Troubled Heart

It was an hour before five, you and Key were getting ready for work. You got out of the bathroom and fixed your stuff. You wore your boring black Converse and plain t-shirt. You had to look like you really needed this job.

You sighed and walked out of the room with your phone and bag.

“You ready?” You passed Key while going down the stairs, he was going up.

“I just need a bath and I’ll be down in no time.” Key smiled and walked pass you.

You came to the living room and took out your Ipod(the one that Amber gave you). You plugged it on the speakers and lowered the volume. You played the playlist that had most of the dancing songs and nodded to the music. You were kinda tensed about your job so you needed to loosen up. You rotated your shoulder and neck. You stretched your arms and legs before you started dancing to the beat. You loved dancing especially when you felt the song. As the song ended you did a back flip and landed on a half split. You didn’t stand up yet as you caught your breath.

“That was awesome.” Tae Min said from behind.

You looked at him, “Were you watching the whole time?”

He cutely smiled, “Not only me.” He pulled Joon from behind the couch.

Joon weakly smiled.

You shook your head and stood up, “Whats up?”

“We just heard the loud music and got curious.” Joon simply answered.

You smirked and wiped the sweat on your forehead.

“How did you learn how to dance like that anyway?” Tae Min wondered.

You smiled, “I learned to dance through watching the vid-YAH!”

Key pulled you out of the room the door, “Sorry guys we’re gonna be late for work.”

You smiled at Tae Min and Joon and shut the door after you guys.

“We better get there soon,” Key said while he was signaling a taxi, “I heard Yamapi’s gonna have an earlier visit and wants you to be there.”

“.” You pouted as you got in the car, “I didn’t even say goodbye.”

You looked at Shinee’s club as the car slowly drove away.

“Oh.” Key suddenly felt bad, “Here.” He gave you his Iphone.

“Never mind,” You shook your head and pushed away the phone, “he can hear me anyway.”

Gi Kwang chuckled through the earpiece in agreement. Key just rolled his eyes and looked out the window. The both of you got to work on time and started your shift. Again, the people would comment on how fast the two of you work. Making your opponent café across the street lose some customers, the manager likes it. Time passed by and the sun started to set and the street lights were .

“He’s there.” Yo Seob informed through the earpiece.

“Eun Mi.” Key whispered as he handed you the customer’s order.

You nodded and acted like nothing happened.
Then the doors opened and you looked at it to see Yamapi. He still looked cold, unapproachable, the type you shouldn’t mess with. But there was something in his eyes, joy?

“Hey.” He smiled.

You smiled, “May I take your order?”

“Chocolate chip frap please? Add more chocolate chips.” Yamapi smoothly said.

“Size?” You asked.


You took the cup and threw at Key. He smoothly caught it and made the frap in less than a minute. Key gave you the order and you put it on the counter between you and Yamapi. He put the money on the counter and left with the frap. He sat near the magazine stand this time.

“Crap.” Gi Kwang hissed through Key’s earpiece.

“I know,” Key shook his head, “she doesn’t like it too.”

You played around with a pen while Yamapi would look at you with so much love in his heart.


‘She is so, distracting,’ Yamapi took a sip from his drink and tried to look away from you, but he just couldn’t. You distracted him from his work last night. You were the only one popping in his mind while he tried to look for files about Kim Ha Neul, a.k.a you. But you had an advantage though. He’s never seen a picture of you before. Therefore he has no idea how you look. Yamapi bit his straw and looked at a magazine. It was a Korean showbiz magazine with DBSK on the cover. He smirked at his favorite band and looked back at you. You were happily serving a couple their drinks. You smiled sweetly which made his heart soften.

‘I gotta get out of here.’ Yamapi got off his seat and left.


You sighed as you saw Yamapi out of the door.

‘Thank god.’ You rolled your eyes and continued your job.

“She’s doing a great job.” Yo Seob snickered through the earpiece.

“How do you know?” Key asked while making the BanoFee Frap.

“You should’ve seen his brain waves while in the café, he was losing his mind. The only person in it right now is her. She distracted him so much that he couldn’t even think of the possibilities that she was Ha Neul.”

Key gave you the frap and smirked, “He hasn’t even seen her.”

“No wonder she said that only she could do this.”

“He knows all the spies in the agencies but my group and MBLAQ’s. He has no connection with gangsters in the South.” Key smirked.

“Yeah.” Yo Seob agreed.

After working you and Key arrived home a little after one.

“Baby girl!” Gi Kwang trapped you in a bear hug and spun you around.

“Hey?” You smirked and let out a cute laugh.

Key smirked and went up the stairs.

Gi Kwang put you down and your faces were near each others. Gi Kwang stared at you while you bit your lips trying to hold the blush.

“OH my god!” Sulli and Amber squeaked.

You and Gi Kwang immediately broke away from each other and looked at them.

“Hey guys.” You casually greeted.

Sulli and Amber ran down the stairs and jumped around you, “WE KNEW IT! WE KNEW IT!”

You rolled your eyes while Gi Kwang just smiled.

“Yeah yeah.” You shooed them away and took Gi Kwang’s hand, “Let’s get out of here.”

Gi Kwang smiled.

“Oh where are they going?” Amber eyed you two.

“I think they’re going to do it.” Sulli whispered.

You and Gi Kwang stopped walking and looked at each other.

You smiled and slowly looked at Amber and Sulli. You copied Key’s death glare look from the side, “I’m still a .”

Amber and Sulli backed away from you with smiles, “R-right. We knew that… we better. RUN!” they disappeared.

Gi Kwang laughed at the two then let out a sigh, ‘Good, I’m a too.’

Key was watching you and laughed, “That’s my death glare!”

You looked at him and smiled, “I know. It works better on me don’t you think?”
Key shook his head, “Nah.” He walked to his room.
“Let’s go.” You intertwined your hands with Gi Kwang and grabbed the keys to your car.

Gi Kwang took the keys from your hands and led you out to the garage.

“I’m driving.” You whined and reached for the keys.

“No,” Gi Kwang smiled, “I am.”

“No.” You looked at him, “This is my car.”

Gi Kwang shrugged and opened the drivers seat, “So? I’m still older.”

“So?” You arched a brow.

“It’s either I drive or you have to kiss me before you drive.”

You furrowed your eyebrows and moped to the passenger’s seat.

Gi Kwang smirked and closed the door as he sat on the driver’s seat.

You closed the door when you were inside. Gi Kwang started the car and smoothly backed out of the garage and drove to the nearest romantic place, the beach. Gi Kwang got out of the car first and ran to your side, he opened the door for you.

“Someone has manners.” You smiled and took his hand.

“Of course.” Gi Kwang smiled and pulled you out of the car. He locked the car before walking you to the beach. There weren’t a lot of people, just a few couples having dates like you two. The moon was full and a lot of stars were out.

“So beautiful.” You smiled as you sat on the sand while looking at the sky.

“My view looks more beautiful.” Gi Kwang smirked.

You looked at him, he was looking at you, “Psh.” You softly hit his cheek and looked back at the sky. Gi Kwang chuckled and pulled you closer. You rested your head on his shoulder while he rested his on your head. The two of you watched the stars in silence.

“It’s hard,” You whispered.

“What?” Gi Kwang mumbled.

“My mission.” You sighed, “I don’t like it.”

“So do I baby.” Gi Kwang kissed your head, “If I met him right now I’d probably kill him already.”

You smiled, “That sounds good.”
Gi Kwang snickered, “I know.”

You wrapped an arm around his waist, “I’ll keep thinking of you though.”

He wrapped an arm around your waist, locking you there, “When?”

“When I’m out there.”

“And I’ll be watching.”

You smiled and looked up at him, making your chin rest on his shoulder. He looked down at you and broke into a smile. The moon light was bouncing on your soft skin, giving you a beautiful glow.

“You’re so pretty love.” Gi Kwang your cheek.
You blushed, “Stop you’re gonna make me blush.”

Gi Kwang smiled and leaned in, his nose on your nose, “How about this?”

You felt his warm breath on your skin, heat went to your cheeks, “You just made it worse.”

Gi Kwang smelled your breath, “Did you just eat chocolate?”

Gi Kwang then leaned in and kissed you. Your lips tasted like chocolate and he loved it. You kissed him back as your free hand went up his neck. Gi Kwang’s arm pulled you closer, deepening the kiss. The kiss started as sweet as ever then slowly started to get really wet. You and Gi Kwang pulled away to catch your breaths.

“I love your lips.” Gi Kwang his lips seductively.

You smiled, “I don’t know if we can’t do what Sulli and Amber were thinking.”

Gi Kwang smiled, “You want to?”

You started to get excited, “Maybe.”

Gi Kwang smiled and pulled you up. He carried you bridal style to the car and two of you drove home.

You shook your head with a smile, ‘We’re aren’t gonna do it.’

Gi Kwang smiled, ‘She’s knows too well that I’m not gonna do it, unless we get married.’

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 54: OMG this story is Daebak!!!
Omg. I read a story like this winglin, but the author stopped writing after the explosion. I love you for writing this!! I wanted to know what happened after so badly. Your story answered my prayers. THANK YOU!!! :) <3
pandawriter #3
nice story~!
shirlayyxb #5
OOOOOOH, this was amazing. I loved it. :)
Nice job.
@BearyChocolatey: omo, thankyou for commenting. I swear my eyes got teary at your comment. THANKYOUVERYKAMSA!
omo!!!i've read this long time ago,but i don't have an acc. back then so I can't subscribe. <br />
This kinds fics are worth reading, :)<br />
great job!!! <3
hehehe thanks :) this is my first story so i wanted to give it my all :)
SenyaG #9
wow just started this story and all I can say is that I'm pretty impressed.. You are the first writer I met here who would write such a long first chapter... ♥
haha yehey good job! Thanks for calling it awesome \m/