Be my Boyfriend

Mémoire Intemporelle (Timeless Memory)

“Baekhyun,” Chanyeol huffed as his eyes followed the backs of Lu Han and Baekhyun down the hallway, “Baekhyun. I can’t believe that this newbie has the nerve to treat someone like me, in this manner. This will not go unpunished!”


The giant whispered to himself, or at least thought he did, which he obviously didn’t because a voice belonging to a certain Lu Han yelled from down the corridor to “shut up because you’re yelling, and yelling isn’t for the indoors.”


Chanyeol scoffed before attempting to answer back with something snarky but was interrupted when someone tapped his shoulder. “Chanyeol, what’s been taking you so long?” It was Nara. Perfect time, as always.


Nara stood behind him with the same pouty look that she wore nearly ten minutes ago when they parted because Chanyeol had to use the bathroom. “I went to the track, but you were taking longer than usual so I decided to check and see if something was up…” Nara stated, her eyes darting from Chanyeol’s face to area around him, scanning for another potential body that may have been keeping Chanyeol busy. “-But I guess you were just dilly-dallying, huh? Since no one seems to be here with you.”


“Yeah,” Chayeol started while grabbing for his girlfriend’s tiny wrist and holding it in his significantly larger hand, “I’m sorry babe. I just zoned out for a bit.” He falsely reassured Nara with no sense of lingering guilt about lying to his girlfriend. The boy had seen no wrong in what he said because it’s not like what he said was a major lie anyway. “I kind of got caught up in my thoughts.” Now that part was definitely not a lie. Chanyeol grinned sweetly down at Nara and brought the back of her hand to his lips to kiss it tenderly.


The pout that had once made home upon Nara’s lips soon vanished as Chanyeol’s greasiness pulled through in making her forgive him for making her wait. It was one of Chanyeol’s greatest moves, and worked every time on more than just his girlfriend. “But I need to head to the library. Wait for me at my house, tell my butler to make you some Jasmine tea with honey just how you like it, and take a nap. I’ll be there in a few hours, ne?”


His girlfriend looked a little more than hesitant about going along with Chanyeol’s thoughtful suggestion, considering the fact that it seemed like he was trying to get rid of her in a polite manner. Which, to be honest, he was but he wouldn’t admit that to himself. Nara slowly nodded her head in agreement, the smile she wore faltering from her face as Chanyeol briskly released her wrist the moment she approved.


Before Nara could whine about not receiving a goodbye kiss from her boyfriend, Chanyeol had already strut more than halfway down the hallway leaving his girlfriend unsatisfied and pouty once again. “Why do you even need to go to the library? You never go to there.” She complained while turning on her heel and walking in the opposite direction.



“Wow, Baekhyun you look even cuter in your uniform.” Lu Han complimented as the other emerged from the bathroom stall with his hospital gown in tow. Baekhyun ruffled his hair and gave the Chinese boy a tiny grin as thanks for the nice remark. “Seriously Baekhyun, you have that adorable school boy look that girls would fawn over. I’m surprised no one has to confessed to you yet.”


Baekhyun waved him off, “Let’s not exaggerate here, but I appreciate your flattery praise.” The brunette laughed and Lu Han followed suit grabbing the hospital gown from Baekhyun’s hands and shoving the fabric into his own bag.


“I’ll return this for you,” Lu Han gestured towards his backpack, “my uncle helps out with the physicals, anyway.” Baekhyun nodded and adjusted himself in the mirror one last time before Lu Han led them to their designated area.


The library was to be honest, one of the most extravagant building to hold books Baekhyun has ever stepped foot in. The brunette stood at the entrance in awe, his eyes flittering from the glass chandelier that hung above the check out desk to the hundreds of books placed on the huge shelves scattered throughout the room. Baekhyun could hear the distant chuckles from Lu Han as the other dragged him by the arm to a table in the far back.


Lu Han sat Baekhyun in the seat across from him on the dark wood table before shugging his backpack off his shoulders and tossing it to the side. The Chinese boy clasped his fingers together, setting them gently on the space in front of him and proceeded to look at Baekhyun seriously. The atmosphere then got a bit weird, so Baekhyun attempted to lighten it by speaking.


“Sooo-“ the brunette offered but was cut off by Lu Han soon after.

“-Let me just come out with it then.” Lu Han says, something in his voice making Baekhyun realize that he is meaning strict business with this here conversation. “Be my boyfriend.” The latter had absolutely no clue on how to react to such a demand. Baekhyun blinked furiously thinking that if he did it enough times everything that was going on right now would just be some joke Lu Han did to new comers… but that wasn’t the case.


The Chinese boy continued to stare at Baekhyun, awaiting an answer but nothing came out. Baekhyun was flustered and more than confused. But as the brunette began to open his mouth to speak, a different voice came out. “He’s definitely not going to be your boyfriend.” Both boys sitting at the table looked at each other perplexity, attempting to figure out what exactly just happened until the said voice rang out again. This time, Lu Han and Baekhyun knew just whom that voice belonged to, Park Chanyeol.


“Don’t go forcing the newbie into one of your grand schemes Lu Han. Leave Baek- I mean him out of it.” Chanyeol continued with his arms folded across his chest making an effort to appear as intimidating. It didn’t work for Lu Han threw his head back with an obnoxious laugh. Baekhyun choose to just roll his eyes at the giant since he didn’t want to make the scene even bigger with the string of rude comments waiting to burst out.


Lu Han waved the tallest of the three over to their table to take a seat next to him. “Chanyeol, what a surprise to see you here.” The Chinese boy chuckled, patting the vacant chair at the shortened end of the table. Chanyeol’s daunting ego was soon shot down within a matter of seconds as he leisurely inched his way over to the table, but didn’t take a seat like Lu Han proposed him to do.


Baekhyun sat back in his own chair, eyeing out Chanyeol with the most menacing gaze that the earth has ever seen. The giant was beginning to get on Baekhyun’s last nerves. Why was he even here? What made him think that he could just into Lu Han and his conversation? Chanyeol needed to go away because Baekhynu no longer wanted to rekindle his childhood friendship with someone so fake.


Chanyeol could feel the daggers that were waiting to stab him in the face by the small brunette and couldn’t help but to spare a glance at him. The giant kept his poker face plastered on his expressions and had no intentions of backing down as his eyes connected with Baekhyun’s. Lu Han had finally calmed his laughter and proceeded with his discussion with Baekhyun, completely disregarding Chanyeol’s presence.


“So, how about it Baek?” The Chinese boy grinned, opening his palm for Baekhyun to slip his hand in.


Baekhyun was indifferent about the whole situation now. The flustering feelings that he once had when Lu Han first popped the question was now gone. He wanted to say yes. He wanted to say yes just so he could spite the out of Chanyeol. He wanted to say yes, so he did.


“Sure Lu Han. I’ll be your boyfriend.” Baekhyun accepted reaching out for Lu Han’s hand.


“Not without my approval first.” Chanyeol curtly interrupted, taking Baekhyun’s hand and snatching it away from Lu Han’s hold.


Baekhyun’s head snapped up to sneer at Chanyeol and harshly tried to rip his arm out of the giant’s grip, “ off, Chanyeol. I don’t even know you.”


And with that the brunette was roughly jerked out of the comfort of his library chair and dragged out of the large room and into the nearest unoccupied classroom, leaving Lu Han flabbergasted and alone.


Baekhyun struggled with all his might, but it was useless. Chanyeol wasn’t the same fragile crybaby he was nine years ago, and that was more than obvious in the way he manhandled Baekhyun into the room and shoved him against the back of the door.


“What the , Park?!” the brunette growled, ignoring the dull pain in his back from the impact of being slammed against the wooden door.


“Shut the hell up, Baekhyun.” And the was the last coherent thing that was said between the both of them before Chanyeol slotted his lips against Baekhyun’s and began to kiss the life out of him.  

author's note; crappy updates are crappy. i'm sorry subbies /cries/ i'll edit and stuff when i get the chance too~

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Chapter 6: Whaaaattt just happened lolol
seungyeomi #3
Chapter 6: OmGD YAAAAASSSSSS!! You kiss him Park Chanyeol! You kiss the living daylights out of him, break up with your annoying girlfriend and then make Baekhyun yours.You go Park Chanyeol
soonyngs #4
Chapter 5: Omg I love this!
Chapter 5: Love itttttt
pengey5 #6
Chapter 5: Love this chapter!!
Please update as soon as you can <3 :D
Lovechanbaek #7
Chapter 5: Ugghhh.. Baekyeol feeeeelss. God... this is so good.. can u pliz update, i cn't wait
Chapter 4: omg! omg! omg!!!!!!!! gaaaaahh!!! i need more, more, more!!!!!! please update soon author-nim pleeeeaaaasseeeee
Chapter 4: Awww more BaekLu please! Haha that was awesome! He's the perfect rebound from Chanyeol and that will make him so insanely jealous that he will NEED to talk to him Muahahahaha