Clown Couple

Trap In Paradise

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  131120-minzy-insta-missing-you.jpg                                                                          Dara and Minho where in the kitchen smacking each other faces off.I heard every little sound they made with their mouths, and I was sick and disgusted by it.

"Get a room!" I yelled.

There was silent for a few seconds but then the smacking noise came back.I shot right off the couch and stomped my way into the kitchen.

"You guys are gross. Unnie please go to your room ,or take take that somewhere else where I can't hear you two eating each other faces!" Dara and Minho lips separated and both turning their heads towards me. I saw Minho face, it was left with a blank expression, he had lipstick up to his cheek down to his chin, and as for Dara she only had it around .See, they don't make out like other couples, they literately each other faces.

"What?" they said at the same time.They really didn't hear one word that I said.I rolled my eyes then stomped my way to Bommie's room, I slammed the door open.Bom was plucking her eyebrows and quickly turn to my direction.

"Yah,What do you want?" She yelled.

I put my hands on my hips and calmly said "They are doing it again ,Unnie."

"Ew,again?That is gross,ugh I wish they did it somewhere else."

"See, that is what I told them!"

"I know they are in love but forreal in the kitchen?"

"I don't understand why they use the kitchen, that is where we eat."

"Parently,that is where they eat too" She winked at me.I pause and stared at her in disgust, then we both burst into laughter,"You are gross Unnie"

I felt breathing on my neck,I felt two pairs eyes staring at me coldly."Are you done talking about us?" Dara unnie pouted. I slowly turn around to see the same mess as I saw in the kitchen.Minho had his strong arms wrapped around Dara little waist,Dara had her famous pouting face on and her little arms crossed . It would've looked cute if they didn't look like a pair of clowns.I got my phone out and took a picture of the two clowns.I smiled and put my phone back in my pocket and walked right passed them.Dara was about to say something, but I hear Bom get off her bed and burst into laughter as she saw the two clown couple.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I I went back into the living room and starting watching TV again.I kept switching the channels intill I saw SHINee 'Everybody' on MTV.It barely started, I always heard on the radio but never had a chance to see the music video. I instantly feel in love with the dancing, this is SHINee we are talking about, Taemin part came up when he was shirtless and was wearing black coat.I paused it and stared at Taemin for about a second and contiune to play rest, Taemin body was alright, I seen better.But he did look more mature and more manly I'll give him credit for that.To me they kind of look like little,hot korean Hitlers, I laughed at my thought.

"Whats so funny?" I head Minho say.

I turn to him"You guys look like korean Hitlers in those military outfits" He looked me with a straight face , He was giving him a death glare, his dark cold eyes never leaving my eyes.Then he puts his face next to mine still glaring at me, he was sending chills down my spine.He lips where straight line. Then the strange thing he did is that he burst out laughing, I looked at him awarkdly and was about to walk when I heard.

"You are funny.Woah, good one , good one."He wiped a tears from his eyes.

I hear foot steps to only see my unnies followed by Chaerin."Alright girls sit turn we did to talk"Chaerin commanded.I sat back down,Bom,was next to me,next to Bom was Dara, next to Dara was Minho holding her hand, and Chaerin was standing up.

"Ok, girls our manger just called and he we are going kpop party,only a few kpop groups are choosen and we are the lucky ones, so the party starts at 10 we have to dress good and be on out best behavior"Chaerin announced.

"Do you know who is all going?" Minho asked curiously.

"Big Bang,Lee Hi and Your group" Chaerin replied

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Our manger told me,he said more groups are going but he didn't even who they were, so girls lets go to bed already and Dara say goodbye to your handsome boyfriend".

I got up from the couch and walked to my room. I changed in my pajamas and slip into bed. I stare up  at the ceiling 'I got a bad feeling about this' I thought.But I scooted my feelings to side and feel asleep to the sound of my ceiling fan.

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Chapter 4: I miss this story please update soon
Chapter 3: update please >3</
i really curious what will happen next hehe
Chapter 4: Yeah you're back in the game
Shroomies123 #4
Chapter 4: You're back!
Chapter 3: R.I.P taemin
LovelyLeAnn #6
....AWWWWWWW!!!! that was very sweet of you, Im going to do a new update just for you :}
Shroomies123 #7
Chapter 3: Update soon!!!!!! Sorry I know I already commented, but every time I read this I get so excited all over again!!!!!!!
Chapter 3: I feel like taemin's death is coming lol. Update soon
Shroomies123 #9
Chapter 3: How the hell did I not find this!? Anyways updated again soon! And who's the leader!? Ooooo author-nim I gotta know!
Chapter 3: man this story is soon good please continue: )