Countless Time

Your Imperfections

The first two days of the week went by slow, Xiumin and I kept our conversations short. We both knew we were tired from thinking of how Saturday went and how it will effects us in the future. It was a mutual feeling and it to know the past has caught up.

So here I am being dragged by Mr. Wu to the supermarket. He told me to forget about cleaning the whole house and just clean the kitchen and diner room so we could go buy groceries to fill up his vacant refrigerator.

He has a list in his hand but looks extremely lost. I pay no attention and just push the cart to where ever his feet went. Trailing behind him and spacing out thinking what if it didn't have to be this way, we could forget and move on but Jaejoong just does not want to let it go. It's all this useless thinking that cause me to be inmature and get carried away not paying attention to my real life problems such as school, college and anything dealing with my future.

Pushing the cart looking straight ahead the frozen aisle I see someone familiar. The person looks up and spots me, could this week get any less troublesome. The person approaches me and smiles.

I wave. "Hi, Jayden."

He smiles sweetly at me and end's up making me smile. "How's my girl been?" He ruffles my hair.

I slightly push his hand away. "Stop, it's awakward."

"But you used to like this."

"Yeah but that was before we broke up." I argue back.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. You here alone?"

"No, and you?"

"Here with my sister, she misses you. You busy to come to church nowadays?"

"Sort of, but I'll try to come once this month is over it's been pretty hectic." I break into a smile again after looking right at him who was giving one of his sweet heartwarming looks. Those exact looks that made me fall for him. When he would tickle my sides during sunday school to break away from my frowns and pinch my cheeks when we would stay for bible reading youth group with me so I wouldn't fall asleep. Those childish acts he did that i hated but ended up liking them. But it all came to end when we drifted apart and it was most of my fault. I took him for granted and well he seeked someone else while we were dating. I don't blame him, I was careless. Just wished he would have told me that he didn't find me interesting anymore so we could end it, I mean why is that so hard.

He stares at me while I stand awkwardly playing with a clip in my hands. "Uh, do you have something to say?"

"No, it's just that..." He looks away and laughs. "'ve grown more beautiful."

"Oh..." I look down and stare at my shoes being embrassed.

"No, look up. I want to stare a little longer." He grabs my chin making me face him while I feel my cheeks getting hotter.

He grabs my hands and inspects them. "My cinderella, why haven't you taken good care of these porcelin hands?" He smoothes out both of my hands. Hearing that word come from his mouth makes me remember the comforting days were he would make my worries go away and make me feel important to someone. Forgetting the worst that had happen and making me dream of a happy ending only to exist in fairytales. But it was too good to be true.

"I'll see you around." I pull my hands away and start to walk off.

"I promise." I hear him call out. 

I don't look back after that being afraid of feeling something that should have died ages ago. I turn the cart to the next asile but I don't see Mr. Wu around, and I start panicking. I go to the dairy section and still no sign of him. I decide to check the pastry section and see a tall blond figure debating in his stanze.

"Oh there you are. Which one?" He brings up two loafs of bread asking me to choose one.

I point to the long french bread. He puts it in the cart and we head to the cashier. After paying we head to his car and when we were putting the groceries in. Someone taps my shoulder, I turn around and Jayden grabs my hand writing something on it, winks and then sprints off to a black car calling him.

I look at my palm and i see a phone number. "Who was that?" Mr. Wu asks surprise by the sudden running kid.

"A friend."

"The Xiumin kid?"

"No, just a dear friend from church." I say nothing more and get on the back seat of the car.

The ride home he keeps asking questions but I just respond with short answers. There is no use to stop his running mouth.

We arrive to his house and start unloading the car with his mouth still yapping. Getting a little dizzy with his non-stop talking while passing him i blurt out a comment I should have kept to my self.

"What was that?"

"I said you talk to much." With out thinking too much I repeat it but I don't notice my bluntness feeling to dizzy to stop and think about what I had just said.  

He doesn't say anything and just keeps going his way to the kitchen. 

Forgetting about my pride I ask him for a glass of water to get rid of the dryness in my throat and excuse mself to the restroom. 


"I don't just want your heart. 

I want your flesh, your skin

and blood, and bones,

your voice, your thoughts,

your pulse, and most of alll

your fingerprints..."


Lee Hi heard a voice talking and slowly she began to gain concious, opening her eyes and being greeted by a bright light she put her hand over her face. Gaining the strength in her eyesight she put her head down and the blurriness faded as some shelfs riddled with books over took her sight. Laying down she lifted her body on her elbows as she looked around and spotted Mr. Wu in the seat next to her holding a book.

              "... everywhere."                          

"What are you doing?" Lee Hi sat up on the red couch. Mr.Wu kept his gaze on the book. "Reading."

"What are you reading?"

He stopped and only his eyes moved locking them with Lee Hi. "Isobel Thrilling."

Looking around tyring to figure out what happened she stayed silent for a couple mintues, Mr.Wu was surprise on how calm she was, he watched her think and that simple action amazed him.

Lee Hi finally looked at him but he was reading so she hesitated to ask him. "So-so what happen?"

"Well you fainted in the bathroom."


He closed the book and un-crossed his legs. "Well as you can see I carried you to the couch." He looked at her waiting for a thanks and when he heard it it sounded forced and he disliked it. "You know you're dehydrated."

"What are you my doctor." She said with a sarcastic tone as she stood up from the couch fixing herself.

He sighed and stood up. "You know you should fix your way of responding, young lady." He lashed back with a cold tone. "You know your way, goodnight." He walked towards the hallway and opend a door to a room.

Lee Hi stood there for a couple seconds wondering what she did wrong. "Werido." She walked down the stairs and saw her phone on the entrance table, she grabbed it and walked out the house.

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I'll leave it at that ending! Thanks to those who stayed and liked it. I know not the best but I tried.


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Chapter 18: Just cute LOl Tao at the end
xxxggom #2
Chapter 17: Ughhhhhh feels!! I just found out about this. Could you please tell me that you're going to update and finish this fic? Pleaseee. I need to know how this would end, thank you authornimm!!! <3
Missyouwannabe #3
Chapter 17: Oh lord Kris what are you doing to my heart...and you had your chance but you still cute tho lol
choaheo #4
Chapter 17: Finally an update, thank you\o/

Jealousy jaejoong, I like that lol
Missyouwannabe #5
Chapter 16: Ohh EXO gonna be at the party????
choaheo #6
Chapter 15: poor hayi T-T
choaheo #7
Chapter 14: thanks for continuing this story^^
why xiu come to kris's house? does they know each other? ;-;
Missyouwannabe #8
Chapter 12: This is Jayden an OC?
choaheo #9
Chapter 13: please make jayden catching hayi again, make he wants hayi back to him, and make kris to brave for make a step, and confess to hayi, then jayden will fight with kris xD
choaheo #10
Chapter 12: Finally new update><