
Your Imperfections

Standing outside her porch with her eyes closed, she breathed in and out. She looked at the house in front of her and began to walk towards it with her phone in hand.

Upon reaching it she heard a piano playing, and it made her feel butterflies. She knocked a couple times and a young lady opened the door.

"Good afternoon, I-uh- I think I have the wrong hou-"

"Who is it Kat?" Kris came in from behind the lady. "Oh, Lee Hi."

" I came because of the job but I can come back later or tomorrow If i'm interupting."

Before turning her heels Kris spoke. "No, No, it's fine. Come in." The lady made way for Lee Hi entering and Kris guided her to the living room, it was spotless and well decorated for someone like him.

"This is Kat, Kat this is Lee Hi." Both girls shook hands.

"Kris, I have to go. We'll talk  tomorrow." Kat kissed Kris in the cheek and bid farwell to Lee Hi. She wanted to ask her why leave so soon, she could leave and leave the both grown up's alone. But then again she was nervous to even look up at their eyes. Lee Hi waited nervously in the living room, she saw something shimmering from behind the couch. She stood up and noticed a white piano and her eyes went wide. It was beautiful, she walked towards it and afraid of touching it she closely traced it with her fingers.

Kris came in the living room and looked the at the young teenager amazed by the grand piano. He saw her eyes shine with merit.

"It's a beauty, ain't it?" Lee Hi dropped her hand and nodded.

"You play?" Kris sat down on the piano stool. She simply responded with a no. He began to touch the keys and played around with them, he looked at girl amazed as her eyes were locked with his fingers playing the keys. It was like she was possesed and he was in control. He chuckeld which made him stop and Lee Hi realize that she standing dazed by the music.

"Sorry." She put her head down.

"No, it's not that. It's that I have never seen someone so...amazed with a piano."

"So, what am I going to be cleaning?" She asked with her head still down.

"Oh, right!" He  got up and walked out to the entrance heading  behind the stairs. "This is the a little storage room where I keep the cleaning products, bleach, soap, vacum, etc." He looked up at her making sure she was following him. "You will be cleaning the living room..." They walked to the room across the living room. "....the diner room and kitchen." He showed her the kitchen behind the double doors of the diner room. "Want something to drink?" He asked Lee Hi who seemed a little tense.

She shook her head. "C'mon, it's not poison. I feel bad that you keep on rejecting my food."

"Do you have juice?" Lee Hi didn't want to come off as a stubborn girl and he seemed like a decent guy but even so she didn't want to fully trust him, yet.

He smiled and reached into his refrigerator taking out a gallon of cranberry juice and poured some in a see through glass. "Here." He handed it to her and waited for her to take a sip.

She found it werid how he watched her drink it and eyed him while she did.

"Good isn't it?" He gave her a smile.


"Oh and here is a..." He reached into his pocket taking out a schedule and key. " schedule and house key."

"House key?" She finally looked up meeting his gaze surprised by his light brown eyes that shined while directly meeting her dark brown pupils.

"Yeah, I hope you don't make any wild parties while I'm not around." Giving her a wink and his cheeky smile.

Not that she plans to, and even if she did it would be more like one person party.

"Follow me." They headed up towards the second floor. "On this floor you will be cleaning the library." Both stood at the top of the stairs looking at the u-shaped second floor. "This is the outer bathroom that will also need to be cleaned but since it's for guest, I'll let you know when." He showed her the guest bathroom and library.

"You like to read?" He asked her as he scanned for a book. She nodded. "Okay, feel free to grab a book then."

"One last thing..." He turned around to face her. "I'll clean my room and clothes, that room..." He pointed to the door with a lock. "...it's off limits."

They headed back downstairs. "Is that all?" She asked him as he was about to go into the diner room but stop his tracks while she waited at the entrance ready to leave.

"Well...yes. You leaving already?"

"If it's all I need to know then yes, I'll be heading out." She played with her phone in her hands.

"You aren't staying for dinner? You're not asking questions?"

Thinking about it for a moment she faced him one more time. "How much will I be getting paid and how?"

He smiled at the usual question. "Well if you stay for dinner, we can talk about it. Still thinking about it."

"No, thanks I should be getting home."

"C'mon stay, I swear I don't bite."

"I'm sorry but I can't."

"It would be great if you'd accompany me."

"You should have asked your girlfriend before she left."

He smiled and walked closer to her. "I don't have a girlfriend, she was my home decor assistant."

She stepped back. "I don't want to be rude but it's not right of me to be at someone's house at this time. Plus my mom could be wai-"

"In that case ask your mom for permission." He waited for her to dial her number.

The fact that he kept on insisting made her feel overwhelmed but called her mom knowing that she might say no.

He waited with his hands in his pockets and Lee Hi talked to her mom avoiding facing him and after a couple "Yeah's" and "Okay's" she finally hanged up.

"So, what's for dinner?" Lee Hi asked curiously. He smiled and they walked into the diner room. She sat down and waited for Kris to come sit.

He came in through the double doors with two plates. It had a steak the size of a deck of cards and on the side sliced potatoes.

"Eat up, you must be hungry cause I am." He cheerfully cut a piece of the meat and ate it.

Lee Hi was starving; after coming back from school she decided to take a nap but she overslept and forgot to eat. She couldn't help it and began to eat. It was quiet as she was only focused on her food and Kris watched her with an amused face. 

"Hungry huh?"

Lee Hi paid attention to at her plate and saw that she was almost finished. "I guess so." She smiled being surprised at herself.

"How old are you?"

"18." She kept short since she still wanted to put more sliced potatoes in her tummy.

"Any Siblings?"

"Two younger brothers." Still focused on her food.

"Got friends?"

"Yep, Xiumin." She took a sip of her cranberry juice.

"A male?"

"Yeah, we been friends for quite a while."

"No, female friends?"

"I'm not that type of girl." She put the last piece of meat in .

"What type of girl are you?"

She stopped and looked at him and his barely touched food. "I thought you were hungry?"

"Well I was but seeing you eat made me full." He gave her another one of his creepy smiles. "What type of girl are-"

"What type of guy are you?" She cut him off and he got the hint that she didn't want to answer.

"Well that depends..."

"On the person you're with?" Lee Hi waited for him to explain.

"You can put that way." He reached for his wine glass.

She continued his sentence. "For example?"

"For example....don't worry about it." He winked.

Lee Hi gave him one of her lazy look. "I'll clean up my own." She stood up but before she could even touch her silverware Kris had already got up and was beside her. He stood close enough to Lee Hi that she could feel his body wramth and when she reached down to grab her fork his right arm circled to her right side and grabed her right hand and guided it to the plate.

"I'll help." He whispeared.

"No, it's o-"

"Let me help." It was more of command than a favor. Lee Hi let him be since she was feeling weird inside. Her legs wanted to move but they only shook in place, they felt weak to even run.

He gripped on her hand and in the same exact close postion he guided her hand putting the spoon....knife....and glass cup on top of her plate. It wasn't fast or slow but it made it feel like he was taking his time and each time he went closer and closer to Lee Hi's body to the point that she could feel his breath in her neck. When he let go he went over to his side and picked up his own plates and walked to the kitchen like nothing.

Lee Hi wanted to drop her plates and run but it's not like he did anything wrong it's just she was feeling fear. Having no other choice she stepped into the kitchen and saw him washing his plates. She said nothing  nor did he, she put her plates down and went back into the diner room looking for her phone. When she spotted it she went back into the kitchen and didn't see him anymore. She quickly put her phone aside and began to wash her dishes, not knowing where he was and not caring at all she wanted to do was finish fast and get out of there.

She grabbed her phone and sped walked to the entrance before she could go out she heard him walk behind her and leaned his body on hers while his hand once again was on top of hers grabbing the door handle.

"You aren't saying goodbye?" He was so close to her, practically a back hug.

"I-I..." She gulped down the saliva that had accumualted from being to nervous. "...thought you might had gone to the restroom and didn't want to disturb you." She said with her eyes closed.

"What about dessert?" He breathed into her ear.

Lee Hi felt her insides hot, a whole new sensation to her body. "It's late, I have school tomorrow." She tried not to stutter on her words.

He opened the door and she walked out. She bid farewell without turning around, avoidng to make eye contact since she was way to scared and embarrassed.

"See you next week!" He called out to her. Ignoring his comment she kept on walking staright ahead and whe she reached home she struggled to open the door. She  walked right into her room and slammed the door.

"Was I just ?"

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I'll leave it at that ending! Thanks to those who stayed and liked it. I know not the best but I tried.


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Chapter 18: Just cute LOl Tao at the end
xxxggom #2
Chapter 17: Ughhhhhh feels!! I just found out about this. Could you please tell me that you're going to update and finish this fic? Pleaseee. I need to know how this would end, thank you authornimm!!! <3
Missyouwannabe #3
Chapter 17: Oh lord Kris what are you doing to my heart...and Jaejoong...baby you had your chance but you still cute tho lol
choaheo #4
Chapter 17: Finally an update, thank you\o/

Jealousy jaejoong, I like that lol
Missyouwannabe #5
Chapter 16: Ohh EXO gonna be at the party????
choaheo #6
Chapter 15: poor hayi T-T
choaheo #7
Chapter 14: thanks for continuing this story^^
why xiu come to kris's house? does they know each other? ;-;
Missyouwannabe #8
Chapter 12: This is interesting...is Jayden an OC?
choaheo #9
Chapter 13: please make jayden catching hayi again, make he wants hayi back to him, and make kris to brave for make a step, and confess to hayi, then jayden will fight with kris xD
choaheo #10
Chapter 12: Finally new update><