Prove it.

You Ruined Your Chance

"Guys, I never lost my memory. I thought that if you guys thought that I lost my memory, you would just leave me alone. The only reason I 'remembered' Key was that he was my best friend since I was young and I wasn't supposed to 'remember' anyone else, but I don't know why I said Jonghyun.." A tear slid down her face, Jonghyun noticed and used his thumb to wipe the tear away.  


"WHAT?!" Everyone shouted. They didn't know how to feel. There was a mix of emotions. Happy  because nothing really happened to her. Angry because she didn't tell them. And sad because they made her make up this plan.

"erm..yeah. I think we should get going. It's getting pretty late.." Stephanie got up and started walking towards the car. She didn't know what to do, everyone was just staring at her with huge eyes. When everyone got back to the real world, they quickly packed and ran to the car.

The car ride home was quiet. No one dared to say anything. They didn't know what to say. Stephanie was looking down and playing with her fingers. She didn't dare to look up because she knew everyone..well,all except for the one who was driving..was looking at her.

When they arvived at the dorm, Stephanie was the first one out of the car. Once she got out, she quickly walked to the dorm and ran to her room and locked herself. She didn't wanna do anything that moment. All she wanted to do was stay in her room until that whole situation was forgotten. A few mintues later, she heard knocking on the door. She ignored it. There was knocking again. And she ignored it.

"Come on, open the door. pleasee?" Onew said in the nicest way possible. Stephanie soon gave up and opened the door. When Onew walked in, she made sure no one was out in the hallway. When she didn't see anyone, she closed the door and locked it. She walked next to her bed, sat on the floor and stared at the floor. She didn't know what to do. All she did was stare. Onew saw down next to her and patted her back, conforting her. After a few minutes of silence. Stephanie finally spoke up.

"Why?" She asked.

"What do you mean 'why' ?" Onew asked her. He didn't know what was happening. He was very confused.

"I mean..Why?" She said again.

"uhh..why what?"

"Why did you guys still visit me when I 'lost my memory'?"

"Well..Key has been your bestfriend wayy before, me and Minho are like your older brothers and Taemin, remember the ring? and I'm not really sure about Jonghyun but I think it's because he still has feelings for you.." Onew answered.

"uh..I really doubt that but whatever.."

"oh really?"


"Come.Follow me,I'll prove it." Onew said dragging Stephanie off the floor.

"Wait! Where are we going?"

"You'll see." Onew gave her a small wink and continued walking.

First stop: Jonghyun's room.

Onew opened the door to Jonghyun's room. His room was like a typical guy's room. There were a few of his clothes on the chair. some where hanging and some where on the bed. There were many pictures with pretty frames on a desk. Onew led Stephanie in his room. He stopped in front of all the picture's.

"Why do I need to come here? I've been here before.." She looked around, everything in this room was the way she remembered.

"Just look." Onew looked down at the many photo's. Stephanie followed his gaze and saw the pictures. There were many pictures. There were pictures of Jonghyun and Onew, Jonghyun and Key, Jonghyun and Minho, Jonghyun and Taemin, the one with everyone and Yoogeun, she stopped looking through the pictures when she saw something. A picture. A picture of her and him. Together. At the top of the Namsan Tower. Both of them had on smiles, the picture was also edited. There were words on the picture: 

"Kim Jonghyun and Lee Stephanie, together forever, nothing can tear us apart, I Love You Stephanie <3 Love, Jonghyun." .".

"Kim Jonghyun, nothing can describe my feelings towards you, we will be together until time ends, I Love You Jonghyun x3 Much Love, Stephanie." 

Those words were the same exact words that they wrote on the locks. Stephanie just thought that it was just a picture for memories. Besides, there was a picture of SHINee and Yoogeun right? She shook her head and looked at Onew.

"This means nothing. I mean like..he only has this picture of this to keep it as a memory right? Look at this picture, this picture shows the time when you guys took care of Yoogeun. Thats all." She tried to convince herself.

"Okay, whatever you say. Let's go somewhere else." Onew took her hand and dragged her out.

Next stop: the beach.

"Why are we here again? Didn't we just come back from here?" Stephanie looked around. She noticed the boardwalk. The stores and bars. Everything.

"Follow me."

Stephanie followed Onew until they stopped in front of a tree that was near the beach.

"Whats this?" Stephanie looked up and down the tree, it was really tall. Onew walked to the other side of the tree and Stephanie followed him, she knew the way home but she didn't wanna walk home alone. Plus, the beach was pretty far from their dorm. Onew looked at Stephanie and looked at the side of the tree. There was a carving on the tree. The carving was in a shape of a star and inside the star had a date 'June 29, 2008'.

When Stephanie saw the date, she felt something in her chest, she wasn't sure what it was, but it was something. Since it was only a small feeling, she decided to ignore it. She couldn't help but remember how that carving got there..


"Come on Stephanie! Hurry! Theres shade here!!" Jonghyun shouted back. He has always loved this spot. It was perfect. If you sat under the tree, facing the beach, you could feel a fresh breeze blow in your face. Plus, the setting was always nice and pretty.

"Okay, Okay!" Stephanie tried to catch up to him but it was no use, she was tired from all that rock climbing yesterday. [Shall be told another time~]

"You're so slow!" Jonghyun shouted. He was already standing under the tree.

"Ugh. It's not my fault, do you know how my energy has been drained from my body yesterday? a lot. AND it's really hot. Why are we here?" Stephanie said fanning herself with her hand,walking next to Jonghyun.

"FINALLY! And no, I do not know how much energy was drained, it wasn't even that tiring..You need to excerise more." Jonghyun said squishing Stephanie's arm.

"Stop! I don't excerise, it's too tiring..Also, a girl with abs and muscles look weird.And you weren't even tired cuz you have all these muscles." Stephanie said sitting down on the ground, under the shade. It was summer and was wayy to hot to do anything.

"Ah~ This feels nice." Stephanie said as soon as she sat down, the breeze quickly blew in her face. Jonghyun sat next to her.

Silence has taken over. It wasn't awkward silence, it was more like relaxing silence. Both of them were sitting next to each other, enjoying the view and having the breeze hit their faces.

"Uhm..I have something to say--erm..ask.." Jonghyun slowly said. He turned to look at Stephanie, who was staring at the beautiful view. 

"Okay, What is it?" She turned to him with a smile. She loves this place now.

" know how we met through Key? and him have been best friends since..forever and he introduced you to us when he found out he was gonna be in a band with us?" Jonghyun asked. He was hoping that this would go smoothly. He wanted this to be perfect.

"Yeah." Stephanie was looking at him with a confused look, but her smile was still on her face.

"So uhmm..yeah. Here goes. I've always thought you were cute when Key introduced you to us. Your smile, your personality, your hair..everything makes my heart beat faster. When I'm with you, I change into another person. I become a whole new me. You have changed me. Will you go out with me?"  Jonghyun felt like his future was in her hands. The next words she woud say next will determine everything.

"hmm..I never knew i could have this type of effect on someone before..uhh sure." Stephanie broke into a smile.

"REALLY?! I mean like..REALLY?! YES!" Jonghyun got up and helped Stephanie up, hugged her and started jumping up and down.

"Calm down, you're too happy, I'm happy too but this is to awkward."  

"heh..sorry." He let go of her and they both sat down.

"Before we go, I wanna do something.."  Jonghyun took out one of those small hand knifes and started to write someone on the tree trunk. When he was done, he let Stephanie see. 'June 29, 2008' it read. The date was in a star.

"Why did you put it around a star?" 

"Because hearts are too expected and plus, I'm in SHINee. Duh."

-End of Flashback- 

"Notice the date?" Onew broke the silence, it was getting awkward for him to just stand there while Stephanie was looking at the craving and remembering the day it got there. 

"Yeah.." She snapped out of her trance and answered him.


"Well what?"

"Well..does this prove that he still has feelings for you?" 

"Uhm..not really. This was probably still here because no one took it down. People want to save trees you know?" 

"Nice reason. But its not really the reason..There were gonna cut all these tree's down but Jonghyun stopped them. He didn't want them to cut down this tree. He even payed them to not cut it down. Hence why only this tree here was the only one still here. He let them cuz the other trees down." 

Stephanie was starting to feel something. Just something. It was more like a small little thing.

"I bet he doesn't remember it. place?" Stephanie was trying to change the subject, she didn't know what else to say. 

"Okay. But first, let's get something to eat. I'm hungry." 



So..I updated! Yay!! -claps- 

I know I haven't been updating but I got lazy. I ment to update like..2 weeks ago? But I got lazy and got caught up with homework.

Someone save me from school tomorrow! Everyone's watching the Super Bowl and tbh, I don't care. I only watched the half time xD 

I'm listening to Nalina by Block B(:

[SHINee needs to make their comeback NOW before I start obsessing over other groups more..I'm already more obsessed with Jason Chen, David Choi and Terry He..and now Block B -sigh- ] 

U-Kwon's part when he was like "I'm so hot,hot." I thought he was like "I'm so hard,hard." xD I loved his..moves when he was singing that. <3 

OMG AND WHEN THEY WERE LIKE 'Nalina, Nalina, Nalina, Na." I LOVED that dance move.

Enough ranting..BYE! :3 

Comment and if you haven't SUBSCRIBE~

SANK YEW! >_< 

                           -ParadiseinNeverland (> ' 3 ' )> [you guys see the face?]

@1say16: does this chapter show you he's starting to change?  

@gail129: Updated~ and thank you! ^^ 

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1say16 #1
Chapter 21: cant wait for the next chap :)
crazysujufreak #2
Chapter 21: of course you're making me edit it -_-
crazysujufreak #3
1. LuHan is 23 .
2. I'm not lazy, you never ask for my help -_-
1say16 #4
who could it be ? hmmm update soon
--nsyoo #5
Looooovveeeee that second gif. XD
1say16 #6
Yeah I guess
Those flashbacks were so sweet~ :C
please update soon... i love your story!!!!
1say16 #9
update soon jonghyun pls change already be good bf
-jeiraz #10
ing soehyon. HU DA FECK R U GURL TO CALL STEPH A ?! .YOU.<br />
and jonghyun, she doesn't care, DINO-HEAD.