Chapter VII

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After the girls’ promised each other to go in the beach tomorrow, they bid each other goodnight.

Yoona followed the tanned girl enter the room they will share. The room was big with only one bed. Yoona hop on the bed and buried her face on the bed sheet, Yuri followed suit, and she too lied down using the girl’s back as her pillow. Yoona stiffened a little.

Silence engulfed them for awhile.

“Yah, you sleeping?” Yuri nudged her, poking the back of the doe eyed girl’s head.

She heard Yoona mumbled incoherent words she doesn’t understand.


Yoona lifted her head a little and look at Yuri.

“Stop poking my head, it hurts.” Yoona repeated what she just said.

Yuri sat up and checked the back of the latter’s head.

“You have a small bump.” And Yuri playfully pokes the bump.

Yoona slapped her hand away.

“Aish, Yul!” She grumbled.

Yuri chuckled adorably.

“Don’t be such a baby, Yoong. It’s just a small bump.”

Yoona sulked even more, glaring at the tanned girl.

“Wait here, I’ll go get something.” Yuri stood up and leaves the room.

“Where you going?” Yoona called out but Yuri did not hear her.

She pouted.

‘Damn, what the hell is happening to me?’ Yoona asked herself.

She’s been feeling strange around Yuri somehow and she doesn’t know why.


Awhile later, Yuri came back with an ice pack on her hands.

She climbed the bed and sat, leaning her back on the headboard.

“Come here, my big baby.” Yuri commanded pulling Yoona closer to her.

Yoona flinched. Here it is again, the electrocuted sensation everytime Yuri touches her.

Yoona feigned an annoyed face, which cause Yuri to giggle.

The tanned girl pinches her nose gently.

“Now, lie down.” Yuri taps her lap.

Yoona complied, blushing hard.

“Omo! Why your face is so red, Yoongie? Oh, even your ears.” Yuri exclaimed.

Yoona stumbled forward at what the latter had said. Her hand accidentally landed on top of Yuri’s .


They both stared at each other, wide eye.

Yoona is almost hyperventilating that she ended up falling on the bed, hard.

“Oh gosh, Yoong!”

Yuri hurriedly jumps out in the bed to help Yoona, who was cringing in pain on the floor.

“Oww!” Yoona groaned, standing up with the help of Yuri.

But the moment she laid her eyes on Yuri’s, her body temperature got really high. Her face was all red, remembering what had just happened.

She steps back from Yuri, who too, was blushing. Yoona looked away.

“I-I needed s-some air!” Yoona stammered then hastily got out of the room, not

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Chapter 9: update soon author 'pout' ....
KM_3451 #2
Chapter 9: Hey just read this fic.. And I want to ask..are you going to break yoonkrys.. If yes,please dont because there too many yoonyul..I want it to be yoonkrys..
Marrytheoneyoulove #3
Chapter 9: Don't break Yoonkrys pleaseeeeeeeee. :'(
allayjadhule #4
Chapter 9: Yoonkrys please .. I like it .. Updte thor its very long time no update :(
Chapter 9: HeLLo Author Ssi !
When you have pLanned to update the story author ? It's very been a Long tine since your Last update.. We (reaDers) are eager to read what happen next in your story .. Hope in your free time you can update soo :)
Kamsa ! :) xD
Chapter 9: please update soon
yoonyulid #7
Update pleassssse!!!
Trackstar #8
Chapter 9: Yay yoonyul kiss!
Thank you for the new subscribers, upvotes, and for the comments! I really love hearing from you, guys. I'm sorry i didn't get to reply on your comments because i was too busy but I really appreciate it. And I might update at the end of the week!
Chapter 9: My two favorites couples are in this story (Yoonyul and Yoonkrys )
I love this story! :D

Update soon, please? :3