
I Know What You Did Last Comeback!

The scene opens up with a camera pan through the hallways of an apartment building and stops at a closed door. Somehow the camera knocks on the door.

MOP(aka Seung Mi): *opens door* OOOH! Is that my life time supply of ginger ale-O.O Da heck! I did not order a camera crew! What do y'all want!!!? *random piece of paper shoved in her face, opens it*  ...Obligatory story telling time!? Fine.  Come on in but take off your shoes, and deordorize your feet...they might stank. 

The Camera crew follows MOP in and she motions for them to sit on the couch. She grabs a book from the shelf and sits on the recliner adjacent to the couch.

MOP: *leafs through pages* All right all right.  Lettuce sea... AH! *Creepy Music plays* "I know what you did last comeback" WAIT. *music scratches* what kind of crack title- Nevermind.  *begins to read*

(Awesome scene change brings us to the studio where Big Bang are putting in some late night hours for their next album)

"It was a dark and tiring night.  Jiyong was busy at the computer editing music, Youngbae was practicing his body rolling moves in a mirror, Daesung fell asleep at the table trying to learn his new solo song, Seungri was having a midnight chat with a mystery lady from Hangzhou, China, and Seunghyun called himself writing lyrics but was really drawing a cat-cheetah thing with pants."

GD: *irritably trying to transpose the song in different keys to see what sounds better but nothing satisfies his composer's OCD* No… *changes arrangement*  No… *changes bpm* …. UGH!! *KEYBOARD FLIP!!!*

Rest of Big Bang: *looks at him with concern*

Seungri: *looks at him* Hyung? You ok?

Random Chinese Lady He was Talking to on His Laptop: HAH?! WHAT’S GOING ON!!? I HEARD BOOMS!

Ri: I’ll talk to you later, Soon Yi.

RCLHWTTOHL: Wait! AIYA! *was hung up on*

GD: *sighs* *ruffles his hair* I’m fine…just…tired.

Tae: You should head out, dude. Go get some rest…

GD: *perks up a bit* Yeah…I’ll do that. *Goes outside to clear his head*

“While Jiyong went outside to clear his mind, the rest of the group talked about their concern for Kwon Leadah.”

Tae: I’m worried about Ji, y’all. He’s been cooped up in this studio for the past five days because of this new album. It’s been nonstop composing and I think he’s finally reached his limit.

Dae: *Yawns* Yeah. I never seen him so worked up before.

Ri: The only time I’ve seen hyung this flustered was when he couldn’t dye his hair for a week because they recalled his favorite brand.

Top: *laughing to himself* I shall call it cat-cheetah diamond pants.

Rest of BB minus GD: HYUNG!!!

Top: WHAT?! Oh, I mean…yeah! We need to help give Jiyong-ah a break!

Dae: *walks over to the computer* Hmm…He was trying to do something with this ending.

Ri: *also walks over* Hmm. I wonder. *a couple of clicks and BOOM! More keyboard.*

Dae: SEUNGRI-AH! You can’t do that! If Hyung finds out-

Ri: He’ll love it! Look! *plays back the song*

Dae: *nodding along* …That does SOUND good…

Ri: *sneaky look* So try it! Add something! We’re taking a LOAD of Jiyong-hyung’s shoulders…

Dae: Ok… *adds a bit of epic guitar* UUUWWAAAAHHH!! That was FUN!!

Tae: Shoo…me next! Move, pabos! *knocks them out the way and adds a bit more kick drum* Yeaaaaaaah…SWAG!

Top: Guys… I wouldn’t do that if I were you…

Dae: Aw, come on, hyung! It’s fun!

Tae: Yeah! We’re helping out Ji!

Ri: *weird creepy voice* Yooouhhh knowww youuu want tooo….

Ri, Tae, & Dae: Do iht. Do iht. Do iht. Do-

Top: ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT, FINE! Just stop with the weird chanting… *goes up and adds more…BASS*

Ri, Tae, & Dae: You would do that.

Top: Shut up. *yawns, poot!* O.O ‘Scuse me. I’m getting out of here. I’m old so I’m sleepy. One of you go find Jiyong and tell him that we finished his song. I’ll catch you guys in the morning. *leaves*

Tae: ….Alright, Seungri YOU go find Ji and tell him to go home. Ok? Cool. See ya later, maknae!

Ri: WHAT?!!

Dae: * |D* Byeeeeee! *waves off and runs to catch up with Tae*

Ri: *mumbling to himself* Stupid fart face hyungs. I’m LEE SEUNGRI. Epic noona killer and master of removing underpants as last seen in my teaser pv.

“Seungri had the y task of finding Jiyong to let him that know that he was free to rest his weary pink haired head. But he couldn’t find him!"


“After ten more minutes of searching, Seungri decided that Jiyong must have went on home to relax. Not very considerate to his other bandmates! Or, at least that’s what he thought…”

GD: *walks in with tons of snacks* Can’t think without my junk food! heartNow, I’m so ready to tackle this song and- *walks in studio to find the lights off and his band gone* ….Wae? *sets his bag of junk on the floor* Big bang! Where are you!? *looks around* Tch…I can’t believe they left. Well… more food for me. And I won’t be distracted by Seungri’s annoying attempts at flirting with random women. 

“He went to his mac which was still powered up. It was when he tried to find his project that he realized something was terribly wrong…”

(Music starts to get frantic.)

GD: Mwuh? Where’s the song…Where is it…*starts to frantic search files* Where. Is. My. SONG!!!?

“The computer screen flashed the devastating message:
No Files Found.

GD: No…all my hard work… All…my hard work. *song switches to She’s Gone as it slowly starts to build up in the background.* Who tarnished…all my hard work… *close up view of GD’s face as his eyes begin to turn red…*


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ShawolKpoper #1
Chapter 5: Haha you never know what to expect but it's good :)
ShawolKpoper #2
Chapter 4: ohh i'd be scared if i were them hahaha
ShawolKpoper #3
Chapter 3: haha this was great! i wonder what will happen XD
Chapter 1: BAHHHHHAHAHAHAHAH GD. Hes about to go hulk.
ozwalkr #6
MWO! This looks pretty cracked up! Gotta read it. 8D