
Protecting Each Other.

Kris POV

Tao and I woke before anyone else. We got up and had a wonder around Luc's appartment. 

"She leads such a normal life and being our friend would only bring many burdens to her. Even yesterday, she was hesitant to be seen with us. She doesn't want this life. We'd only bring her hurt." Tao says to me and we stand in one of the empty rooms. It was only 7:30AM and the movers come at 9. 

I sighed. "I know, but I can't seem to let her walk now that we're already friends. There's something about her ..." I trailed off. "What happened to you last night? We were talking about her family and you just spaced off, like you were remembering something but also trying hard not to remember." I say. 

"Oh, it was nothing." He smiled halfheartedly.

"Don't lie to me." I say sternly. Tao just sighs. 

"Do you remember the sister I told you I have that lives overseas and dosn't talk to me?" Tao whispered slowly. Even though we were in another room, he still kept his voice low. 

"Yes, but what does that have to do with her?" I ask cluelessly.

"It's her. Excpet, I don't think she remembers me. She was 3 the last time I saw her. We have diferent fathers. Our last name comes from our mother as she was single at both times she had us. I don't know if she knows who her father is or not. A lot of drama went down and we got split up. She also has another sister. I'm assuming she doesn't like talking about her because why would she lie about being an only child?" Tao said slowly. I was begining to feel a bit uncomfortable. This girl is Tao's half younger sister. What the heck do I do with this information?

Tao also told me that even though we've met his real dad, the woman he calls mum is not his biological mother and that maybe what Lucy said was right. Maybe she was dead. We heard the others waking up and Tao made me promise not to say anything until the time comes. I sighed as we got up and went back to the living room to see everyone awake. Lucy and Kyungsoo were at the kitchen looking for something to make for breakfast. Jongin was on the phone to what sounded like his sister. Chen was reading, still and the rest of the guys were trying hard not to fall asleep, but they did. It was only 10 minutes later when we smelled the food that everyone was awake and Lucy was now bossing Chanyeol and Tao around to set up and telling the rest of us to clean up the blankets and pillows and just put them in the cuppard so they won't get in the way when we start unpacking. 

Lucy POV

After breakfast it was 8:30 and we heard a knock on the door. I wondered who it was until a girl walked in and I remembered that Jongin's sister was coming around. She greeted all the guys and made her way towards me and gave me a hug. I was a little shocked at her but hugged her back. 

"I'm Andrena. Jongin's sister." She smiled at me as she pulled away. She had long beautiful hair and light clear skin. All in all, she was really pretty. I'm envious. I could tell that her and Jongin were siblings. Even if they were half they had the same charm. Good looking siblings. I'm double envious. She began talking about how it great it is to finally have someone on the inside who doesn't like like the guys because they're EXO. I explained to her that I didn't like the guys at all and when I looked at them I saw all 12 pairs of eyes on me and all 12 faces were pouting and looking hurt. I rolled my eyes and told them I was joking. 9AM rolled around and I got a message saying the movers were here. I walked to the bathroom to rinse my face and looked in the mirror and screamed. Kris, Lay and Chanyeol all came running to the bathroom. 

"Are you okay?" Kris. 

"What happened?" Chanyeol.

"Luc, you're not that ugly." Lay said as a joke. I glared at him. 

"You could have told me I had a black eye. Jesus!" I yelled. I looked in the mirror and touched it lightly which made me flinch. I didn't notice the pain this morning and my ankle feels better. 

"It's not even that bad." Kris said as he signaled to Lay and Chanyeol to tell the others to start bringing stuff in. Kris walked into the bathroom and examined my face.

"Are you kidding? It's terrible!" I said a little bit more calmly. "And the doctor said it would be at it's worse tomorrow." I whine. 

"Luciana." Kris said seriously. I just pouted at him. "A slight bruise on your face isn't going to diminish how pretty your face is. A little flaw is what it is. Little. You'll be okay. You survived the punch, what makes you think a little bruise will get you down?" She said kindly. 

"It's really ugly though." 

"But you're not." He smiled. I sighed and nodded. He was being to cute so I couldn't argue with him. I smiled back at him."Now, there's the positive Lucy we all know. Let's go help everone else. Is your ankle okay, by the way?" He asked. 

"It's fine. I still can't do any heavy lifting." 

"That's why you have us strong, manly guys." Kris laughed as we made our way down to help with boxes. 

"Have you seen Kyungsoo and Luhan? Them too are like cute kitty cats." I laugh as he laughed as well. 

Everything was finally set down in my apartment and I sorted through the boxes and took two to my room for me to unpack alone later on. The furniture was already set in their rightful places and all that need to me done was make this place more homey. Andrena was setting up kitchen stuff with Chanyeol and Baekhyun Luhan, Chen and Sehun went out to buy some grocieries for the place and the rest of the guys were around doing their own thing. Tao and I were setting up the bookself and putting up some photo frames when I felt him freeze beside me. I looked at him to see him staring at a photo of me when I was 3 and a boy who was about 5. 

"Who's this?" Tao asked. I smiled at him.

"That's me when I was 3. I never really knew who the boy was but I like the photo. Seemed like we were really close, whoever he was." I smiled. "It's a happy memory that I don't have. So I take it with me, because it seemed like back then, was a happy time and that's how I would like to imagine my childhood." I say sadly and take the frame and place it between a photo of my mum and granddad and one of just my mum. 

"Don't you wonder who he is sometimes?" Tao asked. 

"I wonder about him all the time. I wonder who he is. If maybe he remembers me. I've tried asking my granddad but he tells me he doesn't remember. I don't believe him, though. I just go alone with it in the hopes that this little boy is well and still as cute as his is in this photo." I look at the photo once more before I get back to unpacking my photos and putting them on the shelf. My phone starts ringing and I check it to see an unknown number. I sigh and answer it. 

"Lucy." Comes a voice I haven't heard in 2 years. "Correct me if I'm mistaken but did I see you leaving the airport with EXO-M yesterday evening? Maybe we should meet." I froze and Kris, Tao and Luhan sense how uneasy I am. 

"Mina." I say shocked. I look at the everyone and walk off to my room and slams my door. "What the hell do you want?" 

"I want to know how you know them." She says innocently. I hear Kris calling out on the other side of my closed door. I almost panic. "I want to know them too." 

"No. I don't know them. I just met them on the flight from Hong Kong and they were kind enough to me to a taxi." I say calmly. 

"I know when you're lying, Lucy. Is that not Kris I hear calling out your name? Are you in Korea? You know how I can be sometimes." She said with faked sweetness. 

"Mina. Go away. Don't ever try and contact me again." I say sternly. 

"Of course I would contact you. I am your sister after all." She laughed. I cringed. "Maybe we'll be seeing each other soon." After that one line I hung up. I was shaking. I opened my door quickly and made my way out of my appartment and then out of the building. I almost ran to the conveniance store across the road. 

"Hi. Can I please buy a new simcard?" I ask in Korean. He gives me one and I head back to my appartment. I pull my phone out and switch sim cards immediately. Everyone just looks at me like I'm crazy they keep asking me if I'm okay, which I ignore. I told them to just keep doing what they're doing as I walked to the bathroom and locked myself  in there. I cried. 

I am your sister after all. Maybe we'll be seeing eachother soon. 




Another chapter done. Yay. I'm going to sleep. Goodnight. x






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Chapter 26: Aww, this story was nice and the ending made my heart feel warm >.< It was the perfect ending
Thanks, author-nim :)
Chapter 11: the ending part of this chapter sends tingles all over me. too cute kyaas, my cheeks have gone warm x))
newtokpop09 #3
Chapter 15: OMG Kim yeoshin!!! I heard of her...do you know more about her background...I know what she did..some stuff....