Something Happens… Kinda

I Know What You Did Last Comeback!

"A few weeks go by and the band is hard at work for their comeback. It seemed that GD had let go of his anger and was pushing forward. He and the rest of BB were busy practicing the new song and dance."

Tae: *pumping out body rolls*

Ri: *tossing out perfect gyrations*

Dae: *killin' it*

Top: *practicing head nods*

GD: *keeping a watchful eye*

*Song ends epically*

Ri: *Plopping down onto the floor* This will be our best comeback yet!! This song is just so awesome. Great work Hyung! *snickers*

Dae: *wiping sweat from biceps, while looking cute with his hair tied in an apple knot*"

MOP: AHLKSAKSHKSJFHJSKFJKAFSAJKF!! *pauses reading to fangirl*

Ajay: *grabs the book and starts reading again*

"GD: Yeah... whatever you say. I'm going to get some air.

Tae: Smoking in the middle of dance practice... not cool. *GD walks out* *Tae to the rest of BB* Do you think he knows?

Ri: 'Course not! YG, complemented him so he's fine.

Top: So long as no one tells him.

Ri: And no one will, right? *they all nod*

Dae: I'm going to go and get some water. *Dae leaves the the room and heads for the vending machine.* *Starts humming as he puts money into machine*

*Clink. Clinkclinkclinkclinkclink!*

Dae: *looks around all startled like*

*Badoomdoom doom!* *Drink falls from machine* 

"Dae reaches down to grab his drink and as he does the clinking noise begins again. And once he stands up a giant rock comes flying at him and the machine..."


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ShawolKpoper #1
Chapter 5: Haha you never know what to expect but it's good :)
ShawolKpoper #2
Chapter 4: ohh i'd be scared if i were them hahaha
ShawolKpoper #3
Chapter 3: haha this was great! i wonder what will happen XD
Chapter 1: BAHHHHHAHAHAHAHAH GD. Hes about to go hulk.
ozwalkr #6
MWO! This looks pretty cracked up! Gotta read it. 8D