Troubled Heart


Dong Woon was about to go up the stairs when he saw someone at the balcony.

‘Ha Neul-ah?’ he walked to the balcony and saw you sitting on floor, watching the view.

Dong Woon opened the door and walked in, “Hey.”

You looked up and saw Dong Woon, “Hey oppa.” And looked back at the blue morning sky.

Dong Woon sat beside you and looked at your left arm, it was full of injuries. The cut from the pole and the hole from the bullet, “Aigoo, look at you.”

You looked at Dong Woon, he looked really hurt.

You smiled, “I’m fine, oppa don’t worry.” You motioned for him to sit on your other side.

He sat on your other side and you rested your head on his shoulder.

“You know how bad we feel right?” Dong Woon asked as he rested his head on yours.

“Do you know how bad I feel when people worry about me?” You calmly asked.

Dong Woon kept quiet.

“I feel very bad, oppa.” You started, “Do you wanna know why I’ve always been the scary, merciless and cold agent?”

Dong Woon nodded.

“It’s because I didn’t want people to worry about me.” Tears started to build in your eyes, “Every time my loved ones worry about me it makes me weak and vulnerable to losing my name as the ‘Feared, merciless and cold one’. That’s not good.”

Dong Woon smirked.

“If that happens, my enemies will know my weakness and come take you guys away from me one bye one.” Tears started to fall.

Dong Woon felt liquid on his shirt and looked at you, you were crying.

“Don’t cry little baby.” Dong Woon whipped your tears.

“You see how weak I can still be when you guys act all worried for me?” You pouted.

Dong Woon smiled, “I do and I’m sorry. But why do you always have to think of the others and never yourself?”

“Cause I’d end up being the bad guy,” You sniffled, “every bad guy out there only cares about what they want that’s why it’s okay if they lose workers because of death.”

Dong Woon looked at you, ‘This girl, so strong and scary on the outside. But she’s so soft, loving and selfless in the inside.’

“I don’t want my nightmare to happen to everyone in this house.” You started sobbing hard.

“Aigoo.” Dong Woon carefully pulled you into a hug, “that will never happen, little baby. I promise.”

Your sobs slowed into a stop and you hugged him back, “I love you oppa.”

Dong Woon melted at your words, “I love you too Ha Neul-ah. You know that.”

‘But I still can’t pick from the three of you.’ You thought as you pulled away from Dong Woon.

He wiped your face clean and helped you up. The two of you entered the room and he tucked you in bed.

“Sleep well little baby.” Dong Woon kissed your cheek, sending sparks to your heart, and went to his bed.

You smiled and closed your eyes.



“Sir I have bad news.”

“What now?” Kurosaki (Yamapi) looked at him.

“We only have two posts in South Korea. The other three are burned to the ground, everything is gone. No evidence was left behind.”

“AH!” Kurosaki threw his cup of coffee at the wall and it burst into pieces.

“Leave!” he hissed at the man and the man left.

“Ha Neul-san,” Kurosaki massaged his temples, “where the hell are you?”

Kurosaki called his guards and told them to guard the last two posts in South Korea until he calls them back. The guards nodded and left.

“Let’s see you go up against the best guards in my company.” Kurosaki evilly smiled.

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 54: OMG this story is Daebak!!!
Omg. I read a story like this winglin, but the author stopped writing after the explosion. I love you for writing this!! I wanted to know what happened after so badly. Your story answered my prayers. THANK YOU!!! :) <3
pandawriter #3
nice story~!
shirlayyxb #5
OOOOOOH, this was amazing. I loved it. :)
Nice job.
@BearyChocolatey: omo, thankyou for commenting. I swear my eyes got teary at your comment. THANKYOUVERYKAMSA!
omo!!!i've read this long time ago,but i don't have an acc. back then so I can't subscribe. <br />
This kinds fics are worth reading, :)<br />
great job!!! <3
hehehe thanks :) this is my first story so i wanted to give it my all :)
SenyaG #9
wow just started this story and all I can say is that I'm pretty impressed.. You are the first writer I met here who would write such a long first chapter... ♥
haha yehey good job! Thanks for calling it awesome \m/