

The clock is ticking away. Time is passing by. Soon I'll be gone.

He came to the hospital with his parents. Mrs Kim was in tears and Mr Kim was comforting her. Jongin just looked at me, fighting back his tears. I know he wants to cry but he don't want to show it to his parents. He didn't want to cry in front of me. He likes to act tough. He thinks he can handle everything by himself. But Jongin is fragile. From what i see now, after i got to know him, he is weak. I want to be there for him.

He went with his parents after an hour stay in the hospital. He went back to his room and i followed him. I'm going to treasure all the time left with him, even if he can't see me or hear me. At least I will leave happily and he won't be too sad. He sat at the sofa and took out his diary. I stood behind him to see.

The first quarter of the diary was filled with his feelings when Michelle left. There was a picture of them together in between the pages. Then subsequently he wrote about me. Wrote about how he felt, how confused he was facing me. There were even sketches of me, when i was sleeping. So he has been watching me. There were more things i didn't know he did which was written. He said he likes to wait for me to be asleep and for my blanket to fall off so he can walk over to pull it back and tug me in nicely. He said he likes to push me to the middle of the bed and i won't notice it because i'm dead asleep and he was afraid i would fall off the bed. He said he likes to sit outside of the washroom in our room when i was showering to hear me hum or sing. I imagined that and i smiled. I didn't know he did all these. It was just like what i do.

I would wake up routinely to go to the washroom and i would walk over to him to pull his blanket over him. I would watch him work sometimes and sketch out his serious and focused face.

Tears rolled down his cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Mi...I missed you so much...I want you to be back here..." he said to himself as he broke down. I couldn't help myself but to cry as well. I went beside him to hug him.

"It's ok Jongin..I miss you too...I love you Jongin....Stop crying... Stay strong..." I said. I know he can't hear but these are words that i want to tell him.

Kai's POV:

I went to visit her again with my parents. There was no improvements, she was still lying there and she was getting weaker. My omma was crying and i was trying hard not to let my tears fall. I don't want to cry in front of them and her. I want to be optimistic like her. But my heart ached so much when i see her and was reminded that she is going to go soon.

Then we went back home. I walked into our room. I remembered when it was total silence when the both of us were in there. We never talked unless i'm the one who asked her something. And her reply will always be short. I seldom hear her voice and i miss it badly.

I opened up mu diary to read. There was Michelle at the beginning then Miyeon started appearing. That's when i realise I love her and that she has took over my heart. She was part of my life. I read about how i felt towards her. This was something she didn't know. I did many things without her knowledge for her. I didn't want her to know. But now i hope she knows. I want her to know that i cared for her and i love her. I don't want her to leave in loneliness. She has someone who will always remember her.

I know she secretly does things for me too, after reading her diary. It's sweet to think of that. But i miss her so badly now. Right now, i needed her. Unknowingly, i started to tear up.

"I'm so sorry Mi...I missed you so much...I want you to be back here...." i said to myself. I felt her presence then. Was she here? Did she hear me? I really hope she does. Come back to me Mi...Come back.. I love you...



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Chapter 17: New reader here and wow this story brought me to tears istg ;_; nevertheless, the ending is a tad bit enpredictable but the whole story makes up for it!! Good job, author-nim! >< looking forward to your future stories :3
Chapter 17: Was beautiful!!!!
cheekylittlechubba #3
Chapter 17: WOW!

Kai is so harsh! But nevertheless, the story is beautiful ^^

Great job authornim :D
rudelysweetk21 #4
Chapter 16: Nice story :) enjoyed reading but yes the end
Was so short.I was hoping for longer and emotional one..since
It's a happy end..which I wasn't expecting but glad it was happy end :))
Chapter 16: Omg this story is make my tears dropped. I can't imagine if this happen to me. DAEBAKKK authornim, keep writting !!!
byunchanlover0730 #6
Chapter 5: I dont understand this story.. Jeongmal mianhae author-nim. :(
Wooow, i love this story so much! Keep writing author! i'll wait the next story^^
NurHidayahZaini #8
Chapter 16: omg thiss isss the beat story eveeeer !! im glad she didnt died yeheyyyy
Chapter 16: Congrats authornim! U're success on making me crying!!!!! This is wonderful story ever!!!! If I can up vote fot 100times I'll do it!!! Just keep on writing authornim!!!! And I want a a sequel plsssss ♥♥♥