Unexpected Events

Mémoire Intemporelle (Timeless Memory)

a/n; i've changed the title of my story to something completely irrelevent just so it sounded cooler lol /throws self off brigde

Baekhyun simply could not fathom how it was even possible that the freakishly tall, horribly rude, and undeniably attractive student that had just shoved both him and Kyungsoo to the side was Park Chanyeol. There was no mistaking that it was his Park Chanyeol. Baekhyun swore that no matter where he traveled off to in the vast universe, he’d always recognize those ears and this guy had them.


“Do you know him,” Kyungsoo piqued, “wait of course you would know him. That was a stupid question.”


The later blinked, it took his brain a good hearty five minutes to put two and two together and completely realize that Park Chanyeol had transformed into a total douche bag. “C’mon, stop zoning out. Class is about to start.” Kyungsoo interrupted pulling the shocked brunette along, sitting him in the desk next to his own.


Baekhyun forced down the urge to sneak a peak at Chanyeol who happened to be sitting two rows behind him. He needed to be absolutely sure that it was indeed his childhood crybaby, even though Baekhyun was more than 220 percent sure that it was. He kept his attention on their professor, entirely immersed in what seemed like a review of some kind of Algebra 2 .


For a brief moment Baekhyun took the chance and quickly turned around, eyes landing directly on a sleeping Chanyeol’s face. It seemed like that creepy habit of falling asleep with one eye slightly open was still relevant for Chanyeol was doing it right now. Definitely him. Baekhyun’s face scrunched up as he shifted his body back towards the front, he noticed Kyungsoo staring at him.


“Does he always sleep during class?” Baekhyun asked as he bit the end of his pencil. The wide-eyed student swayed his head from left to right then back left before answering Baekhyun’s question, “Pretty much. But none of the teachers have the balls to wake him up since Chanyeol has no mercy, whether it is a student or teacher. He’s an all-around rich bastard.”


“Wow,” Baekhyun almost couldn’t believe it, “that’s unfortunate.”

Kyungsoo sighed, leaning his chin against his fist in agreement, “It really is.”



By the time fourth period rolled around, Baekhyun had almost every single class with Chanyeol so far with the exception of physical education during his third period. Which was a relief on Baekhyun’s part since being sweaty and like tired wasn’t exactly in his nature. He hasn’t seen Kyungsoo either since math and the brunette kind of wished he had him in more of his classes so this sense of isolation would vanish.


Baekhyun headed into his history class with an open mind and ready for anything that it had in store for him, but not really. The teacher, Mr. Bang looked anything but friendly and the way he arranged his classroom wasn’t exactly what Baekhyun expected. There were no desk whatsoever in the rather sizable classroom, besides the assigned teacher’s table that depressing made home at the back of the space.


“Find a spot on the floor and wait patiently for the rest of your classmates to file in.” Mr. Bang spoke, his voice deep and almost sultry-like. Baekhyun couldn’t ignore the shivers than trickled down his spine at the sound of his history teacher’s baritone articulation.


Baekhyun peered around the room as it eventually busied itself with students plopping down onto the hard, cold floor with friends and the brunette hadn’t felt so out of place since attending school in France. The door slid open and in poured Chanyeol with another student whose skin was as rich and tanned than most Korean folk. He followed their tracks until they chose a space in the back. Typical.


Much to Baekhyun’s delight, Kyungsoo scurried into the classroom just in time before the bell and swiftly made his way towards him. “You don’t know how glad I am to have you here.” The later admitted with a greasy smile, which was returned with an equally greasy grin by the wide-eyed boy. “It’s an honor to have such an impact of the new student.” Kyungsoo joked.


“Since it looks like the majority of you are here, let’s begin with introductions starting from the back with mister Park.” Mr. Bang announced pointing an open palm at Chanyeol as the giant sluggishly stood up from position.


“Park Chanyeol, son of Park Enterprise, richer than most, smarter than most, and obviously more attractive than most.” Baekhyun wanted to throw a brick at him, what kind of introduction was that? Was this guy the same Park Chanyeol he knew all them years ago? This obnoxious attitude of Chanyeol’s that the brunette slowly managed to learn more about as the day progressed began to irk the out of him.


Mr. Bang scoffed signaling the student to sit so the next person could go. It was the tan-skinned boy’s turn and Baekhyun got a strong ual vibe just from the way this kid presented himself. He stood at what appeared to be around six feet and rested most of his weight to the right, his shirt was slightly wrinkled and left three buttons undid at the top revealing his prominent collarbones. “Kim Jongin, son of the notorious owner of Limited, the best club around. Part time god as well as physics tutor.” Again their history teacher scoffed at such an introduction before waving Jongin off.


Baekhyun’s face contorted into something that had the potential to scare young children but he couldn’t help if that’s what those disgusting introductions did to him. It wasn’t his fault. The brunette bit his tongue from lashing out distasteful comments and settled on shaking his head disapprovingly. Kyungsoo patted his shoulder as if he knew exactly what Baekhyun is thinking. “They’re full of it, but you’ll get used to their big-headedness. That’s typical Top Ranks for you.”


“How do you put up with this?” Baekhyun gritted out with irritation, “why doesn’t someone just tell them how ridiculously egotistic they sound?” Kyungsoo nearly choked on air, eyes growing larger than they had already been, “Baekhyun,” he whispered, “that’s like asking for a death sentence. Please don’t even think about it.” The later pleaded while clenching Baekhyun’s hand in his own, “I don’t want to see a new friend sink to the bottom like that.”


“I really don’t see what’s the big idea. They’re just students who happen to have more money than most. That’s no reason to fear them.” Baekhyun reasoned.


Kyungsoo furrowed his brows, “It’s not as easy as you make it to be. Top Ranks will destroy your entire high school life and for all one knows your career.” The brunette scratched his head. Baekhyun knew Chanyeol and his parents so the kid had no threat to Baekhyun whatsoever. He could make a scene right now if he wanted to, put Chanyeol on the spot make him feel inferior, but Baekhyun held back. He wasn’t that kind of person. “Kyungsoo, was Chanyeol always like this? I mean, so full of conceit that it makes someone want to strangle him?”


His friend nodded, “Yup, ever since middle school.”


“Why though?” he inquired.


Before Kyungsoo had a chance to respond Mr. Bang called on him to give his introduction, “Next.” Baekhyun hushed himself for the duration of his friend’s short speech allowing himself some time to think about possible reasons for Chanyeol’s unforeseen 180 as well as what he should say for his own introduction. Once Kyungsoo sat back down, Baekhyun rose looking more eager than he had intended, earning a weird smile from Mr. Bang. “New kid.” He says.


“Byun Baekhyun, new transfer student from France, son of Byun Industry.”


“It’s a pleasure to have you here. I hope the students have been treating you well so far and I’m sure it’ll be an enjoyable year.” Mr. Bang assured before letting him sit. His appearance sure didn’t match the friendly personality that Mr. Bang had inside.


There was an abrupt interruption soon after Mr. Bang greeted Baekhyun while in the midst of opening up the history textbook, causing every head in the classroom to divert their attention to the source of the unexpected voice. It was Chanyeol. His eyes were clouded and wielding a gaze so intense it made Baekhyun’s skin crawl, “Byun Baekhyun?” The giant boomed standing so he could stare the later down while slowly closing the space between their bodies.


Baekhyun blinked as he swallowed the lump in his throat, carefully shadowing every step the other took towards him with his eyes. What the is going on? Why does Chanyeol look as if he wants to murder Baekhyun? Why is this happening in the middle of history class with everyone witnessing Baekhyun’s potential death before their eyes? “You’re Byun Baekhyun?”


The brunette nodded. Was Chanyeol dumb or just didn’t care to be aware of his surroundings because it was already fourth period and he should have known that Baekhyun was here. Idiot. Baekhyun could see the flicker of what appeared to be a mixture of hesitation and disbelief before Chanyeol was bounding after his body engulfing his entire being within his arms.


He didn’t know what to do. Should he return the hug? Push him away? Slap him upside the head for being such a moron and not recognizing Baekhyun earlier when he shoved him during math? Or question altogether why he changed into such an . Baekhyun decided to go with the push as a little payback for earlier, but as he readied his hands to shove the taller away he had already done it himself.


“What was that for?” The brunette asked thin air for the large body that loomed over his petite frame was already out the door, Jongin instantly tracing after him. Baekhyun blinked frazzled by what the just took place. He glanced at Mr. Bang who shared a similar expression along with Kyungsoo. The three of them as well as the rest of the class shrugged, resuming wherever their teacher previously left off attempting to brush off the strange Chanyeol outburst.


Kyungsoo leaned in to poke Baekhyun in the ribs about 20 minutes afterwards, “Do you know Park Chanyeol? Like know know him?” The brunette nodded repeatedly resulting in the other to cease his movement acknowledging that he got the point. “Then what was that all about?”


Baekhyun opened and closed his mouth a total of three times for coherent words to finally form into a sentence, “I don’t have the slightest clue.”


author's note; guess who fckn at writing? me. gosh damn i hate writer's block. anyway hope you enjoyed yet another boring chapter! next chapter will most likely be from chanyeol's pov and yeah. anyway sorry for the long wait! until next time, hugs for everyone. and sorry about the short chapter don't shoot me /cries

btw thank you for those few people who commented and subscribed it really means a lot to me! :3 take my heart && lol i'll edit when i feel like it lol

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Chapter 6: Whaaaattt just happened lolol
seungyeomi #3
Chapter 6: OmGD YAAAAASSSSSS!! You kiss him Park Chanyeol! You kiss the living daylights out of him, break up with your annoying girlfriend and then make Baekhyun yours.You go Park Chanyeol
soonyngs #4
Chapter 5: Omg I love this!
Chapter 5: Love itttttt
pengey5 #6
Chapter 5: Love this chapter!!
Please update as soon as you can <3 :D
Lovechanbaek #7
Chapter 5: Ugghhh.. Baekyeol feeeeelss. God... this is so good.. can u pliz update, i cn't wait
Chapter 4: omg! omg! omg!!!!!!!! gaaaaahh!!! i need more, more, more!!!!!! please update soon author-nim pleeeeaaaasseeeee
Chapter 4: Awww more BaekLu please! Haha that was awesome! He's the perfect rebound from Chanyeol and that will make him so insanely jealous that he will NEED to talk to him Muahahahaha