Chapter 2


You have no idea how many times I've tripped on these rooftops so far. My face probably looks like I just got out of a fight. I get closer to the bridge finally. It's like 2 miles away; I could actually see it now.

It was huge. It was a gigantic medieval looking bridge that looked like it reached heaven. The streets were as dark as a cave, and I strain to see. I look down and see the entrance of the bridge crawling with officers.

"What the hell am I supposed to do now?" I whisper to myself as I take the note back out.

Remember, don't let them see you. 

That word haunts me....


I hate it. I wanna erase that word, so no one can ever use it. My mind is filled with nothing. I don't remember .

And this letter is filled with that word. It bothers the out of me.

Just a little ahead, there's an alley. Climb up the fire escape to the 4th window and knock on it. You should know who it is. He'll take care of you for a few days.

"What the hell..." I say confused.

I see the alley and stay in the shadows to avoid the officers. Their gazes look like they would kill an innocent baby holding a puppy. Their guns rested on their hands are ready to fire at any moment. They aren't cops..

They don't deserve to be called cops.

I find the alley and slide into it quietly. I read the note as I climb the fire escape. I try not to look down because I am definitely not a fan of heights.

You should remember him Sajin. He was a good friend of ours. Remember, he was that person who would party like everyday. He was funny because he would always be, well you know.

He would always be what? Why was he so funny?

I knocked on the window, and look inside. I dark figure approaches slowly looking like it's fumbling trying to stay up. There was something in it's hand. It looked like a gun. I back away a little and rest my hand at the handle of my own gun just to be safe. The figure opens the window and I immediately point the gun at the person's face.

"WHO ARE YOU?" I quietly yell, trying not to startle the officers that are just a few meters away from us.

The guy seemed like he just saw an angel come down from heaven.

"S-SAJIN?!" the mysterious guy randomly bear hugs me. "Aren't you th-supposed to be in a c-coma?"

I look at him funny.

Well, he wasn't holding a gun. Instead, it was a beer bottle. His eyes were blood shot, and his hair was a mess. And  don't forget his struggle trying to talk.

Yup, he was drunk.

He was probably always drunk. That's why he was so funny. Oh~ now I get it.

I put my gun away, and back up even more, still very confused. If he fixed up his hair and got some sleep, he would actually be pretty cute. Wait, wtf am I saying. He would look HOT.

"Hello?" He says while waving the bottle in my face to get my attention. "You th-still there?"

"Oh, uh sorry. But, once again, who are you?" I ask while looking down.

"You don't remember me?" he says looking like he's hurt.

"I don't remember anything..." I say quietly.

It hurts to say those words. I feel like I'm being cut in my throat 4 times for each word. That feeling of emptiness hurts. I want to fill the deep abyss that's inside of me.

I want to remember, but I can't...

I take a good look at the guy trying to figure out his name. I know it.. at least I think I do...

"S... ?" I say it like it's a question, asking if it started with an "S".

"Keep going, you got it." He approves.

"Sehun!" I randomly say instinctively, and hug him like there's no tomorrow while putting a gigantic joyful smile on my face.

As I hug him, there was this warmth. This warmth that felt familiar. Like, like I felt it before.

My smile slowly disappears. I gasp and bow to apoligize. What was I doing? I barely met this guy and I'm hugging him? Sajin, what in the world are you thinking?

"Why are you bowing? Get up." he says and tugs on my shoulder.

I rise trying to avoid eye contact with with him, but his eyes were just too deep to resist. I accidentally look at him and turn my head away fast.

He sighs and intertwines his fingers with mine.

"I'll help you remember okay?" He says in the most caring tone.

He brings me inside and wraps a blanket around me. At least. he sobered up. He looks more serious, but kind. I stay silent feeling embarassed and still confused. I sit on the couch, and scan the apartment. It was so open, and there was a gigantic window. The view... well... I could see the whole city, but it wasn't beautiful sight.

He looks at me worried. He tucks my hair behind my ear, and sits next to me.

"You don't remember me at all?" he says wanting a yes.

I stay silent looking at the dark hardwood floor. Tears start to well up for no reason. I just want to cry, but I don't really have a reason. I wipe my eyes before any tears escaped, and showed my true feelings.

"It's me Th-Sehun! You know your..." he says, but hesitates to continue. His smile vanishes.

I finally made definite eye contact with him. I wanted him to finish.

"My what?" I say wanting an answer.

"You know what forget it. If you need anything just call me if you need anything okay?" he says and starts getting up.

I grab his hand before he could leave.

"Tell me." I demand. I want to know, I wanted to know everything again.

He yanks his hand away, and starts walking away again.

"SEHUN TELL ME!" I say hurt. What was so bad that he couldn't just tell me?

I'm pretty sure it wasn't THAT bad.

"I'm your ex-boyfriend okay..." He quietly says looking down with sad eyes.

His depression suddenly filled the air. He trudges to his room with a heart that was broken into a million pieces.

Before he opened his room door, he turns his head.

"Welcome back..." he says, walks inside and closes the door.

I wish he never told me.

I don't wanna know anymore...


Kai pays the cashier while trying to hide his face. If she recognizes him, he had to run. He was too lazy to.

"Thank you come again." the cashier says.

Kai carries the bag of ramyun and other foods and heads out. He jogs to his motorcycle and put the bag into the compartment under his seat. The helmet he puts on shades his face from anyone he passes by. Kai revs up the bike and takes off back to the rooftop. The sound of the motorcycle fills the streets and he speeds past everything. The wind makes his jacket flap violently. The motorcycle slows down to a stoplight and Kai waits.

An officer stands there on patrol. Kai waves acting like a regular citizen. He's wanted, so he can be killed. His sister thinks he's a traitor for not joining her in running the place. She thinks that whoever disobeys her is evil, even though she's full of evil herself.

Suddenly, the officer's radio goes off.

"Subject Sajin is no where to be found. Officers, please keep an eye out for her." The radio wails.

Kai's eyes widen as he evesdrops.

"Sajin? MY Sajin?" Kai wonders.

"But she's dead..." 

Kai laughs a little to himself.

"There's a million Sajin's here. It can't be her."

Kai shakes it off like it's nothing. The light turns green and he continues his ride. His heart drops when he hears her name. She's gone. Kai never wants to hear her name. It makes him miss her even more.

Kai arrives at the abandoned building and takes the elevator up to the rooftop. It was scary walking down the abandoned and dark hallways by yourself. Kai walks even faster as the fear builds up. He finally reaches the door to the rooftop and opens it. He carries the hot bowls of ramyun to Kris and Chanyeol.

"YES! I'M SO HUNGRY!" Kris cries as he jogs to Kai.

Chanyeol pushes Kris and reaches Kai first. Kai sits and opens the plastic bag. They each take a bowl and devour the noodles inside. Kai sits there staying on the fact that he heard her name. Seven years passed since he saw her. Seven years since she died.

Kai KNOWS she's dead. It seriously can't be her. Really.

"Yah Kai. are you okay?" Chanyeol asks as he sees that Kai isn't all that happy looking.

"Yeah I'm fine, just thinking you know." Kai responds.

Kai sighs.

"Yup, just thinking."

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