Chapter 6

Please Comeback To Me

Chapter 6

Kyungsoo was so surprised to see Jongin standing in front of his apartment at this kind of time. He should stay at his home. Jongin was apparently drunk.

“Yah!! Jongin why are you here? It’s only 2 in the morning and why are you drunk?” Kyungsoo said with a very annoying tone. He can you blame him. Just imagine someone disturb your sleep at a time like this, I will be so furious.

Jongin quickly pulled Kyungsoo into a tight hug. Kyungsoo was startled by Kai’s action. Kyungsoo struggled to make Kai release him but Kai was much stronger.

“Kai, what are doing? “

Kyungsoo then hear Kai’s crying. He didn’t know why he was crying. Still in Kai’s tight embrace, Kungsoo asked Kai “Why are you crying?”

“I am really sorry Kyungsoo. I am sorry. I am sorry for hurting you. I just want us to get back together.”

Kai kept repeating “I’m sorry” then fell asleep.

Honestly, seeing Jongin like this made Kyungsoo worried.

With one of Kai hand over Kyungsoo’s shoulder, Kyungsoo carried Kai to his bed and laid him down. I took a close look at him. I saw him face and arms are covered with new bruises, scratches. “Did he get into a fight? What did he do to get in this state?”


“I guess his body would be the same like this. I better hurry up and treat his wound.” I thought

I quickly get to the medicine box to get some bandages, disinfectant and some clean towels.

It has been a while since I did something like this. I hope I still remember the procedure. First, I cleaned the open wounds with disinfectant and then covered them with water-proof bandages. After finished with his face and arms, I carefully ed his shirt to check if there is any more wound. Luckily, there is none. I know he usually he sleeps without his shirt but in this state I’m not sure it’s a good idea to let him shirtless. Hence, I buttoned up his shirt, fix his position and pulled the blanket over to keep him warm. Then I sneaked into the blanket and slept.

I closed my eyes trying to sleep but I kept seeing Jongin’s image in my mind. Since I can’t sleep, I decided to take time to think about my feeling. I thought about our past, present and all possible future. I want to understand what my heart is telling me to do. I wished this were only a dream so that I could wake up and remember nothing. I was lost in thought when Kai’s arm wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him. But it felt very comfortable and warm. It’s a feeling that I really I like. This is the feeling that I have been longing for. Should I stay like this? I should forget about everything and accept this feeling. Slowly I fell asleep while Kai was hugging me. Before I fell asleep, I heard me muttering my name in his dream.

I waked up and looked at my phone. It is 6:50 am and it’s nearly time for me go to work but I haven’t got ready. While I was still in Kai’s embrace, I texted Miss Anna to let her know that I won’t be coming to work.

To: Miss Anna

I’m sick today. I don’t think I can go to work.

I put down my phone. I turned back and face Jongin. I looked at his sleeping face. This is the first time I look closely at him after so many years. He is still very handsome. I moved my hand to touch his face. I caressed him face carefully not to wake him up.

I can see his eye moving so I guessed he is about to wake up. I immediately turned around. Now he is facing my back. I sat up and said “Where I am? Oh my head!”

I did the same thing but I said “You are awake now. You are at my apartment. You were drunk and came here last night. Being a good person I am, I cannot let you out there in this cold weather. So I let you in”. I sat there for a few minutes waiting for any reply from him.

When I stood up, I suddenly pulled me down and again hugged me.

“K..Kai.” I said and tried to break free. He tightened his hug.

“Please stay like this Kyungsoo just for a while.” He begged me.

“Please let me hug you.” He sounded so sincere.

“I really need this. I need your warmth. I don’t know how much longer I can live without you.”

He sounded so miserable. He continued “I don’t know if you still love me or believe in me anymore but what I am going to say is 100% true, no lies. This is from the bottom of my heart. I still love you a lot. It’s so painful to live a life without you. I have never felt so lost and lonely in my life. My life is meaningless now. What keeping me alive till now are the happy memories of us and my hope to get back with you. I am really sorry for hurting you in the past. I regret it every day. That mistake was the worst mistake I have ever made. That was the stupid choice ever. I wish time can revert so I can undo everything…”

He stopped and pulled me closer. There is almost no distance between us. I could feel his face on my back. Then I can feel the wetness because he was sobbing.

“I am sorry Kyungsoo. I will say this for a million times, a billion times if I have in order for you to give me.”


“Please let me finish. I know I have no right to hug do like this after all the horrible thing I did. I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable right because you probably hate me. I will release you when I am done talking. I really miss you. I miss the way you smile, the way you sleep, the way your beautiful eyes widen every time you are surprise, the way you. I miss your cute pout, your heart-shaped lips, and your scent. I missed everything about you. I have nightmare almost every night. I dream that you find a new love and I have no chance of getting you back. It’s a torture to live like this.”

“Everything you said about me is true. I’m a jerk, a bastard, a liar, a hypocrite, greedy, unfaithful person. You can yell at me, hit me or do whatever you want just please give me a second chance. Without you, I lose my sanity. You don’t know what I have been doing. All I want to do is for you to come back to me. I will change; I will do everything you want. Just please give me a second change. I tried hard to find someone that can replace your in my heart but no one can do at. I tried to deny my feeling and to make the loneliness fade away by dating and ing others but it failed miserably. I still miss you and love you so much. I can never love anyone except you Kyungsoo. I’m begging you to give me a second chance.”


I poured out all what my heart have to say. This is all my feeling and regrets I have for Kyungsoo. I was waiting for his reply. As much as I want him to say  “Yes. I will give a second chance.”, it will still be okay if he decline it.

He didn’t say anything. He turned around and buried his face into my chest. He still didn’t say anything. He just stayed silent like that. Five minutes have passed and nothing happened.

Now it’s his turn to cry. I was really confused and hurt seeing him crying like this.

I asked “Kyungsoo, why are you crying? Don’ cry.”

“Do you know how hard it is for me when you left? I just want to die but I can’t do that. That would just be selfish. I have to act tough, act like I’m okay. That was really hard. It was not okay at all. I tried hard to forget you. I can’t. The only thing I can do is trying to find to thing to keep my mind busy to not think of you. I was doing fine until you came back. You messed up all my hard effort. You made me realize that I still love you.”

Kyungsoo looked up and stared at me with his red eyes. I used my hand to wipe his tear.

“Kyungsoo, you don’t…”

“I don’t know why but I believe what you just have said. So I’m giving you second chance. We can start over again. If thing don’t work out, It can be less painful. This doesn’t mean I have forgiven you.”

I hugged him again to thank him “Thanks Kyungsoo. I will make sure you will not regret this. I will show you that I’m still the Jongin you love and you will forgive me.”

“Kyungsoo, can I ask you something?”


“This means we are dating now?” Kyungsoo nodded

“Can hold your hand?” he nodded again.

“Can I hug you like this?”

“Well. You have hugged me like three times so far. So it’s okay.”

“I only hug you once.”

“No. Last night when you came here you hugged. When you were sleeping on my bed and now you are hugging me.”

“Oh. I don’t remember much about last night after I went to your house. I only remember why I went to your apartment.”

“Hey, why were you drunk?  And why are you covered in bruises? Did you get into a fight?”

“Yesterday, I didn’t come to work. I went back to some old places we used to hangout. I felt really sad so I went drinking. Then I got into fighting thinking that will be a punishment for all the horrible thing I do.”

“That’s a stupid thing to do. Now get up and go shower. I will find something for you to wear.”

“What are cooking?”

“I’m making breakfast. I hope you still like chicken because I’m making chicken soup.”

“Yes, I still love it.”

“Okay. Breakfast will be ready in 10 minutes.”

“Is it good?”

“Yes, it’s amazing. I miss your cooking so much.”

“Well, eat a lot. You will take some medicines after this.”


After breakfast, Kyungsoo gave me some medicines, which he said will help with my healing process. He also helped me to apply with some pain-killing gel.

He was very caring and dedicated. His face expression told me that he still cared a lot for me.

“You still care a lot for me, right Kyungsoo?”

“Yes of course, for 5 years, you are the love of my life and pretty everything I do is for you.”

Nothing can describe happiness right now knowing that he still have feeling for me.

“I’m done. You should rest now.”

“Kyungsoo, I want us to get back so badly. I will do everything you want just to make that happen. I will give up everything I have for you.”

“I know you worked really hard to achieve this so you don’t need to do that. But there is one thing that I want you to do. Stop drinking. Only drinking when you really have to. I really hate alcohol.”

“Yes sir.”

What do you think? This is a good solution for their problem. Well that is my opinion. They are both suffering. This new start can help them overcome the past tragedy.

Thanks for reading.




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Chapter 8: i hope to see this being continued, ive been going back like 10 times the past 4y
Chapter 8: gurl pls update soon , i want to know what happen to kai
Chapter 7: New reader here !! :D
Chapter 8: I also heard the rumours TT^TT

Oh please god say that this is just some kind of sick joke and that Kris isnt leaving EXO TT-TT

I feel like crying like srly TT~TT
Kris the Exo-M leader and EXO isnt 'one' if one of them is missing!!! TTyTT

Omg..please Kris dont leave!!!
chodoiino #5
Chapter 8: I wouldn't believe these rumours. I remember not so long ago there were rumours about Chen leaving too. I don't think their contracts with SMEnt would allow them to leave so easily. That's my opinion anyway :)
zieqaeira #6
Chapter 7: please update i eager to know what had happened pretty please fast
Chapter 7: Hyung, I love this story XD
Chapter 7: noooo!! Baby Soo dont be hurt please!! TTATT
My poor baby~ mummy will be there for you just dont die!!

Ah wait...Did he even hurt himself..?...
Anyway~~~~>> I hope you will update soon~!
wildrose88 #9
Chapter 7: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
DO_squishy_SOO94 #10
Chapter 7: Hope Soo will just be fine!!