Chapter 6 KAI's POV

STARES (from the guy at table number 7)

“Hi aunt.” Kyungsoo whispered to the grave in front of us. A smile crept in my face in happiness.

“I’m Kyungsoo, your son’s new meet friend.” He said like he’s really talking to a person who’s alive. “You know aunt Hyuna, oh can I call you that? I’m sorry if I’m being a feeling-close person right now, but I want to call you that. Also, in respect that you’re my friend’s mother haha.”

I can’t help it but smile a bit bigger because Kyungsoo is just a kind guy. He’s open to all and capable of flexing in different situations, just like what he’s doing right now. He’s not like others that don’t respect persons who passed away already.

“Uhmm, you know aunt, you’re so lucky. You know why? Haha, you’ve got a great son! Jongin is a very kind kid; he respects people all the time. He also helps people in need, just like when I first met him. He has also a good sense of humor which makes me laugh my life out of me all the time. He got a super attractive face, a well-built body, a very nice personality; he’s just so perfect aunt. And I know that’s because of you. You molded and shaped your son perfectly. That’s why I’m still wondering how could your son not get a girlfriend? He’s perfect, and for sure, lots of girls are into him.”

‘That’s because I don’t like them…girls I mean. And I have someone already living in my heart, though HE might not love me back the way I love HIM…because I know HE’s not into guys like me. I actually sound stupid right? Right? Fine whatever.’ I mentally said to myself, not wanting Kyungsoo to know that it’s him I’m talking about. *sighs*

“I wish i have met you…and I wish I could, because for sure, you’re also a great person.” Kyungsoo said to the grave of my mother. I felt my face went hot because of the compliments I’ve heard him say. Whaaahh, my heart will explode if he’ll continue this.

“May you rest in peace aunt Hyuna.” He then stood up and bowed a 90 degree bow. I’m so glad he’s participating with this, and for sure, mom would like him. And if mom is watching us right now, he might felt so happy that I brought a friend that is so kind and respectful.

He then face me with a smile in his face, looking directly into my eyes. I gave a smile back saying, “Thank you hyung.”

He giggled in response. “For what Jongin?”

“You know, for being a nice friend to me. Though we have just met and we haven’t known each other for long, you’ve been so kind towards me.” I said with a sincere heart. I paused for a moment before continuing, “And you’ve been kind also towards my mother, even if you know that she’s not even here, you still spoke to her like she’s still alive. You didn’t discriminatemy mother’s grave, instead you respected it, and it’s very fluttering. Thank you so much.”

“Hahaha.” He laughed lightly. “We still have so many times you know, we could bond each other so that we would know so much about each other…at least twice a month is nice.” Then he smiled so cutely.

I felt my heart skip a beat. This boy is really something! He makes my heart jump in just simple and effortless moves. I really had fallen to this guy.

We stared at each other with about a minute a guess, but he cleared his throat, waking me from my fantasies over him. Oh, then I realized, we’ve been staring at each other right? So it has been awkward to him, isn’t it?

“Come on Jongin.” He suggested. I nodded in response.

“Goodbye aunt Hyuna. Hope I could visit you again next time.” Kyungsoo said to the grave and looked at it for one last time. “Bye mom.” I mumbled.

Before I could turn towards the exit, I felt an arm clung around mine’s, hugging my petite arms like a girl does with her mate…or I’m just exaggerating again?

We walked towards the exit of the cemetery in a complete silence. No words are spoken, and all you can here was the ruffling of the leaves as the wind hit them, our footsteps, and the constant chirping of birds like they were singing a love song.

Before I knew it, Kyungsoo lowered his hand from my arm, to my own hands, intertwining them together. Gosh, is this really happening? Kyungsoo initiated a move that was (I think) only couples would do! We’re HOLDING HANDS!

I felt my face burn…I’m blushing for sure. This is just…ahh , I don’y know how to explaine this, but it felt so good…and..and…and I felt like something electrifying ran down to my spines…and…and…and…I felt so tensed up…and…and…and…AHHHHH! MY HEART WANTS TO JUMP OUT OF MY CHEST…I’M GOING TO DIE!

I felt some sweat formed in my palms because of tense I guess. Also, I felt my knees went weak, like it’s going to break if I walked more. My chest wants to explode. We walked outside the cemetery still hand in hand, and he’s occasionally swaying it from time to time.


Finally, we stopped in front of my motorcycle. I jumped in first, then him. “Jongin, where are we going next?”

“You choose where to.”

“Uhmm…I actually like to watch sunsets.” He said before wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Oh…okay then.”

I started the engine, then headed to the nearest  beach I know. As we drove towards the destination, he rested his chin on my shoulders, his arms still wrapped around my torso yet it tightened a bit. This is too fluffy…and it feels good.

But it confuses me, how could Kyungsoo do those things…holding hands, hugs, and kisses I mean. How could he do that to a guy like me? Is he also a gay or at least bi? I thought he was traight? No No No, he’s straight! He’s just being friendly, that’s it! Jongin, don’t let your hopes go up…it will hurt you when you found out that all of those were false.


We arrived at our destination fifteen minutes later.

We walked silently on the seashore, hand in hand…well he initiated it again, and I don’t want to be rude so I just went with the flow…also, I liked the idea of holding hands with Kyunggie hyung.

He stopped for a moment and it confused me so I looked at him. “Why hyung? Why did you stop?” I looked at him in a confused look.

He then lifted his hands and grabbed my scarf…the scarf he gave me a little while ago. He adjusted it a little then smiled. “Yah, you look so handsome in that scarf.” He said and I felt my cheeks went hot.

We stared at each other, yet again. And oh he’s so beautiful. He’s ing gorgeous. We stayed in that position for about a minute before he grabbed my hand. “Come on, let’s watch the sun.”

We sat down on the sand and watched the beauty of the golden sun as it turned red and went down to the horizon before completely hiding itself from our sight.



I drove Kyungsoo hyung home, using my motorcycle of course.

“Thank you Jongin for this day. I really had so much fun.” Kyungsoo hyung said to me with a wide smile. He looked so tired and I think this is not the time for ing around with him just like when I first walked him home.

“I also had fun hyung. I’ll be going now hyung. Goodnight.” I said.

But before I could turn my direction to the gate, I felt his soft lips on my now flushing cheeks. “Goodnight kiss. Haha.” He giggled before turning the knob and entered the house closing the door shut. I can’t move. I’m frozen in my position.

I trailed my hands up to the part of my cheek where he kissed. “Kyungsoo.” I mumbled, “I love you.”



“So how’s the date?”

Said my roommate slash bestfriend YiXing, a Chinese guy I met on the auditions for ‘Search for Dancing Machine 2011’ about three years ago I guess.

“Well, it’s been good.” I replied

“WHAT? GOOD? ONLY GOOD?” he said in a surprised expression.

“Yeah…it’s good. We went to the amusement park, he kissed me on the neck leaving so many love bites and hickies-“

“WHATT! HE KISSED YOU? OH MY GOD! *squeals*” then he rolled and rolled on the bed causing him to fall with a ‘BLAM!’


“Be careful hyung.”

“Ok Ok! I’m so ing happy! YAHH! My bestfriend got love bites from his love life! GOSH!” then he fanned himself like he was so exhausted or something. “continue.” He ordered.

“so that’s why he bought me this scarf.” I said pointing to the scarf around my neck.

“Oh it’s pretty.”

“Then we rode some stuffs in there, I also won a big plushie for him and we named it Kyungin.”

“Kyungin? A combination of your names isn’t it? YAHHH! SO MUCH FEEEELLLLSSSS!” he then squealed again like a girl. “continue.”

“Then we went to my mom. And I’m so amazed with the attitude he gave. He respected my mother’s grave not like the others.”

“Oh. That’s nice to hear.” Yixing smiled wide. Actually, Yixing was the only person who respected my mom, but now, it’s him and Kyungsoo. Isn’t it great? Yeah?

“Then we went to the beach. We walked by the sea shore hand in hand, then watched the sun to set!”


“Hyung will you stop squealing!” I glared at him then rolled my eyes.

“No I’m not. *squeals*”

Ahh, this .



After about ten minutes of the constand squealing of this hyung, the room went silent…not until he broke the silence into a question.

“So what will you do then?”

“What do you mean hyung?” I looked at him in a confused look.

“Well, will you confess to him? I know he’s been your inspiration since freshmen years. You’ve already rejected so many of your fangirls because of him, and yet, you’re still there, ing loving him like a . Why won’t you make a move? Confess to him.” Yixing hyung stated making me think of it.

“But hyung, it’s just been two days since we first had a conversation. It’s just been two days since he knew me. And two days are not that long. He might just think of me as a friend you know.” I replied making him turn his facial expression into a much serious one.

“It’s been already four years Jongin! FOUR ING YEARS that you’ve been suffering! Suffering from being nothing to him. You’ve still loved him though he doesn’t even knoe you existed, not until now that he asked for your help. All those years you’ve done nothing but to watch him from far and stare at his beauty with your heart beating fast. And now Jongin, NOW, it’s him who ing approached you and be his boyfriend…I know it’s just for some ing reasons and it’s just a ing play, BUT IT’S HIM WHO APPROACHED YOU! Isn’t it destiny Jongin? Wake up you little …DO SOMETHING!”

And that speech made me pause for a moment. Yixing hyung has been the best love adviser really…and I’m so glad he existed and had been my bestfriend.

Jongin, what will you do? ! Do I really need to confess to him? What if he rejects me?

“He’s straight…he won’t love me because he’s straight.” I mumbled

I saw Yixing hyung rolled his eyes. “You haven’t proved he’s straight Jongin! You have no proof. And besides, is there a ing straight guy who is willing to kiss another guys neck because he likes the feeling? Is there a straight guy who ing hold another guy’s hand in public? Tell me Jongin! TELL ME!”

I shook my head in response.

“See that Jongin?” then I heard him sigh in frustration. “Come on Jongin! I’m here to support you all the way! I’m always be here for you.”

I looked at him in the eyes. “Thank you hyung.” Then I smiled warmly.

“If you think you’re not ready yet, and if you think it’s just been two days and two days are short, then give more time! For sure in the right time, you’ll be able to do it.” Yixing hyung encouraged me. He’s such a good bestfriend as always.

“I think you’re right hyung.”



3rd Person’s POV: And DATES have been a weekly habit of the two guys…





Hope you liked the update! It’s Kai’s POV so I guess you now understand his feelings. Hehe

Well, OMO!  39 subscribers???

REALLY?? ! Thank you soooooooo much!

I haven’t received so much love in AFF like this before Thank you sooo much1

Oh please do subscribe, comment and upvote! Thanks!

MUAH! Love you guys really!

Until the next update (it won’t be long I promose)

Bye Bye Boo~


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KaoChan #1
The story is really cute.
And I also looked at the comments, in which, I was the only one complaining about the font.

But you really should change the font so it'll be easier to read by many.
KaoChan #2
Chapter 1: what is with the italic?

the story is good but the font, is not.
I upvoted though, if that makes you feel better.
DO_squishy_SOO94 #3
Chapter 9: Yeah!! A happy ending,good 4 them and ofc good 4 me!! Daebak story authornim!
Chapter 9: Yeah, good job! I LOVE THIS! My kais0o and Baekyeol<3.
Chapter 9: Awesome story! It was so cute ^^ ♥
coolskyblue07 #6
Chapter 9: Wow, I was happy seeing the ending that Kyungsoo confessed his feeling to Jongin in front of everyone!! Awww Kyunggie XD
please make the sequel with full of fluff LOL
neko-likes-mangas #7
Chapter 9: And for the sequel, is ty fluufy possible ? :3
neko-likes-mangas #8
Chapter 9: It was really great :)
The end is so cute and fluffy and aaaaw :3
I liked your story, and I red it from the start to the end with egal pleasure (is it english ? ) at each chapter !
NimolTen #9
Chapter 9: A beautiful ending <3
I would love to read the sequel ^^
Chapter 9: The ending was amazing!