
Mémoire Intemporelle (Timeless Memory)

“Yah! Slow down,” Jongin called out to Chanyeol in the empty hallway, “yah! Park Chanyeol!”


The taller of the two hadn’t exactly noticed how fast he was going or that someone had even been chasing after him until Jongin caught the boy by the shoulder.


As Jongin grasped onto Chanyeol’s bony shoulder, he managed to finally break the thought bubble his friend happened to be swimming in ever since he abruptly left class, “Didn’t you hear me calling you from way back there?”


It took a few moments and quite a few blinks later for Chanyeol to reply, “Huh? No.”


“Well I was and since you were practically bounding your way down this damned hallway with those damned long legs I almost didn’t catch you.” His friend complained, releasing the hold on Chanyeol’s shoulder.


“Ah- Sorry about that Jongin, I was just… lost in thought.”


“I could tell.” Jongin said, crossing his arms over his chest about ready to start interrogating Chanyeol with questions regarding the little scene in history class, “So what happened back there?”


“Baekhyun’s back.” Chanyeol answered in a whisper while his eyes appeared to glaze over causing Jongin to crease his brows at him in confusion.


“That new kid from France? What about him?” His friend pressed Chanyeol for more than that vague answer.


Chanyeol shook his head and spoke no more leaving the conversation as it stood between the two of them. Jongin tried again but it was useless. He knew that once Chanyeol made up his mind nothing could possibly make him change it. Jongin eventually gave up, pouting in hopes Chanyeol would give him at least a wee bit more insight.


The two of them ended up skipping the rest of their classes(brilliant suggestion of Jongin), that day without a single care or worry in the world. It was just a little after lunch when Chanyeol and Jongin made their way downtown to meet up with another friend whom happened to be on suspension. It was more than obvious to Jongin that whoever that Baekhyun kid was shook Chanyeol’s mood pretty dramatically. It was a rarity to witness such a contrasting side of the usual wiseass giant. As much as Jongin didn’t want to admit it, Chanyeol’s unexpected switch in spirit concerned him.  



“So you’re telling me you used to be childhood friends with the Park Chanyeol?” Kyungsoo bugged for the umpteenth before taking another birdie bite of his sandwich. It was currently lunchtime and Kyungsoo invited Baekhyun to join him on his usual table. The doe-eyed boy reassured Baekhyun that he did have friends, they just didn’t happen to be at lunch at the moment they took their seats. But he had friends, he did. Baekhyun chuckled at how many times Kyungsoo repeated the words ‘I have friends’, and ‘I do! Don’t give me that look!’


Baekhyun folded his arms on top of each other while resting them on the table in front of him, “I left South Korea when we were 8-years old. We used to live next to each other in some gated community. Our parents were long-time friends as well, said they attended the same high school. Our moms’ even planned to have Chanyeol and I in the same year! Originally the plan was to give birth in the same month, but that didn’t happen.” He explained watching as Kyungsoo nodded, “Whoa, that’s some crazy Baekhyun. Kind of surprising too.”


The two of them ate in a comfortable silence. Consuming the last three bites of his meal, Kyungsoo’s face lit up waving enthusiastically to someone behind Baekhyun. “Yixing! Over here!” The smaller chirped with a particular heart-shaped smile that Baekhyun thought was incredible cute. “Told you I had friends.”


“Good afternoon to you to Kyungsoo,” the stranger greeted with a precious grin and a dimple that was deeper than most of the blue ocean, “and Kyung’s guest?”


“Oh! This is Byun Baekhyun. He’s a new student that came in from France.” Baekhyun stood, bowing in sync with the other as he extended a hand to shake. “It’s nice to meet you, Baekhyun,” the other replied making sure to accept the handshake for it wasn’t often that Yixing met new people, he kind of forget the protocol, “I’m Zhang Yixing, but it’s fine if you call me Lay.” Baekhyun beamed with thin lips, his eyes curving into what his mother named, “that charming eye smile”, as Lay pulled out the chair next to Baekhyun’s.


Lay dropped his bag to the floor while slinging an arm around to hang at the back of his chair, “So, where’s Minseok?”


Kyungsoo shrugged, pulling out his phone. “He’s probably helping out in the student council room or maybe the office.”


Lay nods soon engaging in small conversation with Kyungsoo about something that happened yesterday and how they’re going to fix the huge hole in Yixing’s apartment wall. Weird.


Baekhyun sat in his seat with an awkward tension, twiddling his thumbs around until Lay poked his side, which startled the brunette.


“If you’re finished with your lunch,” Yixing pointed at the obviously empty container in front of Baekhyun, “you're more than welcomed to join us in the choral room.” Kyungsoo shook his head eagerly at Baekhyun, urging him silently.


A sudden spark of excitement ignited in Baekhyun’s chest making him rise to his feet, “I would love to!”


“Great!” Kyungsoo and Lay chirped in unison, “follow us.”



“So, what’s up with him?” A pale skinned boy with equally pale hair to match questioned with a stoned-like expression, pointing a nimble finger towards the front of the café.


Jongin shrugged his shoulders, sipping his melon-flavored soda while eyeing out Chanyeol whom happened to be taking longer than needed at the café ordering counter. “I really don’t know. He’s been like this since he hugged some kid named Baekhyun during history.”


“Baekhyun? Hugging?” The boy raised a quizzical brow. “Care to elaborate.”


“I don’t know any more than what I just told you. Baekhyun’s some new student that just transferred from France and-“


“-Sehun! Jongin!” Chanyeol’s voice interrupted as he approached their table with bottled water in hand, “I’mma head home, just remembered that I got some things to do.” The tallest of the three didn’t give his friends a chance to argue before he his heel, striding away from the table and eventually out the café.


The two watched as Chanyeol’s back faded from their line of sight and Sehun scoffed with a, “Something’s definitely up.” To which Jongin agreed, “No doubt about it.”


Sehun and Jongin spent the duration of their lunch devising plans dealing with the ‘Chanyeol conundrum’, laughing at each other’s nonsense, and just plain catching up before Jongin popped a question,


“So when is your suspension supposed to end? It’s kind of lonely having to deal with Chanyeol’s practically by myself since Wu is outta the country.”


“Soon I think. The old man hasn’t decided on how long of a break I need in order to realize that I just can’t be blazing it up on campus whenever I want to just because I’m his son and he’s the headmaster.” Sehun lifted his thin shoulders and Jongin doubled over in a hearty laughter.



“Baekhyun,” the owl-eyed boy gasped in pure awe, “you have the vocal chords of golden angels! My god you can sing! I’m so jealous. And here I thought I would be able to show off and make you admire me but no the tables have turned and sweet Jesus, I am impressed.” Kyungsoo shook Baekhyun’s body with such animation that Yixing had to intervene just in case Kyungsoo shook one of the boy’s body parts off.


“I think he gets it, Kyungsoo,” Yixing said.


Baekhyun ran his palms over the areas of his uniform that happened to crease in Kyungsoo’s little fit with a soft smile spreading itself on thin lips, “It’s nothing really. It was just something I did to pass the time. Nothing to be jealous over.”


Kyunsoo wiggles free from Yixing’s hold and replies with a sassy hand on his hip, “Don’t act so humble, you’ve got a sucha great gift. Flaunt that .”


The three of their harmonious, laughing voices overflowed the tiny choral room before-


“Excuse me, but have any of you Low Ranks happen to see my boyfriend?” An annoying, screechy high-pitched voice rang.


Kyungsoo and Lay immediately ceased their out bursts, shooting deathly glares at the entrance of the room. Baekhyun noticed the dramatic shift in atmosphere as Lay rolled his eyes at the girl, Kyung soon following in his steps.


“No ,” Kyungsoo started while Lay took over and finished, “no one has seen your of a boyfriend Chanyeol. Now get out.”


The girl sneered flipping both of them off with equally disgusted looks before pausing on Baekhyun’s figure to give him a twice over. “Whatever.” And the door slammed, girl outta sight but not quite out of mind, at least in Baekhyun’s case.


“Who was that?”


“Chanyeol’s girlfriend, Choi Nara.” Yixing pretended to gag.


Kyungsoo took a seat on the piano stool, staring at Baekhyun’s bewildered expression while he curled his fingers into a fake gun directing it towards the door, “Choi Nara, the school’s ultimate most -, popular, fake student of all time.”


Baekhyun’s mouth formed a little ‘o’ shape, but no words happened to come out.


After Yixing finished convulsing he spoke, “She was Chanyeol’s boo thing since middle school. Some say they knew each other from way back when while others say they didn’t. The stories all twisted, but I’m pretty sure they were childhood friends.”

“Childhood… friends?” The brunette blinked. Baekhyun knew that Chanyeol must’ve had other friends besides him especially after he vanished to France but it was still weird to think about. When the two boys were younger, Chanyeol was nothing but a crybaby that would use Baekhyun as his shield whenever he was afraid. Sometimes when they’d play outside, Chanyeol would fall down scrapping his knees and elbows and would not stop crying unless Baekhyun’d kiss every single boo-boo he had. So it was a bit shocking to hear that Chanyeol made other friends despite his personality.


So many questions concerning Chanyeol’s relationship with that girl filtered through his mind about where, when, how, and why they were together that it may or may not have drove Baekhyun over the great curiosity cliffs.


“That’s why I was surprised to hear that you also happened to be his childhood friend,” Kyungsoo piped giving Yixing an affirming head nod, “you see Baekhyun, there’s a rare amount of people here that know about the Top Ranks true pasts. Some may think they have it all planned out but they really don’t and tend to make a fool of themselves. Every one of them is like a mysteries waiting to be unraveled.”


“Wait, Baekhyun you’re Chanyeol’s childhood friend as well?” The Chinese boy says, mouth unhinged to which Baekhyun responded with a ‘Yep.’



“Well good afternoon, young master Chanyeol.” An older man greeted at the door as Chanyeol entered through the huge double doors of his grand home. “Would you care for something to drink?”


“Nah,” Chanyeol dismissed the offer, showing his butler the water bottle in his hand, “I’m good, thanks.”


His butler bowed at the retreating back heading up the left half of the double spiral staircase before calling out, “Young master, Ms. Nara stopped by earlier and is waiting for you in your bedroom. I do hope that is alright?”


Chanyeol let out some kind of grunt, “Yeah thanks.” And as if his every move had been listening in on, his bedroom door flung open, a high-pitched voice filling up the hallway; “Chanyeol! You’re home!”


The giant nearly lost his balance with Nara’s added weight pressed against his chest, “Hey there babe.”


Nara’s arms were s around his back as she beamed up at Chanyeol, “Where’d you run off to today? I couldn’t find you after lunch and these really rude Low Ranks dared mouth off to me in the choral room with some new face I’ve never seen before, it was just horrid.” She protested in hopes that Chanyeol would kiss her forehead and comfort like how he usually did but-

“New face?” Chanyeol glanced down at Nara’s pouting face.


“Yeah, he had creamy-brownish hair and was a bit short but a lot shorter compared to you. He’s probably that transfer student everyone’s been raving about at school today. I swear whoever he is, he does not live up to the hype he’s being given.” Nara rolled her glittered out eyes, releasing Chanyeol’s frame in the process before grabbing his hand to lead them to his bedroom.


Chanyeol knew whom his girlfriend had been referring to once he bothered to even ask. Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun. The giant bit his lip as his body was dragged down the hallway by his girlfriend, clearly bothered by the sudden appearance of his childhood friend rather than the enjoying Nara’s kisses that happened to be littering his lips and neck.



During the next day of school, Baekhyun decided to approach the almighty Park Chanyeol despite all of the warning and precautions his friends(?) Kyungsoo and Yixing gave him to not do it.


It was lunch break when Baekhyun found that it was the right time to confront him, since he happened to alone for the first time all day.


“Yah! Park Chanyeol!” The brunette shouted from down the hallway, running to catch up with the giant and his two-mile strides. “Park Chanyeol!” But no matter how many times Baekhyun would yell, Chanyeol would keep going paying no attention to the person calling out his name whatsoever. Baekhyun furrowed his brows, planting his feet, before choosing his last resort attention getter.


“Babyyeol! You’d better turn the around or so help me I’ll ruin you!” That did it.


Chanyeol wiped around, a scowl plastered across his face, “You little how dare you call me- Baekhyun.” The grimace fell and Chanyeol’s eyes rounded in realization, swiftly the taller turned back around quickening his pace to get away from Baekhyun. ‘ .’ Chanyeol squeezed his eyes shut, ignoring the consistent screams and strings of curses behind him.


“Chanyeol! You asswipe! Stop right now! Babyyeol! Argh!”

author's note; hello everyone :3 sorry for such a late update ;c anyway here's some kind of crappy chapter lol enjoy. oh and i can't wait to start up some drama between everyone omg so excited btw sorry if there's any confusion, i'll try to clear it up just comment lol and i know what kinda chapter title is that don't judge me /cries comments are very much appreciated as well /hugs you and kisses your face! i love you all /hip s

love amy author-nim ^ 3 ^


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Chapter 6: Whaaaattt just happened lolol
seungyeomi #3
Chapter 6: OmGD YAAAAASSSSSS!! You kiss him Park Chanyeol! You kiss the living daylights out of him, break up with your annoying girlfriend and then make Baekhyun yours.You go Park Chanyeol
soonyngs #4
Chapter 5: Omg I love this!
Chapter 5: Love itttttt
pengey5 #6
Chapter 5: Love this chapter!!
Please update as soon as you can <3 :D
Lovechanbaek #7
Chapter 5: Ugghhh.. Baekyeol feeeeelss. God... this is so good.. can u pliz update, i cn't wait
Chapter 4: omg! omg! omg!!!!!!!! gaaaaahh!!! i need more, more, more!!!!!! please update soon author-nim pleeeeaaaasseeeee
Chapter 4: Awww more BaekLu please! Haha that was awesome! He's the perfect rebound from Chanyeol and that will make him so insanely jealous that he will NEED to talk to him Muahahahaha