Chapter 24


Selena brought out the last dish from the kitchen and placed it on the dining table. She motioned Bosco over from the couch and asked, “What do you think?”

Bosco appraised the many different dishes on the table with hunger and said, “Everything looks great. Can we start?” he asked as he picked up a piece of chicken from a nearby plate.

Selena slapped his hand away, “I wasn’t referring to the food! I’m talking about Raymond and Charmaine.”

Bosco turned to Selena in confusion, “What about them?”

Selena said, “Don’t you find their behavior weird?” When she saw the puzzlement on Bosco’s face she added, “For two people who claim they’ve never met, they seem pretty tense whenever they’re around each other.”

“Really?” Bosco asked, unconcerned, already reaching out his hand for another piece of chicken.

This time, Selena ignored it. “Yes, really,” she emphasized giving him a look to pay closer attention to what she was saying. “I just have this feeling that they know each other already and from my gut feelings, pretty well too.”

Bosco chuckled, “You and your wild imagination. If they do know each other, why are they hiding it? What’s with the pretense?”

Selena thought it over then said with a smirk, “Maybe they’re having an underground relationship and don’t want anyone to know! Yes! That could be it.”

Bosco laughed out loud at the ridiculous assumption, “No way! If they were in fact dating, which is unlikely, what reason could they have for keeping it a secret? Besides Raymond just returned not too long ago and Charmaine never left to go anywhere.”

Selena pouted as what Bosco said rang true, “You’re right. Still, I can’t help but think that there’s something between them.”

Bosco sat himself down on a chair and began serving himself, “Let’s forget about them and eat.”

The doorbell rang and Selena went to answer it. Raymond stood at the door, his foul mood evident on his face. “I’m sorry but I came back to tell you that I won’t be staying for dinner. Frankie just called and he needs to discuss something urgent with me.”

Bosco overheard and went to the door, “Dinner is set already so eat before you go. It won’t take long. Selena spent a long time preparing everything.”

Raymond shook his head and said to Selena, “Thanks for inviting me. I’ll treat the next time.”

Selena looked strangely at Raymond, sensing that his mood had something to do with Charmaine. “Sure, we’ll get together again soon.”

Bosco, knowing that once his mind is set, Raymond would not be swayed, said, “Definitely soon.”

“No problem,” Raymond turned and started walking towards the elevator when Selena called his name. He waited while she approached him, “Yes?”

She looked at him curiously and asked outright, “Prior to your return, have you ever met Charmaine?”

Raymond could feel her gaze on him and he forced himself to relax and sound casual, “No, at least not that I can remember. Why do you ask?”

Selena shrugged then said lightly, “Nothing then. Have a goodnight.”

“Goodnight,” Raymond said and walked away.


Charmaine pulled into her driveway and stopped when she saw Steven’s car heading up behind her. Turning off the ignition, she grabbed her bag and locked her car just as Steven got out of his. “Another meeting with my dad?”

Steven chuckled nervously, “Yeah.” He saw the bleakness on her face and asked, “Are you feeling ok? You look very pale.”

Charmaine sighed as she started walking towards the house, “I’ve never been better. Just a headache.”

Steven thought she sounded sad and stopped to look at her, “Is something bothering you?”

Charmaine opened wanting to tell someone, anyone, what she was feeling but instead shook her head, “It’s nothing. I’m just tired.”

They arrived at the front door and Steven stopped her hand from opening it. Looking at her he softly asked, “If one day you find out that what you have always believed was the truth was actually a lie, how would you feel?”

Charmaine scrunched her face at the unfound question and asked, “It depends on what the truth or lie is.” She looked at Steven curiously, “Why are you asking this?”

“I…” Steven started but was interrupted by Mr. Seh throwing the door wide open.

Mr. Seh gave Steven a curt glance and said with authority, “I’ve been waiting for you.” He turned and smiled at Charmaine, “Home so early?”

Charmaine sighed and walked into the house followed by the men. “Selena cancelled dinner at the least minute,” she lied because she didn’t want her father questioning her about running into Raymond.

Mr. Seh led her towards the stairs and said, “I’ll have someone bring up something for you to eat.”

“No need, I’m not hungry. I’m going to bed,” Charmaine said tiredly then after bidding her dad and Steven goodnight, she ascended the stairs.

When she was out of sight, Mr. Seh turned his wrath on Steven, “Come with me!” he hissed then marched into his study.  

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HottestVIPSone #1
Chapter 45: Done with yet another charray fic! <3
Chapter 45: Lol, you're stories make me feel like I'm watching a movie.
Each one is so good! (^ν^)
Chapter 33: It's kind of funny how they can't get it out at this point. XD
Chapter 3: Wow, that sounds just like my dad...
simcon888 #5
Charray, thanks for all your support. With them it motivates me to write more fanfics about our lovely Charray. Enjoy!
charray #6
Now I just finish reading Chap 12, so sad, about the miscarriage and the agony both of them have been experienced...
charray #7
Hello Simcon<br />
<br />
You are unbelievable, I just asked about Illusions this morning and you already upload Illusions here, I wanna hug you so tight for you are so sweet. Now I can read and enjoy another story of our lovely Charray!!!<br />
<br />
Thanks so much so much Simcon, you are wonderful!