
Protecting Each Other.

"Well, that's lovely." I said hesitantly trying my best to stay polite even though I'm panicking on the inside. I looked out the window to only see the sky. Silence. How am I going to escape them once we land? Do I stay back a little bit? Ask the flight attendants if there's any help they need me to do while the guys leave? God, I'm in a bit of a sticky situation. I definately should have stayed another day.

"What are you thinking about?" Kris asks me quietly and everyone began doing their own thing. 

"How I'm going to escape you guys once we land in Seoul." I say truthfully and sigh. 

"Why?" He asks.

"I'm aware of how big you guys are in China and in South Korea and Internationally, I guess. I wouldn't be too fond off being pushed and shoved all over the place by fans trying to get to you." I scratch my head in though. This is going to be a tough one. 

"We have body guards who can look out for you and see you off into a taxi or something." He offered. 

"Although that would be lovely, I'm a bit hesitant about being see with you and the fact that my face will end up on allkpop and some other tabloids." I frown. I didn't want to sound to harsh. "You guys seem like a great bunch and I'm glad that fame isn't too stuck up your asses, I'm just trying to look out for me, right now. I don't want to be hurt." I smile saddly.

"Trust me. Nothing's going to hurt you, I promise." Kris said sternly. 

"That's a pretty tough promise to keep, Kris." I say almost angryly. People shouldn't make promises they can't keep or are almost impossible to keep.

"I know what I'm on about." Kris smiled comfortingly. I smiled back hesitantly wanting to trust him but feeling skeptical.

We talked throughout the entire flight. He asked me questions about myself and I asked the same to him. He told me about how he wants to be a better dancer and maybe learn some martial arts. I told him about how tomorrow my stuff will be arriving and I have so much to unpack that it's literally already stressing me out. Then the flight attendants came and told us that we'll be landing soon. Didn't seem so long after all. We both looked out the window in silence to see Seoul. It was beautiful. Kris was leaning almost over me to look out the window as well. 

"Pretty, isn't it?" 

"It is. I've never been here yet I plan on studying here. I can't wait to get to know the city." I say excitedly. I feel Kris lean back in his seat and I leaned back in my.

"Lucy..." Kris spoke up. I turned to face him. 


"Can I have you number? In case you want some one to show you around the city, or help you move in. Depending on how much stuff you have, I can call the other guys too." Kris smiled and Luhan popped his head over again and nodded in agreement. 

"Aren't you guys going back to a jam-packed schedule?" I ask. 

"Nope." Chen said from behind. I looked behind me but Chen was still reading the book I gave him when he asked me if he could read it. "We have about 3 weeks off. It's the new year. Besides, Kris threatened to badly cut his hair again if we didn't get a new year break." Chen said plainly as he flipped the page. I laughed a little bit.

"Well, since you guys are offering, then I guess it would be okay." I said. Luhan reached over to a still sleeping Tao and slapped him. 

"Hyung. We're landing. Wake up." He says and tao slowly opens his eyes. He looks around to see us all staring at him. 

"What?" Tao mumbles as he rubs his eyes. 

"You're a heavy sleeper." Lay says, amused. 

"Tell me something you don't know about me." Tao said sarcastically. I giggle and he looks right at me. "Hello." He says tiredly. 

"Hey." I reply, I smile brightly. Tao frowns a bit. My smile falters. 

"It's okay. She's not a sasaeng." Kris says and Tao nodds. 

"Nope. It's just her persoanality. She sounded a little bit like a snob at the beginning of the flight but I think that's cos Kris was an to her." Lay says. We all sat back as we landed and once the plane had stopped altogether I gave Kris, Lay, Chen, Luhan and Xiumin my number. 

"I didn't catch your name." Tao said. 

"Luciana Huang ... or you can call me Lucy, the guys are calling me Lucy. Except Xiumin. He's calling me Ciana." I smile. Tao looks a bit surprised but it was only for a second before he smiled back at me. 

"I like your name." 

"Thanks. It's the only one I have." I shrug and Luhan laughs a little. I gave Tao my number too in the end. We all got up and Chen was about to give back my book when I told him he could finish it and then give it back to me tomorrow. He looked almost finished with the book anyway. Once I turned my phone on I had 6 new text messages. All from Tao, Kris, Lay, Luhan, Xiumin and Chen say 'Hi' and telling me who they are. I smiled. "Thanks for the numbers, guys. I'll be sure to post it on my Facebook." I said innocently. 

"You're joking right?" Kris said hesitantly. 

"I guess only time will tell." I sigh and grab my things. I felt all six pairs of eyes on me as I stood up. I looked at all of them. "I'm kidding, guys. Chill out. I'm not like that. I wouldn't even post my bestfriend's number online. Do I look like I wanna get hit by 6 guys?" I say sternly. They all looked relieved. As we were about to enter the terminal Xiumin speaks up. 

"I hope you can't understand Korean." 

"What's that supposed to mean?" I confusedly ask. Of course I understand Korean. I'm studying here after all. 

"It means that things are going to get crazy, maybe a little violent. A girl leaving the plane, escorted by bodyguards with EXO-M ..." Xiumin said. That's when I backed away from Kris' grip.

"Maybe I'll just stay on board for a bit until I absolutely have to go." I say but then Lunan grabs my hand. 

"It's okay." Luhan says as he takes off his furry wolf hat and puts it on me. Kris gives me his glasses. 

"Stay close and keep your head down." Lay instructs. 

And that's exactly what I did. 



WeyHey! That was fun. Sorry for another boring chapter. I guess things will get a little intense within the next chapter.Sounds a little bit exciting doesn't it? Probably not. I haven't done much to prove my writing skills so I guss we'll have to see how crap or not-crap the next chapter will turn out. :D x







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Chapter 26: Aww, this story was nice and the ending made my heart feel warm >.< It was the perfect ending
Thanks, author-nim :)
Chapter 11: the ending part of this chapter sends tingles all over me. too cute kyaas, my cheeks have gone warm x))
newtokpop09 #3
Chapter 15: OMG Kim yeoshin!!! I heard of you know more about her background...I know what she did..some stuff....