Dis Not A Chapter!


I am writing dis because of reasons 

Spirit Academy:

A place where you and lots of people of all ages train and learn to be a fighter, It is also where you grew up since you were 13, because right now you like 21? So you've been in the academy for 8 years. The starters are called Ghostys, If you been in the academy for three years then you are a spirit and that is when you graduate and become a soldier at the Spirit Clan, but since you've been in the academy for 8 years you became a Soul, when your a soul, you normally become a teacher, commander and a captain, but you left.

Spirit Clan:

A clan that protects any thing and any body except its enemies, the clan contains 8 top members that are called The Souls, you're part of it, the seven other souls are also the teachers of the Spirit academy, and like your brothers and sisters, because they raised you. The spirit clan also has it's own base that only souls and spirits know, nobody is allowed to enter except the souls and spirits. They also are very powerful so if you get beaten by them you die, none of them is afraid of death, because they bring death to thier enemies and people that do bad stuff.

The Kronas:

the kronas are an assanation clan and are enemies of The spirit clan, because they had a very colorful past. The kronas contain three leaders, there a family by the way, a father, a mother and a daughter. The Kronas can kill anybody anytime, they kill for no reason to. You hate the Kronas because they killed your brother.

I'm pretty sure you guys know who Big Bang is.

there is more that is coming.

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