbit.





I stifled a yawn for the nth time already. And to think that classes haven’t even started yet. I propped an elbow on my desk, rested my chin on my hand, and absentmindedly stared outside the window.

There are ten or so minutes before the bell would ring and I watched students enter the school grounds. Some were clearly in a hurry (they were probably assigned something to do before the class starts), some were really laid back and were approaching the school in an agonizingly slow place (a-holes who don’t give a or two about school and education. They probably are full-pledged residents in this place called ‘detention’), and some were walking in an average pace, chatting with friends along the way (my type of people—the commoners, the average, the unfocused people who are just in the background of some ty sappy movie).

Forgive me for my language but I’m ing sleep deprived.

Yawning (again), I pressed my forehead on the cold wooden surface of my desk, desperately wanting the time to stop so I could, like, catch at least forty winks.

Just let me nap for a few seconds. (And I’m desperate enough to take it literally)


I heard someone laugh and I tiredly raised my head to see who it was. A straight-haired brunette greeted me as she sat down next to my place.

“Didn’t get much sleep, did you?”






No Sherlock.

But since she’s like one of the most angelic girls in this school (and my BEST FRIEND), I just stiffly nodded in return.

“Yeah,” I mumbled, letting my head fall back down on my table. “You could say that...”

“What, did you stay up late playing some online game? You couldn’t possibly miss a couple of hours of your precious sleep just to fulfill some school requirement didn’t you?” Hae Ra asked in a joking manner.

I just hummed in reply. It was not because I was too tired to answer back, or I was embarrassed to say the truth; it was because I was lying to her. I was lying to my best friend. Last night, I haven’t gotten any sleep not because I played some online game. Also not because there was a project I needed to work on. No, it was because I was out.

Out preventing Sasaengs do their bidd

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Chapter 3: The cover looks cute though. <3
dummy_account #2
anticipating this. ^^
SuRinA_88 #3
Author-nim!! Fighting!! Please update your story!! Kamsahamnida!! \(>_<)/~~~
ExOtIc43v4 #4
YAYY you upadated!!!
I love this fic already!!
Black Bunny is absolute!
and btw, are you sure this is your first?
it can't be!
I hope you don't mind me asking, but is your cousin a Kpop fan too?
Update soon~!
ExOtIc43v4 #6
This sounds amazing!
I'm anticipating the first chapter,
update soon authornim~!