Where We Learn Deer Are Quite Cooperative

Little Deer

The boy didn’t seem too worried after all when they entered Sehun’s apartment simply put because he was touching everything. And I mean everything, lamp shades, pictures, the carpet, shoes, the windows, and Sehun’s precious China…“Oh, NO, NO, NO!” Sehun screamed rushing over to his precious plates “Don’t touch….Anything!” Sehun shook his finger at the boy. “Just...” Sehun rubbed his temples “Lay down on the couch, I’m going to go shower” Sehun sighed and walked to the bathroom slamming the door closed behind him.

The deer boy laid there on the couch peacefully playing with the blanket, he laughed to himself and wiggled his toes as they stuck out. Sehun walked out from the bathroom ruffling his hair with a towel, he turned to the boy whom was playing with the blanket and chuckled. Sehun stood there watching as the deer boy was poking his head in and out from the blanket and laughing at his toes. “Sehunnnie~” the boy purred and ran up to Sehun, engulfing him in his arms. Sehun laughed through his clenched teeth “Haha, hi” Sehun nudged the boys head away “You smell” Sehun smiled trying to be as kind about the boys stench as possible. The boy reeked of musk, feces, and of B.O. The boy frowned and smiled himself “me smell nothing” he shrugged

Oh god here we go…Sehun thought to himself “he’s going to be a defiant little prick isn’t he”

Sehun sighed and ruffled up his hair “You reek! Like wet dog” the boy cocked his head “Well deer” Sehun corrected himself

“NO!” The boy shouted “Lu no bath”

“Yes! And that’s FINAL” Sehun had never raised his tone at someone that loudly before, but if this deer boy was going to live with him, that meant bathing every other day. Well at least for the deer boy, but never mind that. Sehun stood there with hands on his hips as the boy looked at him with those pleading auburn eyes. Sehun stomped into the bathroom and began running the water as the boy shouted from the living room “LU NO BATH!” He whined.

Now Sehun was patient and warm hearted but he was just about ready to put an arrow between this boy’s eyes. Sehun bit his bottom lip in frustration as the deer boy stomped around the apartment and screamed incoherently. Now Sehun had a pretty bad day to begin with, and at the moment he sure as hell didn’t need this. And he sure as hell didn’t want the neighbors pounding on the other side of the wall telling him to “Shut the eff up” either. He turned off the water and ran at the boy, he held the boy by his chin and looked him dead straight in the eyes “If you don’t shut the hell up, I’m going to dunk your little head under the water”

Now Sehun wasn’t the violent type either, he didn’t want to hurt the boy just as much as the boy didn’t want to bathe. Sehun relentlessly dragged the boy into the bathroom and stood there, hands on his hips and looking the deer boy dead in the eye. The boy pouted and slowly stripped of his clothes until he stood in front of Sehun. Sehun gulped at the size of the boys , “Alright now” Sehun stared at the boy’s anatomy “In the water now” The boy dipped his foot in the water and stepped back “Clean, Lu is clean” He smiled. Sehun laughed and shook his head biting his lip “Nope” Sehun shoved the boy down into the tub.

The boy groaned as he became immersed in the hot water. Sehun clapped ‘Isn’t this fun!?” He laughed looking at the boy. The boy turned to Sehun and pouted “Luhan no like! Luhan smell like a girl” Luhan crossed his arms and let Sehun scrub his back. “So you’re name is Luhan?” Sehun asked going over the boy’s shoulders. The boy nodded “Lu like deer” he laughed and turned around, facing Sehun. The boy plopped a mound of bubbles on top of Sehun’s head and laughed as Sehun frowned “Thanks” Sehun chuckled as Luhan kept applying bubbles to Sehun’s face and hair.

“Other arm” Sehun instructed. Luhan followed and winced as Sehun went over his shoulder; Sehun removed the scrub from Luhan’s arm and grimaced. There was a giant scar on the boys shoulder “Meany hunter hit Luhan with rifle” Luhan looked at Sehun “Sehunnie?” Luhan looked at Sehun whom was looking quite pale. “OH sorry um, let’s just get you some new clothes ok? Stay here, I’m going to grab some sweats and a nice tee okay?” Sehun raised his brow in question “Ya” Luhan smiled. Sehun smiled and pat the boys arm “Good, I’ll be right back”

Sehun walked out the bathroom and looked back one time to see Luhan playing with the bubbles. Sehun shook his head and closed the door behind him, he was laughing to himself as he began choosing Luhan’s attire. Having a deer boy hybrid live with Sehun wasn’t on his bucket list for 2014, but it wasn’t so bad. I mean if Luhan was this cooperative with things then sure! Sehun will keep him no matter how stubborn he can be. Sehun walked back to the bathroom to find a perfectly dried off Luhan, towel wrapped around his waist, and the tub drained. Luhan gave Sehun a nervous smile “tah dah? Did Luhan do well?” He cocked his head. “Ya, very” Sehun smiled “Change then we’ll eat ok?” Luhan nodded and smiled warmly.

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chapter 11 will be very angsty


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41 streak #1
Chapter 11: Wait! What? Is it the end? Or Is there the sequel for this? Plz tell me there is because you can't just end it like that T_T
41 streak #2
Chapter 9: Omg!!!!! Why so cute Luhan! !! Agdgdgavtzvjzybzrg I'm dying!!!!!!!
41 streak #3
Chapter 6: People are so mean to Lulu, cute and innocent Lulu, poor Lulu but I'm glad that Sehunnie 's there for him.
the-orphan #4
Chapter 10: This was so freaking cute!!!
and so weird!!!!
but yes HunHan deer love
CandyJar #5
Chapter 1: Spent hours to read it .. Love it =]
yeoluhan25 #6
Chapter 10: so cute Lulu deer <3 and what a nice lover Thehunnie <3 fluffy xD
XxExoticBabyAngelxX #7
Cute story ~Lu Han so cute~
afiercesong #8
This is nice. I like it!
Wafflez #9
Chapter 5: Aww layhan~ Hwaiting!

Update soon <3
Wafflez #10
Chapter 4: Flappy Satan lol xDD