Definitely not Jealous

Mémoire Intemporelle (Timeless Memory)

a/n; i'm back hunnies, did you miss me? probably not. :c

Chanyeol in a much-needed breath as he scanned the faces that began to crowd around Baekhyun’s lifeless body and the students that snapped pictures of the poor boy that would most likely end up on their school’s famous gossip site within seconds with some kind of stupid, false headlines like: ‘New Student smacks lips with Beijing Prince in a heated Reunion’. There was an invisible force that began to drive Chanyeol’s feet to inch closer and closer towards the side of the room that Baekhyun and Lu Han were at but the giant held his ground, knowing that if he dared approach the scene, rumors would double in size and spread like wildfire. That’d definitely be a tough situation to deal with. Even though Chanyeol so desperately wanted to dash to Baekhyun’s side, wipe his pure lips clean from the dirtiness that had just infected it (a.k.a Luhan), and carry him off to the infirmary; he knew that’d never happen-because who is Byun Baekhyun anyway?


Nara, whom had been latched onto Chanyeol’s arm since the pair entered the room, observed the incident with judging eyes and pursed lips. The girl’s usual face danced upon her features as she spoke, “How disgusting. I always knew that Lu Han was a . What a waste of a naturally beautiful face.” Her words were venomous and poisonous to Chanyeol’s ears for he had nothing against the ual preferences of other’s and their path in what they found to be attractive in a partner, but since Nara was a bit more than homophobic, Chanyeol had no choice but to go along with her narrow-minded point of view. As pathetic as that sounded.


“Yeah it’s pretty weird,” says Chanyeol and Nara nods her head, pointing an accusing finger at a Baekhyun who just so happened to be waking up from his short slumber with a frazzled expression and a rub to the nape of his neck. The giant could already sense the strings of insults that were about to withdraw from Nara’s mouth about Baekhyun, but luckily she stopped herself midway and Chanyeol released a sigh of relief like he had been holding his breath or something. Was he actually relieved that Nara didn’t bash Baekhyun? Why did he even care if she did or not? He didn't know… or maybe he did but just didn’t want to admit it to himself. Chanyeol gulped and felt his body twitch as Baekhyun stumbled to his feet with no one there to catch him if he happened to fall once more.


The chatter that buzzed throughout the room was undeniable and the consistent vibration of notifications coming from his phone was beginning to irritate him. Everyone and anyone were talking about what just occurred between the two boys and Chanyeol wanted to explode. Lu Han had an arm wrapped around Baekhyun’s slim shoulder whispering something into the other’s ears causing the latter to smile and pat Lu Han on the hand in a rather too forgiving looking way. Chanyeol grit his teeth at such close interactions and rolled his large eyes, “Nara, let’s go. We don’t need to have a physical at the same time as all these Low Ranks.” The giant scoffed, hoping that Nara would buy his reason to leave the room and she did without a question.

“B-b-baekhyun!” Kyungsoo stuttered as he scrambled over to the brunette walking alongside of Lu Han, “are you okay?! What the just happened?” Two other gowned boys, Yixing and Jongdae, sharing the same concerned facial expression as Kyungsoo, soon joined him. Baekhyun slid Lu Han’s palm off of his shoulder with certain gentleness and gave his friends a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry about it guys. I was just shocked from the abrupt contact.”


“Just shocked? Aren’t you pissed off that some random student just kissed you? On the mouth!” Yixing blared, eyes wide with quite a sassy accusing hand placed on his clothed hip. Jongdae’s look of concern soon vanished as well as he raised a peculiar eyebrow at Baekhyun’s weirdly calm reaction, “Yeah, Chinese kid’s got a point. Shouldn’t you be in the least bit freaked out or even grossed out? Why’re you so collected?” Baekhyun managed a soft chuckled before holding out his clammy palm, as if halting Yixing and Jongdae in their tracks so he could have a chance to explain. “Really guys’, I don’t mind. Luhan somewhat apologized for his spontaneous act of intimacy and I already accepted his request for forgiveness. So chill.” The boy shrugged.


All three of the brunette’s friends stood and stared back at him with disbelief and honestly could not fathom Baekhyun’s random reasoning. Lu Han’s eyebrow quirked in amusement as he observed the scene in front of him play out before his very own sparkling eyes, not bothering to take his leave from the group just yet. Kyungsoo noticed the unusual presence of the other and glanced Lu Han’s way with a scrunched up face, “So what exactly is your reasoning for this whole outburst, Prince Lu Han? I’d love to hear your clarification since you’re still here.


Lu Han smirked as the group of boys’ finally acknowledged his existence after scolding that cute Baekhyun fellow and proceeded to clear his throat, prepping himself for an unnecessarily prolonged speech. “Well as some of you, most likely all of you may know, I was in a predicament with some bull rumor floating around earlier last week and since it was still alive and breathing... I thought why not suffocate it now and make sure to kill it myself before it had a chance to spawn. It just so happened that Baekhyun here, was the lucky soul to be standing where he was at the right time when I was on the prowl for a potential victim.” Lu Han finished with a satisfied pat on the brunette’s shoulder later traveling to his barely covered tush, “I guess I was also lucky since Baekhyun is just my type. I must know how to pick out the good ones.” The other boys’ scowled in disgust at Lu Han’s greasy concluding wink and settled on not inquiring any more than needed.


Baekhyun blinked in bewilderment at Lu Han’s unexpected confession causing him to fluster, which Kyungsoo also happened to pick up on then choosing to give the brunette a warning slap behind the head. “Don’t get involved with him any more than you have to Baekhyun,” Kyungsoo says with caution and a certain motherly look in his owl-like eyes, not caring if Lu Han was still right there to hear them. “Yeah you wouldn’t want to catch anything unsafe from the proclaimed Prince of Beijing.” Yixing chimed in with a snarky Jongdae laughing following quickly afterward. Lu Han glared at Kyungsoo, Yixing, and Jongdae but spared Baekhyun a signature smile as he sidled over to the boy’s side and linked arms with him.


Baekhyun attempted to yank his arm away from Lu Han in a polite manner, but his grip was unmoving. The blonde’s expression didn’t falter and his grin grew wider, “If you boys’ don’t mind, which I’m sure you don’t, I’ll be borrowing Baekhyun for a little bit.” Lu Han jerked Baekhyun closer towards his body and wrapped a protective arm around the smaller’s gowned waist. By the time Kyungsoo could reach out for Baekhyun’s hand, Lu Han had already offered a half-assed bow and bounded across the crowded room with Baekhyun in toll. “Poor guy.” Jongdae sympathized to which Kyungsoo agreed with a nod.


“Let’s pray for his health. Who knows what kinds of ual diseases Lu Han might have lingering in his dirtied body-“ Yixing started but was soon cut off by Kyungsoo.




“What it could be true!”


“Shouldn’t we go after him?” Jongdae suggested.


“Do Kyungsoo!” Jo Kwon called out.


“Well so much for that,” Yixing shrugged, “I’m sure he’ll be semi-okay.”


“Let’s hope so,” Jongdae added as he quietly watched Kyungsoo drag himself to stand behind the makeshift curtains.



“No… No, no it can’t be true!” the female student screeched, cellphone clenched against her chest, with eyes filled to the brim with salty tears. Her falsely curled chocolaty-brown locks falling flatter with each shake of her head, “this can’t be happening! My sweet Prince Lu Han can’t possibly be interested in boys! He can’t! He’s supposed to like me and we were going to get married and live happily in Beijing!” Her annoying cries continued to alarm throughout the hallways as her group of friends offered gentle pats and consolation. “Ha Na, don’t worry! I’m sure Lu Han likes you! He does!” And for a brief glorious moment, Ha Na’s ugly sniffles came to a halt and she looked up at her friend, makeup running down her pale cheeks and smiled… or well attempted to anyway. “You really think so?”


“Of course,” her friend reassured before pulling out a few photographs from her backpack, “and if not… we can always force him into liking you.”


Ha Na’s eyes twinkled and glazed over as the edited pictures came into view, reaching out to take hold of the jackpot. “Will it really work this time?”


“This is the final blow,” the girl explained while handing over the poorly edited photos of Lu Han and Ha Na together, “let’s just stay positive and hope this doesn’t fall through. It took me a while to crop and modify these nasty screenshots, and I think it looks quite convincing if you ask me.”


“You’re right. The male in this shot doesn’t do any justice to my Lu Han’s real body, but it’ll do! I’ll be sure to post them on Lu Han’s profile since I finally managed to break into his Weibo account the other day!”


“Chanyeol, let’s just go home already.” Nara piped from the back of the giant’s thoughts as the two ambled down the hallway, heading no where in particular just somewhere Chanyeol could clear his mind from the clutter that is Byun Baekhyun. He could just barely hear the high-pitched voice of his girlfriend over the racket going on in his brain to know that she mentioned the words home and go in the same sentence. It was a tempting decision, but there was something that told Chanyeol deep down in the pits of his guts that he needed to stay at school. Nara continued to bug and bug but the answer remained constant, as Chanyeol would not budge on his choice of remaining present at school.


Nara pouted, shuffling quicker behind her boyfriend so she had the chance to link arms with him in order to convince the other, “C’mon Chanyeol, please? We can finally have some alone time for a few hours. Doesn’t that sound nice?” She baited, making sure to bat her eyelashes every few seconds knowing that move always worked on Chanyeol, but he didn’t do as much as spare her a glance. “Chanyeol?”


“I’ll be back,” the other huffed, shrugging his arm out of Nara’s grasp, “I need to go to the bathroom. Meet me by the track in a few minutes.” Chanyeol ran a hand through his hair before shooing a hesitant Nara away with the other. Eventually, his girlfriend did as requested; fading down the hallway, leaving the giant alone to slump against one of the cold, steel lockers. “ Chanyeol,” he whispered hoarsely to himself while grabbing to fistfuls of his hair, “you need to get ahold of yourself.”


Chanyeol’s chest clenched with each thought that involved Baekhyun and that Lu Han kid together passed by. He had no idea why the sight of the two being next to each other made Chanyeol feel as if he was being crushed by a huge wave named Jealousy. There was no reason to be jealous. The giant couldn’t put a finger on it. He couldn’t comprehend why his heart sped up and why his palms became damp with sweat, it’s not like Chanyeol had any interest in rekindling the connections he once had with Baekhyun… So why the sudden spark of emotions? , this is bad.


“Eeeexcuse me, Park Chanyeol?” Lu Han’s honey-glazed voice sounded, breaking through Chanyeol’s intense self-reflection as his eyes landed upon the Beijing native, “would you be so kind as to move away from my friend’s locker please? He kind of needs to grab some appropriate clothing, despite how much I’d like to keep him in this hospital gown.”


The giant nearly choked on his own spit when his eyes made contact with another body being dragged behind Lu Han’s. And of course, of all the people enrolled at this ginormous school it happened to be none other than Baekhyun. Chanyeol realized that he really needed to work on controlling his “summoning” powers, because every single time he’d think about someone or something they’d appear right in front of him almost as if he had come kind of black magic installed within him. Baekhyun coughed, sliding out from behind Lu Han clearly paying no attention to Chanyeol, simply shoving the boy’s lanky body to the side and going forth with opening his locker.


Baekhyun gathered all of the needed items from his locker and attempted to close it in one swift motion, being extra careful not to even glance Chanyeol’s way because just the presence of the latter made Baekhyun’s blood boil and jaw tighten with anger. When the brunette couldn’t quite get his locker to shut correctly, a large hand offered some assistance to which Baekhyun harshly pushed aside knowing exactly whose hand it belonged to. “I can do it on my own thank you very much.” Baekhyun says with his uniform bunched up in his arms. Chanyeol withdrew, eyebrows furrowed in frustration as he gave Baekhyun a once over, “Baekhyun, what’re-“


“-Wait Chanyeol,” Lu Han interrupted, much to the giant’s dismay and Baekhyun’s delight, “you know Baekhyun too?”


“-NO. I mean no, he doesn’t. I just didn’t need any help closing my own locker.” Baekhyun replied first so Chanyeol couldn’t say something stupid and unnecessary, because in all honesty Baekhyun had enough of the fool’s bipolar attitude. It was starting to get old. “But he knows your name,” the Chinese boy retorted, glancing at Chanyeol with a questionable expression, “are you sure he doesn’t know you?”


Out of the corner of Baekhyun’s crescent-moon shaped eyes, he caught Chanyeol opening his mouth in order to answer- “No, I’ve never seen of him before ever. Anyway, let’s go you said you wanted to talk about something right?”


Lu Han blinked, wanting to ask more of the situation that didn’t seem quite right but decided that it was best to just leave it as is, “Yeah, we can chat over at the library. No one should be around since the physical will take up the rest of the day. It should be fine.” Baekhyun nodded, following Lu Han’s lead down the hall leaving Chanyeol alone with his thoughts once again.


“Oh and Chanyeol!” Lu Han called out.


Chanyeol narrowed his eyes at the other, “What?”


“Let me do the honors of properly introducing you two. This is Byun Baekhyun. He’s new and just transferred from France not too long ago. Be nice to him, okay? You know how you snotty Top Ranks can be.” And with that signature angelic smile plastered on Lu Han’s face and Baekhyun bowing right beside him, Chanyeol could feel his eye begin to twitch.


And right before Baekhyun turned back around to strut down the hall, he gave Chanyeol a friendly grin followed by his pretty middle finger and a mouthed ‘catch you later ’. The giant fists balled up at the action and he wanted to punch Baekhyun’s handsome face, but also couldn’t help feeling a little excited by it. Idiot.

a/n; welp here it is! a new update finally! ugh i'm so lazy to write an author's note, i'll come back later and bring everyone up to speed! anyway hope you enjoyed! i love you all! <3 sorry about the typos and stuff! don't murder me! /cries 

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Chapter 6: Whaaaattt just happened lolol
seungyeomi #3
Chapter 6: OmGD YAAAAASSSSSS!! You kiss him Park Chanyeol! You kiss the living daylights out of him, break up with your annoying girlfriend and then make Baekhyun yours.You go Park Chanyeol
soonyngs #4
Chapter 5: Omg I love this!
Chapter 5: Love itttttt
pengey5 #6
Chapter 5: Love this chapter!!
Please update as soon as you can <3 :D
Lovechanbaek #7
Chapter 5: Ugghhh.. Baekyeol feeeeelss. God... this is so good.. can u pliz update, i cn't wait
Chapter 4: omg! omg! omg!!!!!!!! gaaaaahh!!! i need more, more, more!!!!!! please update soon author-nim pleeeeaaaasseeeee
Chapter 4: Awww more BaekLu please! Haha that was awesome! He's the perfect rebound from Chanyeol and that will make him so insanely jealous that he will NEED to talk to him Muahahahaha