Chapter 1


A coma?

7 years?

Where have I been...

The doctor performs little tests on me, so he knows how I'm doing. I sit up and repeatedly tell him I'm fine, but he doesn't listen. He seems a little too worried about me. I ask if I could get some air, and he hesistantly allows me to leave. I walk out slowly making sure not to faint. I look around a little and it's nothing but a regular hospital... in a dirty, old building... in the middle of nowhere... of a jacked up city. Okay, it's far from normal...

The doctor runs up behind me telling me to wait. I get a little annoyed of how he thinks I'm a fragile little crystal. I'm not. I turn around with a 'Why can't you just leave me alone I'm fine' look.

"Excuse me, but why are you doing this?" I say a little creeped out and irritated.

He stops. He chuckles and realises he has gone a little overboard.

"My bad, I'm sorry Sajin-ah." He apoligizes. "I just don't want you to get hurt."

Well, I guess I finally know my name now. Kim Sajin.

"You don't remember me do you?"

I am confused. Am I supposed to know this creepy pedo looking guy?

"I don't remember anything at all." I say while I look down avoiding eye contact.

"You really did lose your memory. Well let me give you a refresher. I'm your uncle. And you are the last of your family. Your parents have been killed, so has the rest of your family. Well except me of course."

I go speechless, not knowing what to feel. My parents that I don't even know, or should I say remember, are dead? DEAD?

"Who killed them? Why did they kill them?"

"Well this world isn't what is was like back then"

"How? What happened?"

I was cut off by an immense explosion. A monotoned computerized lady voice errupts from the speakers repeating "CODE 095" over and over again. An endless droning of an alarm starts from another speaker. It puts me in a panic.

"S___, they found us" he curses. "We have to go NOW" He says and grabs my hand and runs out the door. Nurses, male and female, lead and follow in front and behind us. 

"W-What's happening?" I ask worried.

I hear gunshots coming form the ground floor, and run even faster. We go through a series of doors and turns and stairs. The doctor pulls a pistol out of his lab coat as we enter a tunnel. My eyes widen at the sight of all the chaos.

"Once we get to the other side, I want you to run. Run as far away as possible." the doctor commands. "If she catches you, it's all over."

"If who c-catches me?" I say shaking.

We reach the end and he opens a hatch leading to an abandoned quiet road. He pushes me out, and throws me clothes, an envelope, and a phone.

"THE LETTER TELLS YOU EVERYTHING. NOW RUN!" he yells as he hears the footsteps of the intruders rapidly growing. The nurses start firing. They fall on by one as they are hit by the bullets. "GO!"

I sprint as far as I could. I run until I couldn't see the building anymore. I'm shaken up and I'm scared. The doctor, or should I say my uncle, yells something as I was running. I couldn't quite make it out.

Find pie?

No, what the heck, that sounds stupid.

Find why?

Find why what?

It was a "K" word. Maybe not a word, but a name. Find Kim, Katherine, Kristina, Kat, Kam? I don't know!

Find Kai?


Nah, that can't be it.

I hide behind a building and change out of the annoying hospital gown. Boy, did he give me some nice clothes. Leather jacket, a V-neck, skinny jeans, sneakers, fingerless gloves, and all of that crap. I looked like a badass. Plus, there was a gun and a knife in the pockets of the jacket. Don't worry, only for emergencies, I PROMISE.

I look at the phone and admire it. It was decorated with a panda case and a little bunny charm hanging from it. It's my style. Everybody has a cute side, you know? I turn on the screen and instinctively draw the pattern password that the phone was locked with. How did I know that? I'm guessing this was, I mean, IS my phone.

I sit and take time to catch my breath. I reach for the envelope and open it. It's the letter he was talking about.


You're awake!!! I missed you so much. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you when you woke up. I had things to do. Hey, I'll give you a game to play. You have to find me!

"IN THIS BIG CITY? ARE YOU SERIOUS..." I yell to myself.

Yes, in this big city, I know. But don't worry, I'll help you! Go to the bridge. You know, the giant bridge. The one that's like right in the middle of the city. I'm pretty sure you'll notice it. Hey, don't get caught by the people who look like cops. They aren't cops. They'll capture you and do all this crap to you. I'll explain everything when I see you okay? Anyways, GO TO THE BRIIIIIDGE.

I'll just read the rest later. The playful, childish tone of the letter reminds me of someone. The person's face flashes into my mind for just a second, but I didn't quite see it.

I skip to the end to see who it's from, but all it says is:


Um... I don't know a KJ. Oh well, I'll find out who it is when I reach him. Well, I'm guessing it's a guy.

I put the letter away, take a deep breath, and start to head to the bridge that I can see all the way from here. Walking in the streets is too obvious. If I don't wanna get caught by whoever this person is, I gotta hide while I'm doing my stuff. I climb up a ladder to travel on the rooftops. My eyes widen again, but this time, even wider. The city looks like a ghost town. I blink trying to get myself to realize that this is real life. I just stand there in awe. What happened? I yell out "HEY!" and listen as my voice echoes and ventures out and fills every corner, crevace, crack and other "c" words.

I hear a walkie talkie go on and I duck behind a vent.

"Officer 567 do you see her?" the walkie talkie goes off.

"No, she went in this general direction though. Sajin is not in sight. Clear." the officer responds.

I watch carefully as the officer walks away. I jump to the next rooftop. The officer hears a sound and fires his gun. I'm hit, but not badly. I hide again and grip my left arm. It's only grazed, and I'm fine.

"I'm going crazy. I'm hearing things." The officer mumbles to himself and continues walking.

I take a deep breath and keep jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

I guess I'm a little popular here.

The officers are the paparazzi, but instead of cameras, it's guns.


"Yah, hyung give me some gum." Kai says.

"Here," Chanyeol says and throws it at Kai's face.

"You can keep that." Kai says as he eats the gum and throws the wrapper back at Chanyeol's face.

They sit there on the edge of an abandoned skyscraper not caring if they'll fall or not. Kai looks at the vast sight of the dark city. The moon steals just enough light from the sun to illuminate the city gently. Kai takes in the usual "fresh" air smell. Gunpowder filled air swirls in Kai's lungs and exits out his mouth past his lips. Yup, that's what they call fresh air. Kai closes his eyes to think, but is interrupted by the strong smell of tobacco.

"AISH HYUNG I SAID STOP SMOKING!!!" Kai scold as he finds Kris next to him smoking like he always does. 

"HEY! I said I would stop! I just don't know when." Kris mischieviously smiles and continues. Kris exhales the smoke gently letting the cloud graze his lips and blend into the air.

Kai smacks the cigarette out of Kris's hand. Kris seems like his heart broke into a milion pieces as he watches the little thing fall 60 stories. It leaves a light trail and burst on the ground putting the small fire out. Kris sighs, but they all end up laughing. Chanyeol throws a piece of gum at Kris. Kris eats it, which makes up for the cigarette.

The three look off into the city watching the many cop cars patrolling probably looking for them. Kris throws his gum wrapper down and hits the top of a cop car. He scoffs is digustment.

"They don't deserve to be called cops." Kris says.

"Damn right they don't." Chanyeol agrees.

Kai spots a small explosion off on the horizon. The wailing of an alarm fills their ears. They don't seem too worried. It's the usual. They see the building is quite tall. Probably, a worn down hospital.

"Wanna go see what it is?" Kris asks.

"It's too far we're fine." Chanyeol says and leans back on the pole behind him.

"It's nothing." Kai says and sighs. "Probably."



Author's note:

Ayeeee my readers~~~

I'm sorry, I know the story's boring so far!!!! Mianheyo~

Um, I'm hoping for some feedback, so pleeaaasseee comment.


Thanks for reading!!!

I'll update when I can~

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