

I wake up disoriented and dizzy. My eyes opening letting the harsh light hit my eyes. The same eyes that have been closed for 7 years. My body feels numb. The same body that has been laying here for 7 years.

I hear a low repeated beeping.

My eyes half lidded. I look around, and see that I'm in a hospital. At least that's what I think it is. 

A man in a white coat rushes in. He sees me awake and alive. The man smiles in relief. 

"Don't worry she's stable." he yells.

Did they think there was something wrong?

He grabs my hand, not in a creepy way, but in a hopeful, celebrative way.

"After all these years Ms. Kim.... you're awake."

doctor I'm guessing. He comforts me as nurses rush in to help.

"We thought you were going to die..."

"Die?" I respond.

He pauses, and I can tell he has news.

The strong smell of cleaning alchohol isn't helping. The lights are as bright as ever. And the IV needle isn't giving me a pleasant feeling at all. I try to keep my focus on the doctor. I wait and struggle to keep myself concious.

"Ms. Kim, you have been in a coma for 7 years."

I'm guessing my last name is Kim. I have no idea what's happening and I remember nothing at all. Everything is just... there's a word, and it's on the tip of my toungue. I just can't find it.

"How do you feel? How does everything look? How is your memory?"


A nurse bombards me with questions. All have one answer. It's that word that I've been trying to find. I stutter trying to get the word out. It hurts to talk. I'm too sore and weak, yet the word still manages to slip out of my mouth. The word describes everything...




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