~A Day At The Amusement Park With VIXX~

You guys finally arrived to the Lotte World(It is a big amusement park in Korea)You were really excited. This was not your first time coming to an amusement park but it was your first time coming with your boyfriend who is Hakyeon(N).

He suddenly turned to you,

"Agi(baby)~ It's been a long time since I came here." he said with an excited face.

"Hmmm~ me too." you said with a smiley face.

Both of you were walking together to the center of the park while holding hands. Both of you took some cute couple photos together.Suddenly, a big ride passed by and then, N scared by it and jumped behind you while screamed like a girl.

"Aish~ That scared me." he said with a funny face.

"AHHH!Yaahh!! It hurts!" you said while N squeezing your hand really hard without knowing.

"OHH! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Are you ok?" N said in one breath.

You started to giggle at him because he looked really funny. You know he is scared of everything and he always pretend he's not. You wanted to play with him a bit.

"Wooww~ That looks really exciting. Oppa! Let's ride that! Let's ride that!" you said smiling widely while pulling him.

Then, he took off your hand,

"Are you CRAZY!?!? THAT RIDE WOULD BE THE DEATH OF ME! How do people even ride that! No. No, I'm not going. Hell to no."

"B-but..." you said while pouting.

"Ayyy~ why don't we ride a less scary thing like bumbing cars or something?"

"Please oppa for me~ I really want to ride that~" you said while burrying your face in his chest.

He couldn't resist your aegyo and,

"Ok Ok ok, I will ride that but I'll choose the other rides,ok?"

"OKAY!!!" you said pulling him while running.

You were waiting in the line, N getting more nervous by each step to the ride. Then, N pointed a couple which was riding Merry Go Round.

"Look, couples should look like this. This should've been a romantic dayout......I don't even know why we are here." he sighed.

"Aahhh~ Oppa don't be like this. We're having fun!" you said while playing with his hand.

After a while in the queue, your turn came. He hesitated first but then you pulled him and both of you sat down to your seats. The machine started and you can hear him screaming with tears while you are screaming from joy.

Then, the ride finished and you walked out. He squatted down and said,

"This is the worst time of my life."

You squatted in front of him and kissed his forehead.

"I love you." you said while looking at his eyes.

"Ok. maybe not the worst time of my life." he said. Then,gave you a small peck to your lips. 



I'm sorry, it wasn't that romantic. I tried to make it more realistic and a bit funny.

I'll update the other members as soon as possible~

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I love them all so far! ^^v
They're so cute and fluffy and aaww >//w//< ♥
Ilovekpopforever #2
Chapter 5: *instant death*
han_jaesu #3
Chapter 3: omona, you make it so nice without make them OOC. great job
han_jaesu #4
Chapter 1: This is cute, i like it