The Truth Game.

You Ruined Your Chance

"What are you guys doing here?" Jonghyun asked all of a sudden in a cold voice.


"Oh uh, we were practicing our song Neverland and Stephanie walked by and like yeah..."SooHyun tried to explain.

"Whatever." Jonghyun walked out of the dorm.

"Anyways... Stephanie, wanna help me cook dinner?" Key tried to break the awkwardness.

"Sure..." Stephanie and Key walked into the kitchen while everyone else went into the living room to watch the football game.

Few Minutes Later...

"DINNER! EVERYONE COME EAT!" Key yelled which made Stephanie sorta jump.

"TOUCHDOWNNN!!" Everyone yelled.

"Yah! GO EAT!" Key shouted as he turned off the TV.

Another Few Minute Later...

"Yum! The food was so good!" Eli said while patting his tummy.

"Glad you liked it." Stephanie said while washing the dishes.

"LETS WATCH A MOVIE!" Taemin suddenly yelled out.

"Which one?" Minho asked.

"I KNOW! Lets watch Paronormal Activity !" Taemin said looking for the DVD.

"Nooo!" Key and Stephanie yelled out.

"Too late!" Taemin said as he poped in the DVD.

Kevin, Stephanie, Taemin, Key, and Onew were on the couch while everyone else was on the floor. As soon as the movie started, Jonghyun walked in.

"Hyung! Wanna watch Paronormal Activity with us?"

"I guess..." Jonghyun sat down next to Minho.

While watching the movie, Stephanie would get scared and hug Kevin, he would put his arm around her to help her feel safe. Jonghyun would look at Stephanie from time to time and everytime he looked, he would see Kevin's arm around her. Everytime Key got scared, he would squeeze Onew's arm and Onew would let out a scream making Stephanie more scared. When the movie was over, everyone was relieved.

"Let's watch another one!" Dongho suggested.

"We can't, it's already 11:40 and the neighbors are sleeping, don't you guys have schedules tomorrow?" Minho asked.

"Nope. Umm, lets play the truth game!" AJ said.

"What's the truth game?" Stephanie asked. 

"The truth game is when someone asks another person something and that person has to answer truthfully. No lies. And everything that you hear, stays here." AJ explained.


Everyone sat in a circle in the living room floor.

"I'll start!" Taemin said.

"Kiseop hyung! What is more difficult for you? Looking into someone's eyes when you are telling someone how you feel, or looking into someone's eyes when they are telling you how they feel? "

Everyone was looking at Kiseop waiting for an answer.

"Both ways are good for seeing and showing how much you or they really care..."


"My turn!" Key said. He was looking around, searching for his victim.

"Jonghyun!" Jonghyun looked at him with no expression.

"If you can have one of the following two things, which would you pick? Trust or love?" 

Everyone was looking at Jonghyun now, waiting for an answer- Everyone except for Stephanie, she was looking at the floor.

"You need to get trust before you have love. And I wouldn't be able to feel love anymore because I lost someone's trust." Jonghyun was now looking at the floor and Stephanie raised her head to look at him.

"Lets just end the game here." Onew's leader side was now in control.

"Hey umm, since it's already late, can we stay over?" Kevin asked Onew.

"Sure, you guys can sleep in the living room, I'll go get pillows and blankets for you." Onew went to get the pillows and blankets while everyone else was getting ready to sleep.

One thing was stuck in Stephanie's mind, Jonghyun's words seemed to be replaying in her head.

A/N heyloo! I was gonna update this like less then 30. min ago but I closed the tab by mistake and had to re-type everything! D: I shall update tomorrow cuz theres no school! yay! (: comment? subscribe? thank you! <3

-Love, Chubz! (btw,I changed my nickname to Chubz cuz I love that nickname)

@crazysujufreak :D

@Eunhaeizawesome hey! LOL yeah,I use some real names and some fake ones(:


Crazysujufreak: ... i have never heard anyone call you Chubz before ...

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1say16 #1
Chapter 21: cant wait for the next chap :)
crazysujufreak #2
Chapter 21: of course you're making me edit it -_-
crazysujufreak #3
1. LuHan is 23 .
2. I'm not lazy, you never ask for my help -_-
1say16 #4
who could it be ? hmmm update soon
--nsyoo #5
Looooovveeeee that second gif. XD
1say16 #6
Yeah I guess
Those flashbacks were so sweet~ :C
please update soon... i love your story!!!!
1say16 #9
update soon jonghyun pls change already be good bf
-jeiraz #10
ing soehyon. HU DA FECK R U GURL TO CALL STEPH A ?! .YOU.<br />
and jonghyun, she doesn't care, DINO-HEAD.