A Whole New Game

You're Mine (Sequel)

Sora was at her locker with BamBam talking about her huge debut.
"So when did they say you were going to debut?" BamBam asked her.
"Well it's not too long from now. I just-" she got interrupted by Jungkook who showed up right behind BamBam.
"Jungkook." She said quietly, but then BamBam turned around and saw a tall boy standing right behind him.
"Go away BamBam. I need to talk to Sora for a little bit." Jungkook said rudely.
"Whatever Jungkook. I'll see you later Sora." BamBam said and walked away.
Sora was about to walk away too but Jungkook yanked her back.
"I didn't tell you to go away."
"Well I want to." Sora said as she was trying to walk away again but Jungkook pulled her back again, and this time Sora kind of screamed from the way he was pulling her.
"Well I need to talk to you."
"There's nothing to talk about. You changed and-"
"I heard you really don't like BamBam." He interrupted her sentence.
"So why do you care?"
"Because why don't you try and give us a chance?" Jungkook said and held her hand.

Sora's cheeks went slightly red. Jungkook wasn't really the informative type to do this. She just couldn't believe that Jungkook was doing this. He was actually changing his game for trying to get her, but Sora snapped out of it.

"Um, I don't know."
"How about we hang out later, just the two of us. And only the two of us. Because I want to take you out on a date." Jungkook was just not even asking her, but demanding it.

First asking about giving both of them a chance, then actually having the guts to ask her if they could go out on a date.

"But didn't you say that you hated me?"
"Only when you are around BamBam."
"Oh, so you only hate me when I'm around him?"
"Yup." Jungkook popped the P in his sentence and was being so straight-forward.
"Well I can't hang out with you today. I was going to meet up with Got7 today and their little girl friend that's apart of their group now."
"Alright, whatever. But can you still give us a chance?"
"I really just don't have time for relationships. It's not on my schedule or anything."
"Alright then." Jungkook said and took off the bracelet on his hand and grabbed Sora's wrist and put it on.

It was a clip on bracelet. The whole bracelet was white, while his name was engraved in black, in stitching too.

"Look this is the last thing my grandfather gave me before he died. It's really important to me, and since you are important to me, I want you to keep it. Think of me when you look at it."

Sora didn't know what to say. She just really liked the bracelet and saw the value it was worth to Jungkook

"Oh, um thanks. I got to go now."
"Alright." Jungkook said and gave her a kiss on the forehead and left.

That really shocked Sora because Jungkook was never the type to do that. He really changed his whole attitude to her. He's a harsh and rude person when she's around BamBam but a very sweet and charming boy when alone with her. Now he's over here trying to win her heart with kisses and charms like what he did with his bracelet. Sora couldn't believe what was going on with him.


Sora and BamBam were at the bubble tea shop before he introduces her the new addition to got7. She told him everything that happened between her and Jungkook.

"Wow, he seems fake." BamBam said.
"I don't know. Something about his new attitude... It just... I don't know."
"Is it a big difference than before?"
"A really big one. At the same time different is kind of good."
"I don't know. Something about his new attitude doesn't seem right."

Sora saw Jungkook coming into the store, so she grabbed a menu and put it to where she can cover her face.

"What are you doing?" BamBam asked.
"I kind of told Jungkook that we were hanging out with Got7."
"So? He knows we're best friends, and best friends can't hang out?"
"Well it kind of looks like a date."
"Well it's not. I don't think there's anything you have to worry about."

A waiter came with a plate that had a crepe on it.

"Um we didn't order this." Sora said.
"Oh no the lovely boy over there ordered this for you." She said and smiled and put the plate down.

It had strawberries and hazelnut chocolate spread that Sora like from back in America. It had also white powdered sugar and chocolate syrup on the top. The chocolate syrup spelled out "I love you Sora." With a little heart on the side of her name. She looked at Jungkook who was standing waiting for her to look over there, and he waved. Sora waved back happily.

"I'm guessing Jungkook ordered this for you."
"Yeah, he knew my favorite too."
"Well hurry up. We need to meet up with them soon."
"But it's good. Here try some." Sora said and fed BamBam.
"Wow, I really like that chocolate hazelnut spread."
"Yeah I didn't even know they sell this here. In America we call that hazelnut chocolate spread, Nutella. It's like heaven. I really want some."
"I kind of do too now."
"You can have some of this if you want." Sora said.
BamBam picked up his fork and was starting to help Sora finish her food.

Jungkook didn't like the way she let him eat the food he ONLY bought for her to eat, so he just left the shop. By the time they were done eating, their stomachs were filled.

"That was so good." Sora said.
"Yeah but we should definitely get going." BamBam said and lead the both of them out of the shop.

Sora couldn't stop thinking about how much Jungkook changed. She really liked this new Jungkook but at the same time she didn't like his attitude to her when she was with BamBam. If only she could have a chance for the both of them to get along, she would do that. Both of them are very important to her.


Authors Note: 

Hey guys! So like I'm sorry I took too long to update, school has been killing me! I might not even update for awhile again because I have portfolios to worry about KJAFHKLHFDSLKGBKL I HAVE TO PRESENT IN FRONT OF THE CLASS! 

But let me get to the point of this Author's Note....

If you want to see their hangout or know who they are trying to meet the "new addition" to Got7, this story is officially linked to my other Got7 story. Go check out the chapter here:  http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/700772/8/got8-you-imjaebum-parkjinyoungjr-got7-jbgot7-jrgot7

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 33: Both epilogues soo cute and sweet*.* CANT TAKE ALL THESE FLUFFS:)))))))
sweetypiee #2
Chapter 33: Yasss
Chapter 27: Oh snap plot twist
HeXm1_Park #5
Chapter 30: I honestly still go for jungkook lol
Chapter 29: AUTHORNIM I AM STILL WAITING FOR BAMBAM TO END UP WITH SOMEONE :c but i'll do it patiently because im awesome *coughs* lol whut. update soon omg getting better :>
Chapter 28: WHY WHY WHY LOOK WHAT WE HAVE HERE A PROMISE. BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM THUMBS UP FOR YOU AND SORA......hi #wheresJungkook #imisshim #youre screwedifkookiefindsout #imtellinghim ;)