The party

Trap In Paradise

         There she stood at the end of the wonder fall, water was dripping down her face, her beautiful, silky auburn hair barely reaching the end of neck. She raise her head to take in the beautiful scent of nature.The full-moon light was shining on the water fall, but reviling her.She was , only the water was covering her beauty.She walked out of the water fall and turn to my direction.A beautiful smile spread from her lips,she made her way towards me, her hips sway with each step she took.The water fall covered her whole body, but now the water is covering the bottom half of her.The mist of the water fall behind her, the stars shining, the moon was teasing me as it shone on her. Her eyes never breaking connect with mine, she finally reach land and crawled to me.She pushed me hard to the ground, slowly made her way up.She finally reached to my face as I felt little droplets of water that fell from her hair land gently on my face. I rise my hand and slowly crease her soft cheek, my other hands was laid on her back.I raise my head and kiss her lips, I sat up and her wet chest was on my dry chest.Her fingers ran through my hair "Min-.".

   Cold water landed on my face then travel to my pillows. "What the hell!"

   More water on landed on my face. "Don't cruse at me! Minho has been calling for you , get to the living room, everybody else is already in there!" Kibum slammed the door behind him. I groan as I turn to my side and saw my clock. 2:50 am. I yanked off my blankets, my feet was already going to stomp over there, my hands were on the door handle ready to yell at Minho for waking up  from  an amazing dream, that when I then notice my full body mirror. I looked down......There was a tent forming. I got a blanket from my bed and wrapped it around myself. Out of all the times I had to form one now, I looked down at my pants then pointed at my "I hate you", I said coldly. I enter the living room, Key was right, Minho had been  on Dara face, he had red lipstick up to his cheek down to his chin, he was looking right at me. I turn to the rest of the members, Onew was struggling to stay awake,as for Key had his arms and legs crossed and was sitting straight up, he was looking into space his was pist off, Jonghyun head was resting on Kibum shoulder until he pushed his ahead to the other side of the couch."Everybody this is only going to take a few minutes", Minho said.

"Good, because you were disturbing me. I need my beauty sleep!" Key yelled. Jonghyun stood straight up  for the suddenly out burst, Onew eyes open wide, he was now awake.

" I was at Dara's house-"

"Of course, that is why you have lipstick smeared all over face."Key turn to us. "I told you they were on each other faces.".Minho looked at Key confusingly and ran to the bathroom,I heard water running, then Minho came back lipstick free.

"Anyways, back before I was rudely interrupt" Minho shot Key a glare."I was at Dara's house and her manger called saying they where going to a special party."

"What does that have to do with us?" Key said coldly.

"Let me finish.", Minho calmly said ."Anyways, there manger said a few more kpop groups where going, and where are one of the few groups."

"Who is all going?" Onew asked

"Few members of Yg family, and that is all I know",Minho replied.

"Are we done" Kibum questioned. Minho replied with a nod. Kibum quickly got up from the couch and made his way to his room, Onew and Jonghyun did the same.I got up from the couch and  was about to walk to my room when I felt a hand on my shoulders."You better treat her right when you see her tomorrow", Minho said coldly. I looked at the older one in the eye and walked to my room.'Treat her right, psh I only said a few words to her and I didn't even know her. Its not like we are going to talk to each other. We only danced on the same stage before and said our hellos that was about it. I'm not going to treat her right im not even going to talk to her.' I crawled to end of the bed, threw the soaking wet pillow on the floor and let my feet touched the wet spot.


        Super Junior, 2ne1, Big Bang, Exo, Lee hi, 2 pm, TVXQ . SNSD,F(x), Aliee,B.A.P,Miss A, and of course us where  at the party. Everybody was dress up nice, it was more like a get-together then an actually party.The "party" had music pumping softly in the background the DJ would play kpop music then american music. I was wearing black jeans, with black chains that hung on my right side of my leg,black t-shirt, but had a navy blue jacket on,I had a cross necklace that land right on my chest, with one bracelet on my right wrist, my dark brown hair was style nicely.Neatless to say I looked sharp. Different band members aproach other kpop idols.I turn around and saw Chanyeol walking straight towards Dara. Dara was talking with Sunny, but as soon as Sunny saw Chanyeol, Sunny smile at Dara, said something to her and walked away,she pass Chanyeol and give him a wink.I laughed to myself and sneakly walked over there.I stop at a good distance but still heard everything,

"Um. Hi. Dara-ssi," Chanyeol was blushing.

"Oh,Hello," Dara bowed towards him.

"You know you were always my favorite out of 2ne1," He was staring down.

"Aw, really?" She smiled at him.

"Oh, Hey Dara long time no see, I haven't seen you since that last commercial we filmed" Minho lied.

 I sighed to myself but then felt a smiling forming 'Ah, Minho such a protective boyfriend'.I saw the couple walk towards me, Minho was keeping his distance so people won't be suspicious, I looked pass the couple and saw a disappoint Chanyeol.

"Close one, he could of stole your girlfriend's heart." I smirked.

"Whatever, he doesn't stand a chance against me." Minho replied

"Yah, don't be like that, he looked like a good kid." Dara gently slapping Minho chest.

"So, when are you guys going public for stuff like this won't happen again. Dara those have alot of fanboys,"

"I hope soon, we can't keep this hidden forever." Minho looked down at Dara, even when she wore heels she was still very short compare to him.

Dara looked up at Minho "When the time is right."

I smiled at the couple, I heard a loud laughter, I turn to my right then I saw her.She had short auburn hair that barely reached the end of her neck, her hair was half lift it up and the rest was down, she was wearing a short black dress with soft lace through out her right arm that was connect to her dress , she was wearing black ankle boots, her makeup had this natural y dark look to her, the only color on her was her hair.She was laughing with Deahyun, her hand was on his arms as they laugh together. Jealously race through my body, she was giving him that same smile that she gave me when we first meet, but my only question is why did I care?We only had little conversation, we never talked after that, I thought she was a '' but yet I couldn't keep my eyes away from, I kept having these dreams with me and her, Why did she gave me these feelings?I saw waiter pass me with five glasses oh shots and I got all of them. I drank all five of those drinks in one gulp.My head was feeling kind of dizzy.Dara and Minho stared at me.I smirk at them,"This is a party,right? Why don't we show the other kpop idols how SHINee those it?" I got five more shots and finish it. My head was still in the right place but I suddenly wanted to get wilder.I yelled at the DJ to turn up the music, and he follow my commend.I went to dance floor and starting dancing. My head forgot about Minzy and only cared about the beat.

  Another song came on and I saw how happy Minzy got. She left Daehyun and ran to the dance floor, more people followed behind her,She starting move her hips to the beat of the music, she moved her perfect round , she was teasing me. I only saw her dance like this on TV but know she is only a few feet away. I made my way towards her and bend a little, put my hands on her hips and whisper in her ears "May I dance with you?".She turn around quickly and saw that is was me, she blushed a little 'cute' I thought to myself.She shook her head 'No'. I stared her confusingly."I smell alcohol on your breath and I don't dance with guys with this kind of music.". She walked off the dance floor, I followed her.

"Wait." I said. She turn and looked at me waiting for me to respond.I took her hand "Come with me".She looked confuse this time, but I didn't wait for her respond, I took her hand and starting leading her."Where are we going?" She asked. I didn't respond. We stop, we were in the parking lot."What are we doing here" she questioned. I turn to her and smile. "Hello, my name is Taemin." I said with my best inncoccent voice and did a bow.

"Taemin-ssi, I already knew that. Why are you acting like this? You drank to much, come on lets go back to the party before our members start to worry about us", she staring walk away. I grabbed her wrist again.

"Minzy," I was looking down but I felt her eyes on me.

"You're a ," I looked up this time. was wide open, she was shocked.

"You better close your mouth before something goes in there," I winked at her then starting walking away.

She grabbed my wrist, I turn and...'SMACK' across my face. My face felt a sting, I covered my cheek in pain I looked her.

"What the hell?!"

"Don't you ever talk to me like that again" Her voice was fierce.

"So, I get in trouble for speaking the truth? Look how you are dress now. The way you dance when you were younger. Don't you have self respect for your body? Everytime I turn on my TV and there you are dancing away like a . I can't stand how you dress, the way you talk, the way you dance, the way you move your hips and you suddenly think you got the whole world at your feet, the way......... you stare at me"

"What the hell did you just say to my Minji!" I turn around  and  saw one pist off leader.

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Chapter 4: I miss this story please update soon
Chapter 3: update please >3</
i really curious what will happen next hehe
Chapter 4: Yeah you're back in the game
Shroomies123 #4
Chapter 4: You're back!
Chapter 3: R.I.P taemin
LovelyLeAnn #6
....AWWWWWWW!!!! that was very sweet of you, Im going to do a new update just for you :}
Shroomies123 #7
Chapter 3: Update soon!!!!!! Sorry I know I already commented, but every time I read this I get so excited all over again!!!!!!!
Chapter 3: I feel like taemin's death is coming lol. Update soon
Shroomies123 #9
Chapter 3: How the hell did I not find this!? Anyways updated again soon! And who's the leader!? Ooooo author-nim I gotta know!
Chapter 3: man this story is soon good please continue: )