Make You

Your Imperfections

Lee Hi wished she could turn off the voices in her head; she layed down in the pitch dark not wanting to see the ceiling because sooner or later formations of the outline of his body would appear and when morning comes she will give up this fight. And Lee Hi did, when she woke up she felt a new with herself, last nights rain made her dirft into deep slumber as she made peace with what ever she has prepared herself with and just like the raindrops falling in the roof she plans to let her lingering memories fall off in any case with the arrival of Xiumin's older brother.

 Mondays afternoon talk dreaded through out the week and there was something Xiumin was keeping from her until Thrusday which he had no other choice, he told her that his parents wanted her to come over for Saturday dinner and she could have said no but not wanting to be seen weak infront of Xiumin or his brother she accepted. Xiumin told her she could reject but even he knew that it was inevitable.

She sat down in front of her mirror preparing herself for the Saturday dinner, she brushed her hair and asked herself if it was perfect, forgetting certain detalis along her makeup; her insides were screaming with anxiety but she needed to face him sooner or later, she needed this.

Xiumin had come to pick her up with his chauffeur, she sat in the back of the black sedan and looked straight ahead. Her best friend held her hand and spaced out until coming to a stop infront of his home. Getting off first he looked at his entrance and knew his brother was waiting behind the double iron doors. He looked back at his best friend and extended his hand giving her a reasurring smile, and for the second time in his lifetime his child-like personality vanished and the 18 year old adult appeared.

"Ready?" he asked her once they both were walking up the steps.

She looked at him. "Stay by me." She commanded.

He chuckled. "Always." Interwining his hand with hers, and walked up the brick stairs like a couple. Xiumin didn't know why he was nervous going into his own home but he was.

They doors opened by the maids and to greet them was Mr and Mrs. Kim along with their first child who look like have been waiting for quite a while. Dressed in black and white formal attire, Lee Hi had already felt the difference with her all-closed long sleeve pink lace dress, she looked down to her sneakers feeling  a little embarrssed.

"Oh, sweetie it's been so long." Mrs. Kim pulled her into a hug taking Lee Hi by surprised. The older kid kept his eyes on her trying to get her attention but he couldn't get her turn his way.

Mr. Kim repeated the same action and embraced Lee Hi into a hug mentioning how pretty she looked, she smiled at his comment.

Both parents waited for Lee Hi or Xiumin's older brother to make some type of interaction but before he could even approach her Xiumin pulled her further into the house bumping into his brother's shoulder making it obvious that he didn't want her near her.

"Oh, honey!" Mrs. Kim slightly hit Xiumin's right shoulder. "Stop being jealous and let Jaejoong hug his ex-girlfriend."

Ex-girlfriend? The word pierced through Lee Hi's heart but kept still ignoring the fact that he was watching for her reaction.

Mr. Kim put his hand around his wife and spoke. "Stop it honey, we don't our two boys fighting already." They spoke oblivious to the situation that Xiumin had never liked Lee Hi more than a friend and that he was only trying to protect her from his own delusional brother. His brother knew that and he doesn't plan on telling his parents anytime soon that his younger brother only looked at his ex-girlfriend as a close friend than a lover, he didn't want to quite confuse his parents as to why his younger brother hates him.

"Well aren't we going to eat or what?" Xiumin raised his voice from his original soft tone. As a by-stander Jaejoong couldn't help but smile at his younger brother actions.

"But honey it's only 6 pm aren't we going to sit down and talk then continue with dinner?" Mrs. Kim approached her son.

Still holding onto Lee Hi's hand Xiumin raised his tone again. "I'm hungry and I'm pretty sure my girl is too."  He turned to look at his brother with a cold stare who was smiling amused at Xiumin who acted not like his usually self.  "And isn't she the guest, so lets feed my Hayi."

Mr. Kim turned to look at Lee Hi who had her head down. "Oh, honey you are hungry huh?" She looked up at him. "Yes, and I have to be home early. So if you wouldn't mind I'd like to finish before 7:30."

Mrs. Kim called the maids to quickly make the table while they walked to the main diner room. Both parents were leading the way and behind them was Jaejoong. The couple kept their distance between him and gave each other confident stares.

Jaejoong sat across from the 18 year olds in the 12 seated modern table, while his mother sat to his right side and his father at her right end.

While the food was being set in the table, Lee Hi kept her head down and only responded with short answers to the questions being asked by Xiumin's parents. Xiumin answered for her when Jaejoong indrectly asked.

"Honey, stop looking at your hands in your lap, be comfortable and look at up." Mrs. Kim commented on Lee Hi's shy action. She was aware but if she looked up the first person eyes she would meet were to be Jaejoong's.

3...2....1... She counted to not lose herself and with pride she looked up, not directly at Jaejoong but to her left side. She watched the maids come in with food and now she could keep her eyes busy. Xiumin looked at her eyes go wide and laughed. He leaned down to her ear, not whispering but quietly commenting on the food. Jaejoong watched the youngsters little interaction and it felt bittersweet.

"Madam, would you like water or juice?" The maid offered Lee Hi.

She wanted juice but she didn't to ask for a specific kind and sound to picky.

"Get her cranberry juice." Jaejoong spoke for her. Everyone looked at him after his blunt comment. Lee Hi turned to look at him startled that he could still remember her favorite juice after all these years.  Surprised at his own action he cleared his throat. "I mean she likes cranberry juice right?" Lee Hi made eye contacted and nodded. Jaejoong was waiting for her eyes to change but they were dry with no emotion, of course she wouldn't look at him the same ever again but at least some type of mean stares like Xiumin so he could get it straight that she still hated him too but there was nothing, nothing at all and hope rised inside of him. That maybe there is still some thing.

Throught out the evening she wasn't afriad to make eye contact or answer indirect questions, she had her emotions under control. Once in a while Xiumin would reach down to her hand and grab it to make sure she was still okay. They spoke about the present and Xiumin was grateful that his parents didn't bring up the past because he didn't have an idea how to avoid the topic.

It was a little past seven thirty and Lee Hi was ready to leave right after dessert. They walked to the entrance and Xiumin offerred to tag along to drop her off but Mrs. Kim insisted that Jaejoong did it.

"Oh come on Xiumin, let your brother take her. They need to catch up."

"Mother, I'm going to take her."

"Xiumin enough with this, stop being jealous and let Jaejoong drive her, it will be much safer." Mr. Kim added to situation.

Not happy with the situation but not wanting to Xiumin get scolded Lee Hi offered the ride. She walked up to Xiumin and pretended to kiss his left cheek she whispred. "It's alright, I'll call you." and she hugged both parents bidding farewell.

Jaejoong opened the passenger seat of his white 2015 porsche 911. Before getting in Lee Hi waved goodbye to her friend who looked anxious.

The drive to her house was slient with the exception of the classical music playing. Lee Hi looked out the window not paying much attention to the person next to her, she was scared but to this point she couldn't expect the worst when it had already happened.

He would glance at her when he made turns but never for too long, not wanting to make her pressured with his stare on her. He was thinking of ways to start up the conversation but nothing came to his mind, well it did but they all started with 'Sorry' and he didn't want to remind her of the past.

Jaejoong pulled up to her drive way and parked. He was about to speak when she beat him.

"Thank you." She unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the door knowing  that he would speak any moment and avoiding it. He didn't want to end the night like this not on an awkward situation. With whatever pride he was left he got out too and went to her side.

"Lee Hi, I have something to say." He waited for run inside her house and ignore him but she stopped her tracks. He felt small infront of her, he was the oldest yet he was the one who was losing to his emotions. He wanted to give up but not yet, this will be the last time he says goodbye.  She stared at him waiting for the worst or something along the lines but she didn't want to hear it, she didn't want to her the words sorry or forgive me.

"I-i don't know what to say." He put his head down and Lee Hi looked at him with pity.

"Then don't say anything." She walked past him but he grabbed her by her hand. "Let. GO." Still having her back face to him. "Don't do something you will regret, don't make me say something I will regret."

"It's hard." He still held onto her hand and she didn't flinched or shook him off. "It's hard...I reflected on my wrong doings and-"

"No, don't say it."

"I am truly-"


"Lee Hi, I am-"


"I know but im still...sorry."

She chuckled with her back faced to him. "Sorry?" She looked at him and pulled her and away from his grip. "Sorry? You think that's enough?" She looked at him with disgust.

"It's not bu-"

"It's not so why do you keeping repeating 'Sorry' or 'I apologize' it's better if it stays in the past and say nothing." She spat at him.

"I can't let it."

"What?" She asked disbelief.

He gathred his bits of courage left. "I'm sorry okay but I can't let go the good side of our realtionship, I truly cared for you and I still do."

"Care? You  haven't changed have you, still selfish. If you CARED you wouln't have-" She stopped her sentence and looked away.

"Wouldn't have what?" He knew what she was going to say but he still wanted to hear it from her own mouth even it it was the cruel of him. "Say it."

"Say what?" Kris appeared out of nowhere. "Is this man bothering you, Lee Hi." He stood next to the girl.

She looked at Jaejoong from top to bottom and bit her toungue.

"Say what?" Kris asked one more time to the tense atmosphere. 

"Say what my favorite jucice is."

"CRANBERRY JUICE!" Both men said in unison.

She looked at both idiots in disbelief. Having one of her lazy looks she asked Jaejoong to leave. He didn't want to make the matter worse so he obyed.

"How did he know?"

"Because he was my ex-boyfriend." She blurted out.

"Oh, really?" He smirked and she rolled her eyes. "OH! IT'S THE FIRST TIME I SEE YOU DO THAT!"

She walked away leaving him talking to himself.

"Guess she isn't innocent as I thought."





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I'll leave it at that ending! Thanks to those who stayed and liked it. I know not the best but I tried.


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Chapter 18: Just cute LOl Tao at the end
xxxggom #2
Chapter 17: Ughhhhhh feels!! I just found out about this. Could you please tell me that you're going to update and finish this fic? Pleaseee. I need to know how this would end, thank you authornimm!!! <3
Missyouwannabe #3
Chapter 17: Oh lord Kris what are you doing to my heart...and you had your chance but you still cute tho lol
choaheo #4
Chapter 17: Finally an update, thank you\o/

Jealousy jaejoong, I like that lol
Missyouwannabe #5
Chapter 16: Ohh EXO gonna be at the party????
choaheo #6
Chapter 15: poor hayi T-T
choaheo #7
Chapter 14: thanks for continuing this story^^
why xiu come to kris's house? does they know each other? ;-;
Missyouwannabe #8
Chapter 12: This is Jayden an OC?
choaheo #9
Chapter 13: please make jayden catching hayi again, make he wants hayi back to him, and make kris to brave for make a step, and confess to hayi, then jayden will fight with kris xD
choaheo #10
Chapter 12: Finally new update><