Chapter 7

Please Comeback To Me

Chapter 7

Kyungsoo had to admit that up till now, his life have been better since he accepted to give Kyungsoo a second chance. He felt better; his loneliness in his heart was filled with Jongin’s sweet actions.

At first, Kyungsoo tried to keep his cold altitude because he didn’t want Jongin to think that it would be easy to get him back. However, Jongin was more determined and persistent. He had to make sure that this second chance can help their relationship to get back like in the past.

Jongin figured a new plan while he watched drama for idea.  He will act a bit childishly whenever he’s around Kyungsoo. He took advantages of every chance he had to basically have skinship with Kyungsoo. He missed having Kyungsoo small, squishy body around his arms. He also said “I miss you” and “I love you” everytime he sees Kyungsoo.

He also used his power as Kyungsoo’s boss to call him into his office. And Jongin immediately gets up from his seat and rush over to hug Kyungsoo. For the first few time, Kyungsoo asked him why and Jongin just cheerfully answered “Because I miss you.” Or “I’m tired. I need my Kyungsoo-vitamin.”

That was a bit annoying at first but Kyungsoo found it cute and like the childish Jongin. But Kyungsoo didn’t want the colleagues to know about their relationship yet. Kyungsoo told Jongin to limit this at their workplace. Jongin disagreed with it immediately when Kyungsoo suggested that. It’s a torture for Jongin not be able to hug his Kyungsoo. So Kyungsoo had to agree to let Kyungsoo hug him whenever he like when they are at home.

Now let’s rewind back to when they first started dating again.

 They just texted and had conversation through their phone, which lasted till midnight. Kyungsoo is the one who has to end the conversation or texting when he has work to do.

Their relationship has improved a lot. Now, Kyungsoo even allowed Jongin to hang out more at his apartment with one condition that Jongin won’t disturb Kyungsoo when he is working. Jongin wanted to help Kyungsoo but he rejected because this is Kyungsoo’s work not Jongin’s.


A month and a half have passed. Kyungsoo is now more opened with Kai. They spent more time with each other.

“Kyungie, are you done with your work? I want you Kyungie.” Kai whined while he was laying on the bed and playing with his phone. He was waiting patiently for his Kyungsoo.

“Okay. I’m done.” When Jongin heard that, he got up and carried Kyungsoo to the bed and hugged his Kyungie tightly.

Kyungsoo couldn’t do anything but whined “Jongin… Kai, I can’t breathe. It’s too tight.” Then, Jongin loosened up a bit.

“Sorry, I miss you Baby Soo. You smell so good.”

“You sound like a ert.”

“No. Don’t get me wrong. Let’s cuddle.”

“Don’t you have to go home? It’s getting really late.”

“I want to stay here. I want to be with you. I cannot sleep well without you by my side. I want to hug you till I fall asleep.” Jongin used all of his cuteness in his body to use aegyo to persuade Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo can only chuckle at Jongin cute behavior. Jongin then pouted while thinking whether he should allow Jongin to stay.

Then Jongin pinched Kyungsoo’s cheek and said “If you keep doing that cute pout, I can never leave you for even a single second. You are so cute.”

“You are the one cute one. You just use aegyo on me.”

“No, I’m manly. I just use aegyo to beg you to let me stay. Don’t deny it. You are the cutest. You made me love you more day by day.” That made Kyungsoo blushed hard.

“Does that mean I can stay here for tonight?”

“Okay. Well, you spent most of the night so I guess it’s okay.”


“Why do you like to stay at my apartment so much, yours probably much better, more convient?”

“Compare to size, mine is bigger but your place was much better. It’s cozy and warm and best of all, this place has you in it. As long as I have you by my side, I can live in any place.”

“You are so cheesy.”

“Only for you baby.”

Today it’s just Kyungsoo alone in his apartment. Tonight, Jongin have to take some customers out for dinner for some important contract.

From: Jongin

Hey Kyungie, I can’t accompany you home today. I have dinner with some clients. I will not drink a lot maybe just a cup. I will keep my promise. Don’t wait for me. I will go back to my place tonight.

Kyungsoo is now lying alone in his bed. He may be alone but he didn’t feel alone. Why? It’s because his heart was warmed up by Jongin. Kyungsoo is thinking about his second relationship with Jongin and his feeling for Jongin.

He closed his eyes and listened to his heartbeat. The last few months have made him happy and better with Jongin around. Kyungsoo knows that he loves Jongin more now. Then he thought about the pain and breakup in the past. It doesn’t hurt anymore. He knows he has forgiven Jongin but he needs more time to comfirm it.


“What are we going to do today, Jongin? Where are you driving me?”

“We will have a picnic. We are almost there. You will know when we get there.”

5 more minutes have passed

“I think I know this place. You still remember this place?”

“Of course, this is our favourite place. We always go here when he have time.”

They arrived at the destination. In front of Kyungsoo, there is a beautiful green meadow and lake. The water in the lake is shining with the sunlight. The wind is blowing causing the grass to move slightly. This place is so peaceful.

Kyungsoo ran to the big tree where they used to sit with both of his hand carrying bags of boxes. Kyungsoo is like a kid who is so happy because he is going to an amusement park.

Jongin quickly shouted and ran to Kyungsoo “Don’t run too fast. Be careful.”

“Don’t treat me like a kid. I can take care of myself.”

“I just don’t want you to get hurt. I don’t want anything to harm your perfect body.”

“I’m not a girl so don’t treat me like that.”

“I know. I’m scared that you might get hurt like last time.”


“Oh no! Your knees are bleeding.” Jongin panicked when he saw blood on his Kyungie’s skin. Kyungsoo was tripped by a rock and fell. Plus, the road was rocky so his knew was damaged but the spiky rock.

“Don’t panic. I’m still okay.”

“How can I stay calm? You are hurt. There is blood.”

“Calm down. It’s not a deep cut. Help me to get up and get back to your car. There is an aid kit in my bag.”

Then Jongin helped Kyungsoo cleaned his wound and put bandages over the wounds.

“Are you okay? Do you feel dizzy or does it still hurt?” Jongin worriedly asked.

“I feel normal; my knee is still a bit hurt. But I’m fine.”

“I should get you to a hospital; I should have the doctor to check your wound to make sure it’s okay.”

“Don’t panic. I’m okay. Why are you like this?”

“I’m really scared that I will lose you.  It may be a small wound but I can make you ill or something I don’t know. I just get back with you and I want to be with you. I don’t want to lose you.”

Kyungsoo pulled Jongin into a hug and comforted him “Don’t worry I’m fine.”

*End of flashback*

“Kai, you are worrying too much.”

“Okay. Let’s eat lunch. I’m hungry.”

After lunch, they are lying down beside each other. They just kept silent and enjoyed the beautiful view. Then Kyungsoo broke the silent by asking Jongin “What are you thinking?”

“Thinking about us. Are you feeling happy?”

“Yes, I’m very happy.”

“Me, too. Kyungie look at me please.”

“Thanks for giving me a second chance. I’m really happy to be with you. I know I haven’t done enough to heal you wound that I caused you but I will continue to do it until you full forgive me. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. That was the worst mistake in my life. You are the best. I can’t live without you because I love you.”

“Now it’s my turn. I love you, too. I know that you regret it. I can see it through your effort. To be honest, I have wanted to tell you this for a while. I have already forgiven you.” And Kyungsoo kissed Jongin. I was just a short kiss. Jongin was shocked but he felt so happy. Kyungsoo smile warmly and happily.

Jongin can still taste the sweetness of Kyungsoo soft lip. This is what he had been craving for.

“Can I kiss you again?” Kyungsoo nodded and that was the signal Jongin was waiting for so he immediately kissed Kyungsoo without hesitance.

This time, the kiss was longer and more intenstion. It was filled with love and passion. They exchanged tongue and explored their cavern. They only stopped because of the lack of oxygen.

On their way back home, Kyungsoo suggested they should go to Jongin’s place because Kyungsoo have never been there.

“Let’s go to your place. I want to see your apartment, Jongie.”

“Okay, Kyungie.”

“Wow, you have a nice apartment Kyungsoo. It’s must be twice as big as mine.” Kyungsoo’s attention then shifted to the Pororo on Jongin’s bed.

“You have a Pororo doll, too. This is so cute.”

From behind, Jongin hugged Kyungsoo who was holding the doll in his hand. He whispered into Kyungsoo’s ear “I still love you and your apartment more baby.”

“Jongie, why do you have a Pororo doll? I thought like Krong.”

“I used it as a replacement of you Kyungie when I’m sad. I don’t need it anymore because now I have you. You are cuter. I should throw it away.”

Kyungsoo pouted when he heard “…I should throw it away.”

He protested “Don’t do that. Give it to me. I always want a Pororo doll.”

“Okay, baby. I was just kidding.”

“Jongin, can you buy another Krong doll? Since now you have me, Pororo will be lonely. He needs a friend.”

“Oh! Kyungie! Can you be any more adorable than that? You are over 20 years old but I think you are just like a kid. Of course I will buy a Krong doll.” And Jongin pinched Kyungsoo’s cheek.

“Hey, I’m not a kid. If I’m a kid then I won’t cook dinner for you.”

“Okay, baby. I’m sorry. Now cook dinner for me.”

After dinner, they spent time watching a movie. When they finished watching it, they moved to the bed and now are currently cuddling and kissing each other.

After a while, an ideal came to Kyungsoo.

“Jongin! Do you want to make love?”

“Wait! What!...” Jongin was very surprise.

Kyungsoo was embarrassed for being so bold about this. Never in his life, has he said such a thing. Kyungsoo kept quiet.

Jongin then asked “Are you sure? I have never expected you to say that you forgive me and kiss me and now this. You don’t need to rush thing. You can take it slowly.”

“I…I… I want our relationship to get back like before. I want to erase all the barriers that were separating us. So I think can help that. I want us to be more intimate. ual can bring our relationship to the next level…I..” Kyungsoo stuttered.

“Baby, you know that I want it too, right?”

“I know. But then I was worried about something. If you wait for too long to have or If I’m not good in bed and can’t make you feel good then will you change your mind.”

“You got it wrong Kyungie. I want you not because of . It’s because I love you, because of my love only for you. I want you to force yourself to have with me.”

“I’m not forcing myself. I’m willing to do it. I’m not craving for it in anyway but I just want us to be one. Ever since you left me, I have never dated anyone. Jongin-ah, you are the first person that I ever have with and also the only one I will do it with. Back then, I was really sad and mad at you but I know that I will never love anyone but you…”

Kyungsoo was cut off by Kai’s embrace.

“I don’t know what I did in my past life to have you as such an awesome boyfriend. I feel so guilty. You was so faithful and I’m..”

“It’s okay. That was the past. Just forget about it.”

“Let’s do it, baby.”

You know what will happen next, right? Soon, after a hot, fiery kissing session, clothes were scattered on the floor. Few minutes later, Jongin’s apartment was filled with sound of , grunting, panting; sound of pleasure. That night, they fell asleep hugging each other.

Morning has come. Jongin has woken up while Kyungsoo is still sleeping. Jongin loves this sight he is seeing. A Kyungsoo is sleeping next to him. This is not because they had but because they finally official get together.

He stayed there staring at his Kyungie. He can never get tired of his baby.

Kyungsoo slowly waked up. He opened his eyes and saw Jongin. He pulled Jongin into a warm hug.

“Did you sleep well baby?”

“Yes, because you drained all of my energy. How do you get that much stamina?”

Jongin chucked at Kyungsoo question “I get that from you.”



 “Can you move in with me?”

“It’s not a big deal but is that like I’m imposing on you? Since yours is better than mine.”

“No, of course not. Then I should move into yours then. Is that okay baby?”

“Okay, Jongie.”

“Jongie, we should take a shower? We are still cover in and sweat.”

“Let’s go.”

“Jongin, can we help me? My legs have no strength. They are like jelly. You were rough last night.”

“I’m sorry baby. You made lost control.” Jongin then carried Kyungsoo bridal style to the bathroom.

A few days later, Kyungsoo moved in with Kyungsoo and  they lived happily.

Jongin tiredly used the key to open the door of Kyungsoo’s… not their apartment. He mentally cursed in his head because he had to come home at this late. It was midnight. For an entire week, he had so many contracts to deal with, which limited his time with Kyungie.

All of the tiredness, stress all disappeared when he stepped into the apartment. He knew soon he will be able to see his Kyungie.

He got recharge when he saw his Kyung sleeping on the couch. Kyungsoo was hugging the Pororo and Krong doll. That was so cute and adorable, which made Jongin giggled.

He turned off the TV and gently carried Kyungsoo to the bed.

Kyungsoo woke up when Jongin placed Kyungsoo on to their bed.

“Oh, Jongin. You are home.”

“Yes, baby. I have told you not to wait for me. You should sleep.”

“I missed you so I stayed up. I brought Pororo and Krong with me to wait for you. I guess I was tired so I fell asleep. Have you eaten yet? I will warm up the food for you.”

“I ate on the way I came home.” Jongin was about to leave for a shower but Kyungsoo pulled he back.

“Don’t go. I want to hug you.”

“You should hug me after I take a shower.”

“No. It’s okay. Right, I think you are very manly. I feel warm and safe with you. Can we sleep like this?”

“Alright then.”

A few more days later.

Kyungsoo is sitting alone in a cabin on train. He is going to Busan to attend his cousin’s weeding. Kyungsoo want Jongin to go with him but some unexpected Japanese clients showed up and Jongin had to cancel his trip with Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo called Jongin


“Hi Kyungie, what are you doing?”

“Just waiting for the train to run. What about you?”

“I’m preparing for the presentation. I have to go now.”

“Ok bye. Good luck with your presentation.”

After the a successful presentation, Jongin walked out of the meeting and was heading back to his room.

“I just watched the news. It said that there was a terrible accident happen with one of the train heading for Busan.”

“That’s so terrible.”

Jongin rushed back to his office to check the internet for more information.

He read through the news. He saw the code of the trip in the article. He checked his phone for Kyungsoo trip’s code on his phone. Unfortunately, it matched. Kyungsoo was on the train that had accident. Jongin felt someone just stabbed his heart.













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Chapter 8: i hope to see this being continued, ive been going back like 10 times the past 4y
Chapter 8: gurl pls update soon , i want to know what happen to kai
Chapter 7: New reader here !! :D
Chapter 8: I also heard the rumours TT^TT

Oh please god say that this is just some kind of sick joke and that Kris isnt leaving EXO TT-TT

I feel like crying like srly TT~TT
Kris the Exo-M leader and EXO isnt 'one' if one of them is missing!!! TTyTT

Omg..please Kris dont leave!!!
chodoiino #5
Chapter 8: I wouldn't believe these rumours. I remember not so long ago there were rumours about Chen leaving too. I don't think their contracts with SMEnt would allow them to leave so easily. That's my opinion anyway :)
zieqaeira #6
Chapter 7: please update i eager to know what had happened pretty please fast
Chapter 7: Hyung, I love this story XD
Chapter 7: noooo!! Baby Soo dont be hurt please!! TTATT
My poor baby~ mummy will be there for you just dont die!!

Ah wait...Did he even hurt himself..?...
Anyway~~~~>> I hope you will update soon~!
wildrose88 #9
Chapter 7: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
DO_squishy_SOO94 #10
Chapter 7: Hope Soo will just be fine!!