Chapter 8

STARES (from the guy at table number 7)

3rd Person’s POV


*Oh ma booyyy~ Oh ma booyyy~ Babehh!*
*Oh ma booyyy~ Oh ma booyyy~ Babehh!*

Baekhyun’s phone rang continuously. Seriously, Baekhyun has this little addiction to SiStar; Chanyeol never bothered anyway, though sometimes, it made him jealous. Why not? Baekhyun loved them so much, especially Bora. Well, that’s out of the topic.

Baekhyun groaned in frustration as he lazily stood up and grabbed his ing ringing phone. Seriously? Who would call him at this moment? It’s too late in the evening, specifically it’s almost midnight.

“Arghhh! Who the is this?”

“B-b-ahh, hyung.”

Baekhyun heard a familiar voice…but his mind was still working to guess who the speaker is. He is sure that he heard Kyungsoo’s voice, BUT, hyung? Really? Kyungsoo never had called Baekhyun a hyung…NEVER!

“Ahh…pardon please.” Baekhyun said.

“Baekhyun-hyung, it’s me. Kyungsoo!”

And with that, Baekhyun awaked his soul. His eyes became as round and as large as Chanyeol has. He almost dropped the phone, really.

“Woah! Kyungsoo, is that really you? You called me hyung? Seriously? What did you eat? Is that the cause of your sudden change?”

“Ahrgg, no hyung. No. Just please, I don’t have time for this.”

“Oh, okay then. So what is the problem? Why did you call me this ing late?” Kyungsoo was sure, Baekhyun was slightly (or really) frustrated and annoyed.

“Uhmm, do you mind coming over? I need to talk to you about something.”

“Huh? It’s too late Kyungsoo. And it’s way too dark and cold outside.” Baekhyun replied.

“Oh…I’ll just come over to you then.”

“No Kyungsoo. It’s too dangerous going outside this late. You know, bad guys and drunk guys are everywhere. They might do something bad to you.” Baekhyun said worrily. Surely, he cares for the younger because he’s his bestfriend…of course.

“But, I really do need your help about this hyung.” Kyungsoo pleaded

“Why can’t you just say it over the phone?”

“I cannot hyung. I want to say it to you in person.”

“Why not?”

“Just please Baekhyun hyung! Don’t argue about this anymore. I’m going to your place and that’s final. Okay?”

“Fine Fine! Just, please, stay safe okay?”

“Sure thing hyung.”

Then the call ended. Kyungsoo acts really much like the one who is older isn’t he? Yes he is. Kyungsoo might be younger, but at least his mind is much matured compare to others…Baekhyun, specifically. But, his heart, not much matured…or should I say, really not matured; I mean, yeah, he doesn’t even know what love is. He’s inexperienced guy in terms of love.

Thirty minutes later, Baekhyun become worried. The distance between their houses was just a ten-minute walk, but how come did it took him long? Baekhyun was about to grab his jacket and go outside to find this little doe-eyed boy when he heard a knock. He quickly ran to the door and opened it. “Gosh Kyungsoo, you scared me to death. I thought something bad happened to you.”

“Stop worrying hyung. I’m here now, see!”

Baekhyun then opened the door wide and let Kyungsoo come inside his house. Then, he led him to his bedroom, closing the door firmly.

They sat on the bed, and Baekhyun was sure, Kyungsoo looks worried. Yes he is, definitely.

“So, spill.” Baekhyun said breaking the silence between them.

“Spill what?”


“Come on Kyungsoo. You came here because you want to tell something! Now spill it before I grab you and throw you outside.” Baekhyun placed his arms over his chest, crossing it together.

“Wow, what a nice friend you are really. A friend that would just grab you and throw you away! That was really heart-warming! Nice friend you are really.” Kyungsoo replied sarcastically.

“Shut up Kyungsoo. Just spill it out.”

“Okay, okay. Fine.”




“I have to tell you something.” Jongin said with an obvious nervousness in his tone. The sun was setting and the scenario was just perfect in Jongin’s eyes. He thinks it’s the perfect time.

“What is it Jongin?” Kyungsoo asked in return.

Jongin sighed. “Ahh, this is embarrassing.”

“What is it Jongin. Just tell me, I promise I won’t laugh or anything.”

“Okay, okay hyung! I swear this is the stupidest thing I will do…EVER!” Jongin said. He cleared his throat, then sighed again. He grabbed his remaining courage inside him as he said, “Hyung, I love you.”

Kyungsoo was shocked. He really was. His heart then wants to jump out of his chest because of the loud pumping of it. He can’t move, he really can’t. ‘What is this? Oh, maybe he loves me, as a friend.’ Kyungsoo said to himself.

“Oh? Is that so? I love you too Jongin. You know, you’ve been really good to me! And I know, our friendship will grow more, and become much stronger!” Kyungsoo replied cheerfully.

“No, no hyung. It’s not that. I mean, I love you. You know, I love you , ot in a friendly way, but in a romantic way. I do love you hyung.” Jongin finally confessed his feelings towards the other guy. “I have known you since freshmen years, and I’ve loved you since then. It’s been four years hyung. It’s been four years that I’ve kept this feelings towards you.”

Kyungsoo was mind-blown. He was shocked! He can’t move.

Finally, after recovering from the state of being a statue, Kyungsoo replied to the other guy. He was not sure about this, but still, he made a reply.

“Ah~ I’m so-sorry Jongin, b-but I-m not gay.”

Jongin felt his eyes become teary as he looked to the ground. Those words were like daggers; daggers that cut his heart so deep. His heart was now broken, and it’s bleeding to death. He wiped his tear and smiled to Kyungsoo. “Ahh, just don’t mind me. Hahaha, I’m crazy right? Why did I expect that someone like you will like me back? Hahaha.” He laughed at himself like a crazy man as tears were still flowing from his eyes. Kyungsoo felt so guilty. He really is.

“I’m sorry.”

“Please don’t be. I just assumed, that’s all. Please nevermind everything that I’ve said to you. Those were hopeless. Hahaha. *sniffles* Just, don’t mind it okay? I hope,  nothing will be changed between the two of us.” Jongin said as he tried h[imself to smile and not to tear up more.

Kyungsoo just nodded in response but his heart felt so numb. It was like, it was broken too as Jongin’s heart was. He was guilty. He was so guilty for making the cheerful man cry. But, is that just it?




“So that’s it? You rejected him?” Beakhyun eyes we’re large in shock. He can’t believe that Kyungsoo did rejected the other guy’s feelings for him. ‘He truly don’t know what is love, isn’t he?’ he thought.

“Yes hyung, I rejected him. But something inside me was wrong. I felt so guilty. I can’t explain why.” Kyungsoo replied

Sure, Baekhyun was worried for the two, especially for Kyungsoo. His heart was too innocent. Baekhyun was serious this time, he wants to teach Kyungsoo what love really is.

“What do you feel towards Jongin? Tell me Kyungsoo.” Baekhyun said with much force in his tone.

“What do you mean hyung?” Kyungsoo asked in curiosity.

“I mean, do you feel nervous and sweaty whenever you see him? Do you feel some or lots of butterflies flying inside your stomach whenever he’s with you? Do you find his jokes funny even though they’re not? Do you feel any electric spark whenever your hands brush against each other? Do you feel your face go hot and red whenever he does something for you, a kiss for example? You find him attractive right? Yes you do. Do you feel you heartbeat quickens when he’s with you? Does your pants go tight whenever you imagine him ?” Baekhyun asked non-stop.

Kyungsoo, being the slow guy that he is, still works for the answer for Baekhyun’s questions. But he did feel those right?

“Uhmm, w-well, I actually do feel all of that…except for the last thing you said. I’ve never imagined Jongin you ! Gosh Baekhyun, you’re so byun!”

“Well, yes I am. That’s my surname remember? Ohh-Ohh-Ohh, wait, what’s that?” Baekhyun said as he pointed at Kyungsoo’s crotch. “Oh my gosh! You’ve got a ! Kyungsoo! You just imagined Jongin right, because of what I’ve said! OMO! Kyungsoo got hard because of Jongin!” Baekhyun squealed like a girl as he hide his face in his palms in so much excitement.

“Wa-wait! Hey! I’m not!” Kyungsoo pointed out.

“Just admit it Kyungsoo! Yu got a because of Jongiiinnn~” Baekhyun sang, making Kyungsoo frustrated.

“NO I’M NOT! I’M  NOT OKAY?” Kyungsoo shouted at Baekhyun. Good thing, Baekhyun’s parents aren’t in the house.

“Ayiee~ Kyungsoo became hard because of Jongiinnn! OMO! Kyungsoo is gay for Jongiinnn~” Baekhyun sand non-stop, teasing Kyungsoo.


And with that, Baekyun stoped, stunned in what Kyungsoo had just said. “Why?”

“I just don’t want!” Kyungsoo replied.

“No Kyungsoo. I’m sure there’s a reason why. Spill it out, now.” Baekhyun ordered.

“I don’t want to be judged by everyone Baekhyun. I don’t want to be called . I just don’t want to be gay! What will you expect if Jongin and I will be together? Everyone will look at us disgustingly. I don’t want it to be. And Jongin is much stronger, much taller, and much masculine than I am. For sure I’ll be the uke! I don’t want to be the uke, because I know it hurts! I don’t want to be ed; I want to ! And what if Jongin left me? No one will love me anymore because I’m a !!! I don’t want to be gay!” Kyungsoo let his emotions flow as tears came running down from his eyes to his cheeks, and down.

“That’s it? Are you sure Kyungsoo, that’s it? Kyungsoo, I top Chanyeol…well sometimes. At least I top. Kyungsoo look at me, a relationship is give and take. And are you sure Jongin will leave you? Jongin is sometimes a bastard kid, but obviously, he treasures your friendship. He do love you Kyungsoo! it!” Baekhyun was now angry…or just slightly angry.

“What do you expect from me Baekhyun? It’s my first time you know. I don’t know things about love! I’m scared!”

“Scared of what Kyungsoo? Sometimes, you really need to fight and conquer little thigs for you to succeed. That’s life.”

“But Baekhyun! You against the world is not little!” Kyungsoo pointed out.

“Compare it to love, do it still look big? No it’s not! Kyungsoo, love is the greatest thing on Earth, and you against the world is nothing if you truly love someone.” Baekhyun said. Kyungsoo became silent because of that.

“Kyungsoo, imagine a world without Jongin, would you manage to live a life?” Baekhyun asked

“Yes I could. I have you guys.”

“ Kyungsoo! Friendship love and Romance love are not the same! What if Chanyeol and I get married? We won’t have much time for you anymore! In that case, you need someone! Admit it Kyunggie, though you and Jongin had just been friends…for about two months I guess and it’s not that long, he has done a great impact in your life and he has a big part inside your heart.” Imagine Kyunggie, just imagine a life without Jongin, there will be a big empty space inside your heart. it Kyungsoo, will you please set aside your negative possibilities and focus on your heart!”

And that made Kyungsoo silent. He was thinking.


Kyungsoo’s POV


Baekhyun, I think you’re right. *sighs*

Jongin, I’m sorry for hurting you. I’m just,…ahh…I’m just confused with my feelings right now. I;m so sorry, but I think I need time. I need time to think about things, and time to find myself and accept the truth. I’m sorry Jongin.



! Seriously? 52 subbies? I’ve never felt so much attention like this ever!
I thank you sooo much for this!
I’m sorry for the late and lame update!
hope you liked it guys!
well please continue support me!
Thank you sooo much!
OMG! HunHan is sinking~ and XIUHAN is FLOATING!
XiuHan is one of my OTPs so I’m soo happy!
well, but I feel bad towards the HunHan couple. I’m sorry for the HunHan shuppers here¬
OMO! Our Junior-Senior Prom is commmiinggg! I’m so excited!
And OH GOSH! After 7 months, she finally agreed to be my GIRLFRIEND! She’s officially MINE!
hahaha, I’ll date her this Valentines day!  ♥.♥
Okay, so see you guys, until the next update!
Bye Bye Boo~

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KaoChan #1
The story is really cute.
And I also looked at the comments, in which, I was the only one complaining about the font.

But you really should change the font so it'll be easier to read by many.
KaoChan #2
Chapter 1: what is with the italic?

the story is good but the font, is not.
I upvoted though, if that makes you feel better.
DO_squishy_SOO94 #3
Chapter 9: Yeah!! A happy ending,good 4 them and ofc good 4 me!! Daebak story authornim!
Chapter 9: Yeah, good job! I LOVE THIS! My kais0o and Baekyeol<3.
Chapter 9: Awesome story! It was so cute ^^ ♥
coolskyblue07 #6
Chapter 9: Wow, I was happy seeing the ending that Kyungsoo confessed his feeling to Jongin in front of everyone!! Awww Kyunggie XD
please make the sequel with full of fluff LOL
neko-likes-mangas #7
Chapter 9: And for the sequel, is ty fluufy possible ? :3
neko-likes-mangas #8
Chapter 9: It was really great :)
The end is so cute and fluffy and aaaaw :3
I liked your story, and I red it from the start to the end with egal pleasure (is it english ? ) at each chapter !
NimolTen #9
Chapter 9: A beautiful ending <3
I would love to read the sequel ^^
Chapter 9: The ending was amazing!