
Your point of view

god... Why does life ing !? first, I get scolded from the boss of mine just for not giving her DONUTS! What the hell. Second I lost my favourite Jacket. Third I get dragged by my so called friends to a ing pointless club that smelt like alcohol and with blasting music ( I don't mind that though) and lastly they freakin abonden me!

I just wanna go home and read some magna or play video games, But noooooo I'm sitting on a bar stool trying to not hurt this people who are grinding or making out with each other.

I felt a tug on my shoulder and turned to look at a very and I mean very drunk girl with an equally drunk guy " [Y/N]! Let Hab a Tweesom!!!~ " The very drunk girl said to me while slurring her words, why do drunk people do that?. Then the equally drunk guy wrapped one arm around the very drunk girl and ALSO slurred " yeah~~~ let's have some fun!~" atleast his prounouncing was ok. I'm pretty sure the very drunk girl said something like ' let have three some '.

I stood up from the stool I was sitting on and said to the very drunk girl and the equally drunk guy " Sorry, You guys find someone else or have a twosome." I wonder if there actually do what I said. The drunk couple went around asking random drunk people if they want to have a or something. Wow. They actually did it, I would've film them but I just wanna get out of here.

And I magicly got out of that ing drunk house without bieng stomped on. I must be the safest girl alive! Not. Anyway, I'm walking to somewhere because my car was at my apartment because my so called friends just threw me in thier car, literally, they grabbed each of my arm and threw me in the back seat like a bag. it hurt, it may be funny for them but I was pretty sure I broke a bone for that, yeah, breaking a bone from bieng thrown on a soft leather red seat. I couldn't help it, my body was weak even if I can beat people up in one second and abnormally heal in one minute. My body was weak.




crossing a road now...

getting hit by a car now...

hearing screaming sounds right now...

blackness taking over me now....



10 seconds later...



waking up now...

five boys staring at me now...

one of them freaking out now...

Alright... This is uncomftroble, let me get up from the floor first. Now that feels comftroble. I looked at the five boys, they sorta look familiar... Right! Kpop, Idol group, Big Bang, I got hit by car from Big Bang. That . I think.

" Hi" I awkwardly said to Big Bang... There is a lot of dots in the story. They still starring at me like I'm a little nine year old girl and pregnant, that be impossible! Or is it? " Uh... Hi... Um... Sorry for hitting you with my car..." Yep! Totally a lot of dots in this story. I think it was...uh.. that sounds wrong... Drigon... G-Dragon!!! Yeah it's G-Dragon who hit me with a car!


That's not aomething to be proud of...

" It's okay, it's not like I died or anything." It was true. I just woke up ten seconds ago. Then another guy talked, he had short black hair " oh a okay... Um do you need any help?" What the hell do I need with kid? " what do I need help with?" I took out The Hell from my thoughts, because I think he is the maknae in Big Bang, while the others were snickering, I started walking away, " Wait! Where you going!" jiyong asked me I remember his game but I can't remember the others " I'm walking to the sidewalk so I don't get hit by another car"

the others were laughing this time. I was laughing to.

" Well, do you want us to drop you off?" Jiyong said to me, that's actually a good idea, but they could be busy " You guys busy?" I get shakes and no's, that's okay but where am I gonna sit, like the blue haired on heard my thoughts " There is a an extra seat in the front" ok..." Sure".

here I am sitting in the back seat ( I chose the back bcause the front will make me squished) instead Tae-something gor the front along with blondie and Jiyong, still can't get thier names right.

Oh did I mention we were talking on the way to my apartment? Well we were having fun. I guess that didn't . Until my phone started singing its ring tone which was man man hani from UKiss. I asked if it was alright, they said yes.


" [Y/N], how are ya!"

" Min Jee,if you called me for no reason, then I'm hanging up"

" No! Wait! I need you to do my exams!"

" Yah, your a college student, you want to become a doctor, your asking me to do your exams, what are you doing right now? Getting ed by your boyfriend?" I let my tong slip there.

" What! No! I'm in xxxxx xxxx ( the same place were you use to be)" seriusly?

" And that would lead you to bieng drunk and asking strangers for a , like Ami and Zac" the car was very quit.

" Wait, how'ed you know Ami and Zac were asking people for a ?"

" I was thier first victim." That part was true.

" You told them didn't you."

" Don't change the subject and yes I did tell them."

" Why wou-"

"yah! No changing the subject and you are doing your exams, not me, now bye bye"



I looked at Big Bang who was listening to every word I said " sorry for my language, oh we're here, you got an AWSOME memory, jiyong." He said THANKYOU I got out the car and said good bye to the five people.

I wonder if will meet again, that would be impossible.

but then again, everything is impossible.

maybe it didn't it was fun. Talking to them, even though they didn't know my name, or maybe they know from Min Jee.


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