Super Hero.

Protecting Each Other.

Luhan was still hoding my hand. I pulled my hand back for fear of a photo being taken at any moment. I smiled apologetically at him and he looks at me with understanding. Kris pats my shoulder comfortingly as we near the gates. I realized how nervous I am by the fact that my palms are really sweaty. Did Luhan even notice that? I see a whole bunch of screaming people ahead as a body guard stands infront of me blocking my way. Kris puts up his hand. 

"It's okay. She's with us." Lay says and the body guard nods and 7 of them appear. 

"I am freaking out." I say to Lay, I was probably on the verge of tears. 

"You'll be fine, Luc. Just breathe." Lay says as we get closer to the screaming people. 

A sea of people. I've never see this many people unless it was at a rugby game or some sports event. I heard a lot of screaming and people talking in Korean, screaming out for their bias' attention. There was a lot of pushing and shoving and I was feeling very closed in. I kept my head down, the glasses threatening to fall off but my hands were stunk to my sided and I couldn't seem to free them. I looked at my surroundings. Chen and Xiumin at the front, Lay and Kris on either side of me and Luhan and Tao behind me. I pressed my face onto Lay's shoulder so I could push the glasses up my face. Only now am I realizing that Kris is so freaking tall. I'm up to his shoulders. Or maybe just passed his sshoulders. Damn. A whole lot of swears words being thrown in our direction caught my attention and I looked up to see some angry faces staring directly at me. "Who is that ?" "Why is she with out babies?" "She's not even pretty!" "Why is she touching Lay oppa?" "ty !!" "Let me hit her for touching my oppa!!" "She's so ugly!" I think Kris could feel me starting to tremble because Kris leaned down. 

"Ignore them, Luc. They aren't worth your time. You're so much better." Kris said comfortingly and I relaxed a little. That is until someone, out of ing know where did a pretty high jump and punched me right in my face, I staggered a bit and tripped over my own feet, I felt a minor click in my ankle. I felt Tao grab me from behind to keep me from falling and Kris help my arm. I let out a scream because of the pain in my eye and my ankle. "Jesus Christ!" I yelled. Kris and Tao looked at eachother and panicked a bit but tried to keep me moving. I was now leaning on Lay and Kris with one foot in the air and we tried to hurriedly leave the airport. Once we were outside a black van with black tinted windows was there and Kris put me in the front seat and they all piled into the back seat. 

"Hospital." Kris said to the driver in Korean. "Hurry, please." 

Once we arrived at the hospital I hear Kris immediately jump out of the van and come to my side and open my door. I thought he was gonna help my up but he lifts me up all together and me, still semi crying, put my arm over his neck and just cry into his shoulder. The pain in my eye has slowly subsided it's just the pain in my ankle now. As we entered the hospital, it was quiet, Kris hurried to the side and I had to look up and tell him to calm down because it really wasn't all that serious. It's probably just a serious bruise, and it was. After the doctor saw me he just told me to keep it bandaged, iced and to keep it up. He also told me to ice my eye. It'll be at it's worse in a few days, but will fade in a week and a half. Tomorrow I should be able to walk alright with a small bit of pain and that I should stay away from heavy lifting, which is about 89% of what I was supposed to be doing tomorrow. I guess it's a good thing the guys offered to help. After I came out of the doctors all the guys rushed up to me and asked if I was okay. I told them to back up a little and that I was okay. I laughed at their concern. I've only known them for 4 hours and they're already acting like older brothers. Tao looked the most concerned. I smiled thankfully at each of them and then we retreated back into the van. I told the guys my address and we all headded over there. The someone's phone started ringing and I looked back to see Lay pull out his phone and answer it. 

"Hyung." Lay said and started to speak Korean. He put his phone on speaker. "Baekhyun-ah."

"Where are you? I though you'd be here by now." Someone, I'm assuming is Baekhyun said.

"Hyung, we got sidetracked. We might be a little bit longer. We'll text you." Lay replied. 

"Stay safe, okay?" He sounded worried. 

"Yes, Jagi." Lay said sarcastically. Baekhyun swore at Lay and then they both hung up. I laughed a little bit. We pulled up at my appartment complex and we all stared at it. 

"Nice place." Xiumin said. 

"I've only see photos but it looks so beautiful. The building, I mean." I laugh nervously. "Did you guys wanna come check it out with me?" I ask hesitantly. 

"Yeah!" They all smiled. I walked with them to the front desk, limping slightly. I told the person at the desk who I was and her hage me a key and a spare one just in case. He looked at my friends and told me that I can get my key cut as many times as I want in case I decided to give them a key to my appartment.I told him that my stuff is coming tomorrow around 9AM and then I smiled at said thank you. We took the elevator up to the fourth floor and looked for appartment 203. 

"Here it is." Lay said and I unlocked my door and we all walked inside. The living room was spacious. Beside it was the kitchen area which looked great and also spacious since I love cooking. I checked out the 2 rooms and they were also quite spacious. Obviously I'd be having the bigger room and the other would be a spare for who ever. It was ablread 8PM and almost dark. I came out to see the guys all sitting on the empty floor chilling. I sighed. 

"What's wrong?" Xiumin asked. 

"I just don't exactly know where I'm sleeping. Or what I'm sleeping on." I said cluelessly. When I told the movers that I was getting in at 6PM they said they couldn't deliver until 9AM the next morning and me who didn't think anything through, said okay. I only have an overnight bag with me for a morning shower and change of clothes and some make up. I just didn't even think. 

"I HAVE AN IDEA!' Luhan shouted. "It's gonna be weird since we only just met today but how about we call the other Hyungs to bring heaps of blankets and pillows and we all sleep on the floor tonight. HOUSE WARMING!!" Luhan said. I thought it over and loked at the other guys. They seemed to be sweet with the idea.

"If you guys want to, that should be fine. We can also go out and grab some food to cook and some plates and chopsticks and other junk." I smiled excitedly. "I like cooking, so I don't mind." 

"You'd get along perfectly with Kyungsoo." Tao added. 

"We could also get the guys to bring over my laptop and some movies." Xiumin said equally excitedly as Luhan. 

"Sounds like a good plan, guys. Wait, are stores even open at this time?" I asked.

"Of course." Kris said. The guys called the other guys while Chen sat in the corner still rerading The Great Gatsby.




Well, that was fun, again. I think I'm enjoying this. Hahaha. A bit sicky but hahah oh well, for my enjoyment not yours <3 
I love you all you y beautiful people <3 

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Chapter 26: Aww, this story was nice and the ending made my heart feel warm >.< It was the perfect ending
Thanks, author-nim :)
Chapter 11: the ending part of this chapter sends tingles all over me. too cute kyaas, my cheeks have gone warm x))
newtokpop09 #3
Chapter 15: OMG Kim yeoshin!!! I heard of you know more about her background...I know what she did..some stuff....