
You're Mine (Sequel)

"I'm moving back to America?! Why?!" Sora yelled at her mom. 
"Because you promised you'd be out her pursuing your career. But I didn't see you debut yet and you are in a relationship already? You're too young for all of this." 
"But you promised I could be in Korea permanently." 
"Only because we thought you were going to be focused on your career, but you're too busy slacking off with your relationship with Jungkook." 
"Dad. Please stop packing! I'm not moving back. I love it here. I'm being an actress now. I may have messed up as a singer and dancer, but I can pursue my career to be an actress. Just please, let me stay." 


Jungkook wanted to make things right with BamBam before the school year ended, so he went to got8's dorm to talk to BamBam and see if they could be cool. He knocked on the door and he saw JB opened it. 

"Oh hey Jungkook. What are you doing here?" JB asked him. 
"Is BamBam there? I kind of want to talk to him." 
"Yeah he is. I'll go get him." JB said and ran to go get BamBam. 

Jungkook waited a minute and then BamBam came out. 

"What's up Jungkook?" He asked him. 
"So since you're Sora's best friend, and I'm her boyfriend, and I didn't usually get a long with you, I just want to know if were cool? Like can we start over? I mean were going to be in the same senior class next year, so I at least want to start our senior year off right." He asked.
"Yeah were cool." BamBam told him. 
"No hard feelings right?" Jungkook asked. 
"Not at all. Don't worry. I'm happy Sora is with someone that will make her happy." 
"That's very cool of you. I'll be going now, but thanks for not having any hard feelings." 
"No problem." BamBam said and they waved goodbye to each other and went their separate ways. 

BamBam went back to his room and saw many missed called from Sora. He called her back immediately, and she answered. 

"BamBam?" She sounded like she was crying. 
"Sora. What's wrong?" He asked her right away. 
"Can you please come over? And when you come in, just go straight upstairs. Don't even talk to my parents or say a word. Just go straight to me room." She said and then hung up. 

BamBam put a sweater on, and ran to her house immediately. 


He knocked on the door and then her parents opened it. He didn't even greet them as just went straight in and upstairs, to where Sora's door was shut. He opened it and saw Sora crawled up into a ball and crying her eyes out. BamBam came in and locked the door behind him. He sat next to her. 

"What's wrong?" 
"My parents are forcing me to move back to America." 
"What?! Why?!" 
"Because they think I only came here for a relationship instead of a career. They even told me I could stay here permanently before. I don't know what makes them think not being an actress is not a career." 
"Did you try explaining to them?" 
"Yes but they won't listen BamBam.
They won't listen, and I sound like a baby right now, but I just don't want to go back there! It doesn't feel like I belong there, and when I'm in Korea I just feel better with the people I am around." 

BamBam just hugged her to comfort her. All her tears went on his jacket but BamBam couldn't care any less. 

"If you want, I'll try and convince them." 
"I want to see you try. My parents are really stubborn and can't listen." 

BamBam got up and then told her to wait a minute. Sora was waiting for him to come back with news, but instead he came back with her parents.

"Fine you really want to stay Sora?  You can stay and mess up your life. But I'll tell you this. If I see anymore relationship news between you and Jungkook. You're moving back the minute I see it." 
"Well what am I supposed to do Mom? It's the press." 
"And there won't be any news because you know why? You're breaking up with him." 
"That's right, Sora. You really want to stay that bad? You have to break up with Jungkook and focus on your acting career." 
"Mom, you don't understand-" 
"I understand completely. You can't have a relationship distracting you from your career, Sora. So if you want to stay, you have to break up with Jungkook. And if you lie to me, I will find out." 
"That's a deal Sora." 
"I'm not breaking up with him. I have a promise for you. If my acting career doesn't get successful by the time it's the end of my 10th grade year, I'll come back to America and I won't be with Jungkook anymore. I'll do the rest of my studying in America." 
"Sora-" BamBam whispered to her. 
"That's a promise. There won't be any relationship business. I'll just be studying to be something academic. Like you guys originally wanted me to." 

Her mom and dad looked at each other and talked to each other about it for a little bit. 

"Fine Sora. That's a promise. But if you aren't successful, and all I see is relationship news from you, you're definitely coming back after the end of 10th grade." 
"I promise mom and dad. I promise." 
"Ok then. I better see you in big movies or at least a tv show. We will be in Korea for a few more days, so we can make you move back in those few days." 
"Believe me mom. I'll try. I promise." 
"Ok then. I guess this is it then. We will see you later." Her mom said and exited with her dad.

"Are you serious Sora?" BamBam asked. 
"A promise is a promise." Sora told him. 
"You're going to tell Jungkook right?" BamBam asked. 
"No. I don't want him to have the thought that I'm leaving. It's best if he doesn't know. So please. Don't say anything." 

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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 33: Both epilogues soo cute and sweet*.* CANT TAKE ALL THESE FLUFFS:)))))))
sweetypiee #2
Chapter 33: Yasss
Chapter 27: Oh snap plot twist
HeXm1_Park #5
Chapter 30: I honestly still go for jungkook lol
Chapter 29: AUTHORNIM I AM STILL WAITING FOR BAMBAM TO END UP WITH SOMEONE :c but i'll do it patiently because im awesome *coughs* lol whut. update soon omg getting better :>
Chapter 28: WHY WHY WHY LOOK WHAT WE HAVE HERE A PROMISE. BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM THUMBS UP FOR YOU AND SORA......hi #wheresJungkook #imisshim #youre screwedifkookiefindsout #imtellinghim ;)