Chapter 3








I couldn't cope with the amount of confusion and guilt I was experiencing. See? This is what happens when you miss out on stuff. You hurt people.

I walk over to his room door, and knock on it softly. Almost as soft as a mouse would.

"Sehun?" I call. "Sehun, please open up."

I turn the knob softly to find that it was unlocked anyways. Well there was no point in calling his name. I push the door open to find him right in front of the door about to open it. The door hits him and he stumbles back. Sehun grips his forehead, and laughs.

That smile...

I help him back up to his feet properly. Well, he was surprisingly cheery to find out that his ex- girlfriend forgot about him and everything else.

"I-I'm sorry Sehun oppa..." I say shyly.

"Oppa? Wow, I haven't heard that coming out of your mouth in a long time." He says while putting on a fake smile.

He looks at his hand and finds it covered in a red liquid. His eyes shoot wide open.

"Do one of your pens have a leak or something? It's all over your hand!" I say giggling.

Sehun looks and my hand sees the blood trickling down it. His gaze travels up my arm and finds my sleeve rolled up.

"Jagiya, can you take off your jacket for me?" Sehun says a little sternly. "Please?"

"J-Jagiya?" I say a little surprised. "Why?" I say a little creeped out that he wants me to take it off.

Without allowing me to do it myself, he slowly takes it off himself. I feel a small sting, and it slowly grows to an unimaginable pain.

"The bullet only grazed me right?" I thought. "Or..."

Well, it did not graze me. It went straight throught me. The addrenaline must've covered up the pain.

I shut my eyes tighly trying to deal with the pain. Tears soak into the floor as the pain flourishes inside me. Sehun panics at the sight of the wound. He takes me to his restroom, and grabs medical tape. I look at my blood covered hand, and make a fist with it. Thanks a lot Mr. Douche Officer. Thanks for the bullet.

Sehun wraps my arm slowly and carefully. I yelp once in a while to signal him it hurt. Finally, the soft medical tape covered the wound.

"How? The officers? You should've been more careful!" Sehun says with a gloomy expression.

I nod, and see that he's worried about me. He looks up at me with his puppy like eyes, and I look away. I refuse to look straight into them knowing I'll be drawn into him. There had to be a reason for us to split apart. There had to be a reason for me to leave. And I intend to find it.

"I didn't even notice." I say looking down. "I'm sorry I'm so ing fragile. Why don't you just put me up in a display case and lock it to protect me?" I then say with all the sarcasm that I had.

Sehun then looks at me like he's hurt. He was just trying to help me. Why am I so mean and arrogant? The confusion is getting to me. I can't let it take over.

I hug him to appologize. I hug him tight. I didn't mean to be rude and mean. I really didn't.

Sehun hugs back to accept my apology. I feel much better since he forgave me.

"It's late." he says. "Do you want to sleep on the couch or..." he then looks toward his room.

Sleeping next to him? Well, there's an awkward topic.

I awkwardly walk to the sofa and snuggle into the soft blanket he lended to me. He turns out the lights, and walks over to his room. He closes his door, but doesn't lock it. The only light is the moon. It's bright light shines on my face. Or should I say the light it steals.

An eerie feeling fills the room. I feel like I'm being watched. Shadows shift around, and I shiver.

I sit up and look around. A scared "hello?" escapes out of my mouth. I get up and look around. Chills travel up my spine, and I jog to Sehun's door. Who or what is watching me? It doesn't matter. Sehun can protect me.

I push the door open, and shuffle to his bed. I hesistantly slide into it. Sehun's eyes are closed, but mine stay open. He quietly breathes in and out as he rests.

What made me want to leave this sweet guy? He was caring and not to mention cute. 

"What really did make me want to leave you..." I whisper.

Sehun smiles, and I turn as red as a tomato. He opens his eyes, and yup I accidentally made eye contact. This time I couldn't look away. I couldn't avoid his eyes. His enticing eyes.

"Even I don't know why you left. You never told me." He says calmly. "Care to tell me now?"

"I d-don't..." I say struggling.

"Remember." He finishes.

THAT word. Might as well have him stab my wound again. That's how much it hurt.

"I can help you remember a little." He says looking straight at me.

He inches toward me and lays his lips on mine. I closed my eyes and flashes of memories with him filled my head. Memories from all the way from the start, and all the way to the end. 2 years of our relationships flashed in just 4 seconds. But the thing is, the last thing I saw was me running away in the rain. Not just because I was hurt, but it looked like I was scared. Why?

He slowly backed away leaving me with my eyes still closed. I slowly opened my eyes to see him smiling.

"Do you remember me now?" Sehun asks.

"Of course I do." I reply quietly.

He wraps me in his arms while taking notice I am still injured. His warmth covers me. I bury my face into his chest, and close my eyes.

"I really missed you." he says softly.

By then, I was already asleep drifting off into my dreams. I was safe in his hands. I felt protected.

Yet there still had to be a reason for me to leave him.

It better be a hella good reason.


Kris leaves out for a late night smoke out of Chanyeol and Kai's sight. He walks to the gas station with sunglasses and a mask so no one can notice his face.

He hands the clerk some money and the clerk gives him another pack of cigarettes in return. Kris exchanges glances with the clerk, and awkwardly walks away.

"What's his problem?" Kris mutters to himself as he strolls away from the grocery store.

The clerk presses the emergency button and a silent alarm goes off. The clerk stands outside the door waiting for the police. Blaring sirens travel down the streets. Kris' eyes widen to the sound of the sirens.

"..." Kris curses to himself.

He sprints away, but before he could get into an alley, a red dot appears on his chest. He slows and scoffs in disbelief. More dots appears onto his chest for he is surrounded by officers.

"Put your hands up now." an officer warns.

Kris laughs in disgustment.

"PUT THEM UP OR WE WILL FIRE." the officers repeats.

Kris counts how many officers there are. 10.

"Wow, just 10? Come on, I know they could do better." Kris thinks.

Kris pulls both of his guns out and fires. Before any of the officers could fire back, all of them fall.

"Aaaand Imma need these." Kris says and takes some of their guns. "More for us."

Kris listens as one of the radios go off.

"Subject Sajin status: she is in the trap. Officer Oh has her. Other Officers stay on the alert. Officer 364, do you have sight of the apartment?" it blares.

"Yes, yes I do." a voice responds on the radio. "So far so good."

Kris wonders what could be happening. He shakes it off and brings the extra guns back.

"Sajin?" Kris mumbles. "She's dead."

His mood changes to a gloomy one. Kris thinks about his dead friend. He tries to ignore and takes out a celebratory cigarette.

He leaves a smoke trail, and reaches the building.

"Here we go." Kris says and places the guns on the floor. "Extras."

"You took some out?" Chanyeol aks.

"Yeah, only 10 today." Kris responds.

"Kai.. I heard..." Kris starts, but then stops.

"What?" Kai snaps out of his thoughts.

"Nevermind, it's probably nothing." Kris says and lays on the floor.

Kai knows what Kris was gonna say. He was gonna tell him that he heard her name.

Kai's mood darkens even more. He looks out in the distance, and wonders.

"She can't be alive." Kai mumbles.

"It's impossible." Kris responds.

"Completely impossible..." Kai says.



"What the hell are you two talking about?" Chanyeol asks completely lost.

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