The Beginnig Of Hell

Trap In Paradise

      The Baddest Female arrived and this little punk was scared less. My arms were crossed, I had a huge smirk on my face, and I stand back to enjoy the show. My eyes still staring a Taemin, I noticed his face went even more paler than his usaul skin tone. I chuckle at the sight that I was seeing. His eyes became wide, his knees where wobbling, and few drops of sweat was falling down off his face. He looked weak,  I thought in any minute he was going to run pass Chaerin and go cry to his memebers. But I was incorrect, he actucally had enough balls to stay in that one spot, or maybe he was too terrfied to move. I couldn't notice the difference.

"Oh, hello Chaerin-ssi," he quickly bowed in a 90 degree angle and shot straight up.

Chaerin slowly made he way to Taemin, the click of her heels on the hard concrete was the only sound you heard. She never broke eye conact, her face held no emotion, you couldn't tell if she was going punch Taemin straight to the hard ground or just simply talk to him in a cold tone.

She was now standing face-to-face with him. Taemin try to stay calm and show no sign of fear. He was standing straight and tall,Chaerin was only a few inches shorter than him, but even standing so close to The Baddest Female that Seoul ever have, he still look so tiny.

"Only my friends and family call me Chaerin. You call me CL-ssi" her voice was dark.

"Yes ma'am Chaerin-ssi" He bowed again

"Now, lets get to the point. What the hell did you say to Minji?"

    Taemin just stared at her, thinking of what to say. I notice that he was making the right desicon by doing his best to choose his words carefully. I turn my attention to Chaerin and notice how impaint she got. She than got Taemin by the collar of his jacket, and with her empty hand she grabbed him by the mouth and force him to look at her. I stared at her in shock I've never seen her so cold. She never laid a finger on anybody, she always knew how to keep her calm.

"Answer my question, Im only going to ask you nicely one.Last.Time." with each pause in her sentence she would squezze harder on his jawline and cheeks.

I saw the fear in Taemin eyes as the same time I saw the devil in Chaerin. Poor Taemin still didn't answer. Finally, Chaerin push him to the concrete, she climbed on his chest, and punch him in the face. Taemin let out a painfull moan. My mouth hung low, never ever I've seen her so pist and violent.

"I don't know who you think you are and I can less give a , but if you disrespect Minji like that again, I'll get the whole YG family on your skinny . I dare you to say something like that again" no hint of sweet tone just pure dark.

Chaerin was the lion and Taemin was the gazelle, and she had where she wanted him.Her hungry eyes never leaving his fearfull eyes, I felt like any moment she was going to bite off his head.

I finally saw enough, I walked my way over there and gently put my hand on Chaerin back.


I was going to to finish me senencte intill I heard someone yell behind me.

"Yah, what the hell are is going on!?"

   I slowly turn around and I saw one pist off umma walking sassly towards us.Chaerin just contuniue to give Taemin a cold stare, but slowly climbed off of him. Taemin shoot straight up and ran to Key. Key stared at Taemin for a moment and notice he had busted lip. Key attention then went to Chaerin.

"Explain" Key commanded.

Key cold eyes where fighting with Chaerin cat's eyes.

"Why don't you ask you Taemin?" Chaerin said coldly.

"I didn't ask Taemin I'm asking you."

Chaerin chuckled, she rolled her eyes and made her way to Key and Taemin.

"I don't have to explain myself, if you want explaintion I suggest you should talk to Taemin"

" I have all my answer here. I see you on top of Taemin, he has a busted lip, and he looks awful. Now tell me what was the reason for this?"Key took another step closer.

Chaerin gaze left Key's, and her eyes followed Taemin. He looked down not wanting to see Chaerin anymore. Key turn around and walk towards Taemin.


Taemin stayed silent.

"What happen?!"


"........ I saw Minji-ssi dancing on the dancefloor, since she is an amazing dancer and I'm an amazing dancer, I wanted us to dance together."

I stared at Taemin in shock.......He was about to tell Key the truth.

"So I went to go ask her to dance, but instead she gave me a smirk and whispered in my ear ' I know a better place to dance at'. She than took my hand a lead me here"

My eyes went wide, I stared at Taemin in confusen........I stayed calm, a shook off the confusen. I felt nice today and I was very curious of what he has to say,  I wanted hear the rest of this BS story.

"She starting dancing seducitvely and she almost kiss me, but I put her hand on her shoulders and told her no. Chaerin-ssi must of got the wrong idea that I was going to hurt her, so she  push me to the ground and punch me, hyung"

Key look at Chaerin.Chaerin rolled her eyes and was walking away.

"Yah, don't walk away from me. We are not done talking!" Key said.

Chaerin slowed down and stop walking, she then turn her head slightly over shoulders and said.

"If you truely believe what he just said you are more of an idiot than I thought"

Key's mouth dropped. Chaerin looked at me.

"Lets go"

I follow her command and walk towards her. I than heard footstep behind me, and I saw Key walked pass by me and put his hand on Chaerin shoulders.

"You are not going anywhere. I want answer now! I don't care if you think that you are a bad , but you are not going to disrespect me or any of my members!"

"Disrespect?! You have no idea what Taemin truely said to Minji, and if you knew how he talked to her you would of done the same thing as me! If you want to talk about respect I suggest you should teach Taemin a few things. Im not going to stand here all night so you can to me. Me, Minji, and Taemin only know the truth. So stop yelling at me and yell at Taemin for answers!" Chaerin and Key where nose to nose, her forefinger was pointing on his chest.It went completely silnce.

"Chaerin, lets not worry about this. Taemin is drunk he had no idea what he was saying. Its fine, lets just go back with everybody at the party." This was the first time I spoken since Chaerin showed up.

Chaerin and Key where still stareing each other down. I then heard a pair of heels make her way to our dierction.

"What is with all the yelling?"

Bom than notice how close Chaerin and Key where standing close to each other. She looked at me for an answer, I stared at her blankly.Chaerin left her gaze with Key and looked at Bom.

"Childish probelms, that is all. Lets go, I think everybody will start getting curious about our absents"

"Yah, Ajumma!"

We all turn around and saw Jonghyun with a red stain on his white long sleeve shirt.

"Crap",  Bom whispered

"What did you do?",  I said

"Oh my",  Chaerin said "This is going to be a long night" She rested her elbow in hand and with the other hand she face plamed herself.

"You know, you could of said sorry!" Jonghyun yelled at Bom.

"I did! You just didn't hear me!" She fought back.

"No you didn't. Are you already forgetting things?Yah, you are old. I don't mind that you spell you champange on me, what I do mind is that you didn't aplogize for you actions!"

"Yah!  Im not old, I just don't want to waste me breathe on somebody like you! And maybe I spilt tha champange on you on purpose!" Bom rolled her eyes and starting walking away.

"Yah, is that how you treat your sunbaes?"

Bom turned around slowly, "What?"

"You heard me. I am your sunbae, I debuet a year before you did, Ajumma" Jonghyun smirk. I heard Taemin and Key chuckle at his words.

"Oh, why you little-" She than ran to Jonghyun and jumped on him. He landed on the ground, Bom pull his hair and lightly smash his head into the concrete.

"I am older than you, and you will respect me.You little boy!" Bom yelled

"Ouch, Ajumma! I'm not a little boy I'm a grown man!

Bom didn't listen, she contuine to hit him softly and hardly.

"Wow is this just a YG thing?" Key asked

"What the hell is that spouse to mean?" Chaerin question

"I mean, look how rude you guys are"

Chaerin grabbed him by the collor if shirt

"I'll beat your like I did to Taemin!"

"Let me see you try!" Key said

Chaerin and Key starting yelling at each other, while you see Jonghyun and Bom wrestling on the ground. I turn to Taemin and said.

"This is all your fault"

"Mine!?" Taemin point at himself in self defense.

"Yes yours! Just because you can't stand the way I dress, the way I talk, the way I dance, the way I move my hips. And foresome reason you think when I dance like that I suddenly 'THINK' I got the whole world at my feet, the way......... " It hit me. I remember his last sentece him told me before Chaerin showed up. I smirk to myself....This was going to be good.

 I looked him in the eye and gave him my best seductive look. I walked very slowly towards him and sway my big hips along. I reached him and put my hands on his shoulder, my mouth was at the tip of his ears and gently blew hot air.I felt him dense up, he had his hand awkardly at his sides. He stopped breathing and without looking at him I knew he was staring striaght ahead. Here was the good news, everybody was to focus on the fight that they didn't enough notice what I was doing.

"The way I stare at you", I whispered.

Taemin face went pale at my last sentence.

"You heard that?",  He barely whispered.

" I heard everything you ! What is that spouse to mean. 'The way you stare at me.' I don't even pay attention to you!"

Taemin just stayed quite. I was studying his face....he kinda looked upset?

"What is going on!"

My face left Taemin, and I saw our manger and SHINee manger.Crap. I looked pass by them and I saw Dara and Minho giving us confused looks.

"What happen?", Dara mouthed. What Dara, Minho, and our manger saw was unbelieveable. On the left, you had Bom on top of Jonghyun, both of there hair was a mess, and you saw a few stracth marks on Jonghyun face.On the right, you saw Chaerin and Key mouth wide open from yelling at each other and giving "Got to hell' look. And in the middle you saw me and Taemin looking down at the ground like we got in trouble.

Oh my this is going to be a long night.


Hey beautiful people!:}

I want to thank everbody that has tooken their presious time to read my story, and to everybody who subscirbed. Shroomies123 I want to aplogize I said I was going to update soon for you but I didn't, so here is this special update for you. Thank you for the nice comments :P and everything esle.

Since it's summer Im going to try update more than I usually have, but no promrise lol. I hope everybody has a good day or a goodnight, whatever lol.

Love you random people I never meet :D

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Chapter 4: I miss this story please update soon
Chapter 3: update please >3</
i really curious what will happen next hehe
Chapter 4: Yeah you're back in the game
Shroomies123 #4
Chapter 4: You're back!
Chapter 3: R.I.P taemin
LovelyLeAnn #6
....AWWWWWWW!!!! that was very sweet of you, Im going to do a new update just for you :}
Shroomies123 #7
Chapter 3: Update soon!!!!!! Sorry I know I already commented, but every time I read this I get so excited all over again!!!!!!!
Chapter 3: I feel like taemin's death is coming lol. Update soon
Shroomies123 #9
Chapter 3: How the hell did I not find this!? Anyways updated again soon! And who's the leader!? Ooooo author-nim I gotta know!
Chapter 3: man this story is soon good please continue: )