
You're Mine (Sequel)

"Switching companies? As in be apart of the JYP family?" Sora asked. 
"I think you've got potential and when I saw you performing with BTS, I really thought you would be a good fit for our company. What do you say?" JYP asked 
"I don't know, can I have some time to think about this?" Sora asked. 
"Sure, just come by anytime. I have that contract ready for you." JYP said and walked with GOT7's manager. 
Sora was walking out. 
"Why don't you want to switch labels?" BamBam asekd and it stopped her from walking. 
She turned and walked up to him. 
"It's just, a certain reason." 
"You want to stay with Jungkook." Mark said straight-foward. 
"YAH, SHUT UP." She said and hit Mark. 
"Jungkook? As from BTS?" BamBam asked. 
"Yeah, him. I don't know, I mean JYP is also like my dream company I've always wanted to stay in. But I also like BigHit. I don't know, but I'll see you guys tomorrow." Sora said and walked out. 
As she was walking out the building, someone was running after her and calling her name. 
"SORA!" He said and caught up with her. 
"Oh, BamBam. What are you doing?" She asked. 
"Walking you home." He said, smiled and was walking right next to her. 
"Oh it's fine. I can walk home all by myself." 
"No really, just let me walk you home." 
"Ok..." Sora said and her sentence trailed off. 
"So, what high school do you go to?" BamBam asked. 
"Oh, well I never really took high school here, but I'm starting at Seoul Performing Arts High School." 
"I go to that school, I'm guessing we are going to see each other at school." 
"Yeah, I guess, haha.....How old are you?" Sora immediately asked. 
"How old do you think I am?" 
"I don't know, you look like a 13 year old." 
"What?! No, I am no where near that age." 
"Well, you just seem so cute and adorable that you look like that age." 
BamBam gave out a chuckle. 
"Guess again." 
"16?" Sora guessed. 
"Yes, thats right." 
"No way! You look like a little kid." Sora said and pinched his cheeks, while BamBam was whining. 
"Ahh, Yah! Don't do that!" BamBam was whining. 
Sora let go and laughed. They finally reached Jae Hyun's house. 
"So, I'll see you later BamBam?" Sora asked. 
"Definitely. I'll see you tomorrow at the shooting. Bye." BamBam said and walked back to JYP. 
Sora heard her phone get a text message and it was from Jungkook. 

Jungkook [11:09 P.M] : Are you all settled yet?
Sora [11:09 P.M] : Not even close, but you should still come over.
Jungkook [11:10 P.M] : Alright, I'm on my way.

Sora really wanted to talk to him about switching companies. She just wasn't sure if she wanted to leave BigHit for JYP, but at the sametime JYP has always been the company she wanted to be in. 


Sora was patiently waiting for Jungkook and when she heard the doorbell, she knew who it was, so she got up and opened the door. 
"Jungkook come on in." She told him. 
"So, how is it so far?" Jungkook asked her. 
"Um, well I met GOT7." 
"That's cool. The group that Mark is in, right?" 
"Yeah, and then JYP himself came up to me, and they offered..." Sora cut off her sentence. 
"They offered?" Jungkook asked.
"They offered me to join their company instead." 
"What? So are you leaving BigHit?" 
"I really don't know. What do you think I should do?" 
"Well, I think you should go. I mean you've always dreamed of being in JYP." 
"But at the same time, I don't want to leave. It's just really complicated."
"Isn't it nice to take opportunites? You should just take it." 
"You really think I should?" 
"Yes. I'm ok with it." Jungkook said and smiled at her. 
"At least you didn't disapprove of it and helped me. Thanks. I will really miss BigHit though." 
Jungkook and Sora stood there for a little while and then she noticed the time. 
"Yah! Go home! It's almost midnight and you need to prepare for your comeback!" She said and pushed Jungkook out the house. 
"Well, I guess this is goodbye BigHit." Sora said to herself.. 



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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 33: Both epilogues soo cute and sweet*.* CANT TAKE ALL THESE FLUFFS:)))))))
sweetypiee #2
Chapter 33: Yasss
Chapter 27: Oh snap plot twist
HeXm1_Park #5
Chapter 30: I honestly still go for jungkook lol
Chapter 29: AUTHORNIM I AM STILL WAITING FOR BAMBAM TO END UP WITH SOMEONE :c but i'll do it patiently because im awesome *coughs* lol whut. update soon omg getting better :>
Chapter 28: WHY WHY WHY LOOK WHAT WE HAVE HERE A PROMISE. BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM THUMBS UP FOR YOU AND SORA......hi #wheresJungkook #imisshim #youre screwedifkookiefindsout #imtellinghim ;)