Oh~ He's Gone Yeah...(One Down, Three To Go.)

I Know What You Did Last Comeback!

 "It was six months later and BIGBANG were preparing to go on to Inkigayo comeback stage...."

Ajay: Now I KNOW this is fiction! Ain't NO WAY YG gonna let any of his artists comeback six months after the comeback announcement! *laughs heartily* This isn't horror, this is a sick joke!

GD: I comeback every few months…

Ajay: *becomes creepy blinky, Sadako-type ghost  and appears next to GD* *through teeth* I know…

Everyone: *O.O hard swallow*

Ajay: *back across the room* I'm still waiting on that album Taeyang-oppa. Top? I've given up on that dream. Dae? I hope YG gives you a chance someday. Ri? You good.

MOP: CAN I PLEASE FINISH READING!? *mumbles* Come barging in my room telling me to do a random horror special, but don't nobody want me to finish. I could be laying down reading a manga or something, but awh-nawh, I gotta read for a bunch of ungrateful, forever talking….

"The members of BIGBANG sit idly as stylist, makeup artist, and dancers scurry around the room. They had been receiving so much love for this comeback that this stage was going to be bigger than ever before in the history of comeback stages. But despite all this GD was in an extremely unsavory mood."

GD: *all huff-puff*

Tae: *bobbing along to performance on monitor*

Top: *checking eyebrow raising-ness*

Dae: *gabbing with stylist*

Ri: *flirting with hoobae girl group that came to give the members a signed copy of there debut album* You have to be ready to perform at any point in time. What's the main point in your choreography, GO!

PD: Five-minutes to stage!

GD: *grumbles*

Tae: Ji, you have got to pull it together. We are about to go on stage. You've been such a crappy mood since we announced this comeback.

GD: I wonder why? *laughs*

Tae: *O.e* Yeah…. me too.

"Soon after the men lined up to get ready to make their entrance. GD was in front, followed by Daesung, Top, Taeyang and Seungri. GD was getting into his performance mode...but something was still off..."

Tae: *whispers to Ri* Psst!

Ri: What?

Tae: I think...I think he knows, dude.

Ri: *pokes head out of lineup to look at Kwon Leadah* What makes you say that?

Tae: Shh! Just listen.

GD: *faintly humming "She's gone" with that creepy smirk on his face.*

Ri: .........Crap, he knows.

Tae: Told ya!

Top: *turns around* What are you two talking about?

Ri: He knows!

Top: Who knows what? *bingu blank look*

Tae: *rolls his eyes, whispers through clenched teeth* Ji knows that we messed up his song!

Top: ..............Really?

Ri: We're doomed.

Tae: Not yet. This will blow over once he gets on stage and people go crazy about this song....

"Soon the song started and Big Bang made their epic entrance. The beat came in full force and G-Dragon had fans on edge with his eloquent raps and Top came in soon after with his mesmerizing rhymes. Ri came blazing in with the chorus and Tae serenaded the fangirls into the next verse. Then Daesung slayed with his amazing bridge. All that plus the banging choreography had the whole room screaming and throwing their draws at them! It broke all the records!"

Fans: *screaming and throwing draws*

Big Bang: *bows and heads off stage*

Ri: YAWWWH What a performance!

Tae: We killed it!

Top: It was fun.

GD: *actually...smiling* Yeah...it was great. I suppose I should thank you all....

Rest of bb: *STOPS.*

Ri: ...R...R..Really?

GD: Yeah, if it weren't for you....

BB: *gulp*

GD: ...putting up with me through all of this, our performance wouldn't have been a success. So..thanks y'all. ^_^

BB: ...Yeah...you're welcome...sure.... What? (<---By top)

GD: And Dae...I know you're coming out with a comeback soon. *smiles* Do your best. * throws an arm around his shoulder*

Dae: ...*a little apprehensive* Thanks...I will...

GD: Come on guys, let's get food. I'm treating!

"It seems as though GD had gotten over the song incident. He was buying them dinner, after all!"


Ri: *big nasty burp*URRRRP!!!! That was delicious.

Top: *drinking kool aid* Yummy.

Kool Aid Jammer: *outside the window* MOMMY!!!!!!!

Tae: I'm glad you feel better, Ji. We were worried...

GD: Yeah, I'm good. I was just tripping, that's all.

Dae: |D I have to run to the washroom. I'll be back.

Ri: K, don't blow it up. You know kimchi doesn't agree with you.

Dae: Shut it. |P

Ri: *snickers like a little boy.*

*Ten minutes later*

Dae: *comes from bathroom* Much better. ^_^

Random gloved hand: *spills water*

Dae: *slips on it* WOAAH!!!!!!

Ri: Woah, what the heck?!

Dae: *runs into waiter*

Waiter: *tray wobbles in his hand* SACRE BLEU!!! Oh wait, we're in Korea- OMO!!!!!

Random Gloved hand: *places random stool on ground*

Dae: *falls on it, cracks neck and dies*

Tae: *stands up* DUDE!!!!!!!!!

Waiter: *dish comes sliding off tray*  MON DIEU!!! I mean I really don't know how to speak Korean...

Top: *eyes wide* O.O!!!!!!!

GD: *quietly looking on with with eyes*

Lady: *got hit in the neck by dish...cracks neck and dies...falls out of chair*

Standing Lamp: *got hit by dead lady and hits Kim Jong Un*

KJU: *neck cracks and dies*

BB minus Dae: *runs over*

Tae: *kneeling by dae, shakes him* Dae!? DAE!!!? YOU ALRIGHT?! DAE!!!!

Dae: x_xl||

Ri: *crying a river*

Top: *holding the maknae...silent man tears*

Resturant: *in hysterics cuz like seven more people died and crap.*

GD: *looking on from a distance...eyes red and small smirk* This is the last time..we say goodbye..~

WHOOOO! LONGER CHAPTER! ALRIGHT!!!! Our poor smiling Angel. We would like to apologize for the next chapter. It made us a bit sad but no worries! Things aren't always what they seem...

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ShawolKpoper #1
Chapter 5: Haha you never know what to expect but it's good :)
ShawolKpoper #2
Chapter 4: ohh i'd be scared if i were them hahaha
ShawolKpoper #3
Chapter 3: haha this was great! i wonder what will happen XD
Chapter 1: BAHHHHHAHAHAHAHAH GD. Hes about to go hulk.
ozwalkr #6
MWO! This looks pretty cracked up! Gotta read it. 8D