Chapter 6: Episode 6 ~ Yunho and Jaejoong Over the Phone

Bosses' Love

I know I’m going really REALLY fast, so I’ll slow down a bit. I just read chapter 2 and found out about my writing style. Plus, there’s a lot of liking which is getting to my nerves :P I’ll try and make it kind of normal ^^” Forgive me if you were irritated about all this like me ._.

I would also like to mention: please don’t get bored of my stories ^^” I just type whatever comes to my mind ^^”

~ Part 1 ~

When a company is abolished, the public usually has a misunderstanding: it must have done something bad. Well, no, but it was true that the very root of this industry was infected with fraud faults.

Yunho knew the company would bring him bad luck only, so he wanted to abolish it himself so that it preserved him some respect – it wasn’t his fault, and the one at fault was dead. Jung Homes Company would be returned to Kim Jaejoong and he would just have to find some other work. He studied architecture, so he could work as an architect for some company. That was his plan.

It was a holiday that day. Yunho woke up at 9 a.m. He cooked himself breakfast and headed out to buy some groceries. He felt that life alone was boring, and not just that: it was lonely and sad. He was living alone. He was cooking himself food. He had no one to talk to. He had no one to wait for. He had no one to say ‘I’m home!’ and see a smile. He had been living like this since last year. He felt like he was a dead man walking.

What would he do? Get a wife? From where? None of the girls attracted him. So then what? Be gay? It wasn’t like he was interested in guys either. Then what would he do? Live alone forever? He knew he had friends, but a life partner was essential. To any human being, not just him. He even saw his twin friends looking for a future. And his mother won’t leave the countryside although she grew up in the city. And on top of all that, he was running some business which he was clueless about! Could this stupid life get any worse? He couldn’t even cry, firstly because he thought men shouldn’t cry, and secondly because he thought it was stupid to cry over something he wouldn’t get. What is the point of losing salt and water from your body because your life is pathetic? He rolled his eyes and sighed. Then he remembered Jaejoong. Who was that girl he met at the bar yesterday?

His girlfriend? Didn’t sound like it. Sounded like the girl was indirectly begging him to date her. And it also sounded like Jaejoong wasn't particularly interested in her. But why not? That girl looked hot and all. Not like it attracted him, but he knew a hot girl when he saw one. He could also tell that Jaejoong wasn’t the type who dated random, or not random, people from time to time. Jaejoong also sounded like he never dated before: the way he tried to snake out of the situation told Yunho that he wasn’t very comfortable. Wait, why is he thinking about Jaejoong now?

Oh yeah. He has nothing better to do. Anyway, back to dating. Yunho never dated either… Well, he had girls around him who fainted at his sight. But he didn’t feel like it ever. He was wondering now if it was some mental problem of his, the fact that he wasn’t attracted towards either . This was beginning to worry him. Then again, he had enough things to worry about already. Love life was the last thing on his mind. He sighed again and jumped onto his bed.

He tried to imagine himself with some sort of lover, but he ended up just pushing it out of his mind. Why was he sent to this world in the first place? There must be some reason! Everyone comes to this world to fulfil something. So what was his job on Earth? Put an end to his father’s company? That’s it? So, after his work was done, would he die? Impossible… This was getting lame. Work, work, work…And no fun? Well ofcourse he could travel from country to country, money was not a problem, and neither was the number of places in the world to check out. He loved nature. But the problem was, again, he was alone. If he took a friend, he would have had to take the whole group, and his group consisted of lovers-to-be. If he took his mother, she would immediately start shopping. He just wanted to be with someone in his lonely life who could give him time and whom he could give his time to. He had romance in his heart too, he just didn’t have the right person to show it too. He wanted to be romantic, spend time with his loved one, have fights, then apologise, love and be loved. He didn’t want to be alone. Human beings aren’t made to live alone forever.

He wanted someone to talk to.

Because he never talked to anybody about anything and he had no personal life which he lead.

He had nobody to talk to.


Who was crazy enough to call his boss on a holiday?

He checked the name. He frowned. Kim Jaejoong?





“Why did you call me? Did you get any information?”

“Why do you ask that?”

“That’s the only reason we know each other…”

“Hm, true. No I didn’t. I guess you didn’t either, I understand by the way you talk… And yeah, that was the reason I called. Plus, all my friends are busy with their plans and stuff. My parents are out of Korea now, they'll be back by evening. I have nothing to do.”

“Oh.” He’s bored, and he calls Yunho because he has nothing better to do. Yunho sighed for the third time that day.

“What is it Yunho-sshi?”

“Nothing. It’s just that…people don’t talk to me unless they need me to do something for them…”

“Don’t you have friends?”

“All of them have plans to get hold of the people they fell for.”


“Don’t laugh. It’s pathetic how I am always left alone. And what about you? Don’t you have friends to hang out with?”

“Um. Actually, I have one close friend but he’s on his way to get his girl. Other than him, I really don’t like being around people too much. I mean I don’t have a group of friends like that. I'm not comfortable. And, I act cold towards people, so they stay away from the beginning.”

“So you really can't laugh at me. You’re in the same position.”

“At least I'm the one who drives them away, not the other way around!” Jaejoong chuckled. When Yunho didn’t reply, he asked, “Hey, I didn’t mean to say it like that. I was just…never mind.”

“No it’s ok…”

“That’s why I don’t have many friends…”

“So technically, you drive them away without wanting to drive them away. Am I right Jaejoong-sshi?”

Jaejoong laughed, “Yeah, I guess.”

Yunho smiled, “I’m glad you see me as a friend. You’re the only one in my whole life who called me to say ‘hi’.”

“I had nothing else to do.” Jaejoong was in-denial.


“Thank me you ungrateful jerk!”

“Haha! Thanks.”

“You’re not welcome. I called you for my sake, not yours.”

Yunho laughed. “I'm glad I met you.”

“You should be.”

“Acting high and mighty huh?”

“Not really. It’s the truth. By the way, why do you hang out in the bar so often?”

“Like I said. I’m alone. That’s the only place where people hang out.”

“You mean…”

“No! No!” Yunho quickly said. He could tell what Jaejoong was thinking. “I just drink soju, nothing else.”

“Oh, ok. Good. I was starting to get frightened about a random friend I made.”

“Sorry,” Yunho chuckled. “I mean, at home, I live alone, so it’s depressing and to some extent mental pressure.”

“Oh. I live alone too. But I don’t feel all that.”

“I guess you like living alone.”


“I don’t.”

“Then bear with it.”

“That’s what I'm trying to do…”

“Keep trying.”

“Oh God…” he heard Jaejoong chuckle at his defeat. Then he remembered the girl with Jaejoong. And after that, he realised Jaejoong asked him a few moments ago why he hangs out in the bar so often. He knew that Jaejoong tried not to be noticed and now Yunho decided it would be prefect to poke him with. “Jaejoong-sshi…who was that girl yesterday?”

Jaejoong was caught off guard. Yunho saw him?! “What girl? Where?”

Yunho laughed slyly, “You tried to make yourself invisible or what? I heard your voice. Plus, how would you know that I hang out in the bar so often if you didn’t go there a second time?”

Jaejoong didn’t reply at first. Then he spoke, “Well, she was my employee and she asked me out twice but I rejected her…and I feel kind of bad about it.”

“Feel bad about what – rejecting a girl or missing a chance to be with her?”

“Rejecting a girl. I don’t have any feelings towards her anyway.”

“Oh. So who do you like?”

“No one.”

“Oh…we’re alike then.”

“In no way! I'm not ever comparing myself with a guy like you…”

“You’re just joking right? You don’t mean to be serious right?”

“Why don’t you figure that out. I’ll just remind you of what you said earlier: I’m the only one who ever called you to say ‘hi’.”

Yunho laughed. “I'm sorry. I'm just so defensive now. Now that no one really cares about me…”

Jaejoong was sitting on his rocking chair, the one his grandfather gave him, although Jaejoong was nowhere near old. He was patting his cat. “My cat says you’ll be fine one day.”

“You have a cat?!”

“Yeah, what’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing. I just can't imagine Kim Jaejoong with a cat. Plus, that means you are in a better state than me! At least you have ONE other living being at home except yourself.”

“Well, not really. Sometimes I feel lonely looking at my cat. Reminds me it’s the only other thing that jumps to me when I come home…”

“Yes! That means you are just like me! You can't be in-denial anymore!”

Jaejoong laughed. “You are very childish Yunho-sshi.”

“Hey, I’ll take that as a compliment.” Then Yunho remembered. “Oh, can I have your mother’s phone number?”

Jaejoong stopped rocking, “Why?” he asked slowly, a little confused why this guy would want his mother’s phone number.

“Apparently, our mothers were friends once…and after I told her your name, I think she recognised you, and then she told me that about her friendship with your mother and that she wants her cell number.”

“Oh.” Jaejoong wondered for a moment. “Ok…”

~ Break ~

~ Part 2 ~

“I’m so glad our sons met! I completely forgot about you! I’m so sorry!” squealed Jaejoong’s young mother.

“I should be sorry too! After Yunho came into my life, I couldn’t give time to anything else. I can't believe it even now! It’s really been very long. Let’s meet somewhere.”


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Chapter 1: hi i found u at last.. i red all ur fics on wingling except this one .. i had exams so i was late and wingling shut down.. but it was 61 chapters.. wih u compelete it here .. i love ur writing so much. u r from my fav. writer.. u made my way to fanfics world.. thanks
YunjaeCassie #2
*thanks :P
YunjaeCassie #3
thsnks ^ ^
So good!!!!!
HopeLoveFaith #5
Chapter 7: haha! ^^ oh Yunho...LOL XD
YunjaeCassie #6
thanks everybody ^-^
monshine #7
Chapter 5: i found your story and i am already subscribed to it.....
HopeLoveFaith #8
Chapter 5: Thanks for the update! <3 Did you update two chapters because I asked if you could? haha, thanks!<3 This story is really interesting <3 Can't wait for the next chapter! <3
HopeLoveFaith #9
Chapter 3: Oooooh, can you start to update 2 or 3 chapters everyday? Sorry, it's just that I don't like to wait, haha ^^
Great chapter. Can't wait for the next one!<3
BluMonster #10