The story only I didn't know

Lightless Love

“Seohyunnie~” a short haired girl looked to the taller one who sat calmly on the floor.

“Do you really forget about that Sunghyun?”

“Eh?” Seohyun looked up and seems surprised.

“What did you mean Taeng unnie?”

“She mean are you really forget about Kevin oppa?” a taller girl came in with the blondes as she smacked Seohyun head.

“Or you just tell a lie, right onnie?”

“Right, Lizzy!” the tall blonde rushed to sit next to Seohyun.

“Tell us, Hyunnie! Balli!”

“She is just forgetting him, Nana…” the shorter blonde sat on the bed with Taeyeon.

“Actually she was …”

“Hyoyeon unnie! Why did you blurt it out?” Seohyun whined as she pouted.

You promised me to keep it secret!”

“So, you’re lying to us?” Lizzy shook Seohyun’s body as she nodded weakly.

“You lied to all of us, Hyunni!”

“I didn’t lie!” Seohyun whined as everyone rolled their eyes.

“I’m just pretending! It's different from lying!”

“but You’ve hurt him, princess” Nana caressed Seohyun hair as everyone came closer.

“You hurt him really bad, you know”

“Nah!” Seohyun shook her head and sticks out her tongue.

“He won’t ever got hurt by me!”

“He does, Hyun! He really got hurt by you” Taeyeon assured Seohyun as her eyes widened.

“He even barely could sleep or eat normally”

“How could you now?” Hyoyeon seems surprised as Taeyeon smiled shyly.

Don’t tell me you’re going back with Hoon?”

“You’re right, onnie!” Lizzy gave Hyoyeon two thumbs up.

“and it just time for her to leave that Yoseob"

“but Why, unnie?” Seohyun locked her eyes with Taeyeon’s.

You would hurt Yoseob oppa! Yoseob oppa is nice! Not like that Angel No Good”

“It’s better to hurt someone who loved you…” Nana mubled as Seohyun glanced to her.

“It’s better than hurt yourself and someone you love and loved you back, honey”

“Nana unnie means is better to hurt Yoseob than hurt me and Hoon oppa” Taeyeon explained as Seohyun mouthed “aaah”

“Hyo unnie, why don’t you go back with Xander oppa?”

“Well, I love Xander oppa a lot but he loves me just as his best friend, I don’t really know how his feel” Hyoyeon rolled her eyes as she eats the snacks.

“but I love Doojoon oppa and he loves me to… So do Eunhyuk oppa”

“Eunhyuk? Lee Hyukjae? Super junior’s Eunhyuk?” Seohyun shouted as Hyoyeon nodded.

“Why don’t you tell me? Why don’t you introduce me to Yesung-oppa? I HATE YOU, unnie! You know how much I love that Yesung!"

“Well… She would…” Lizzy smirked to her best friend as Hyoyeon rolled her eyes.

“After you make up with Kevin oppa”

“Shiro! Jeongmal shiro!” Seohyun pouted as Nana glared to her.

“Why must I? He dumped me and threw me away from his life even if he knew I LOVE him”

“Seororo! Don’t be like that! He even pretends to be your brother to Kikwang for you” Hyoyeon smacked Seohyun’s head harshly.

“You’d regret it if something like AJ and Sooyoong’s story happened to you!”

“Hell yeah… AJ oppa and Sooyoong unnie used to love each other until Hyunseung oppa came and Sooyoong unnie chose him over AJ oppa….” Lizzy sarcastically rolled her eyes.

“Would you let Kevin oppa feel what AJ oppa feel if you chose Kikwang oppa over him?”

“What?! It wasn’t like that! Sooyoong never chose Hyunseung over AJ oppa” Taeyeon argued as both Lizzy and Seohyun shocked.

“They didn’t know, unnie?”

“Nope! They had no idea” Nana just shook her head.

“AJ oppa never told them what happened”

“Why don’t you tell me, unnie?” Seohyun insisted as she shook Hyoyeon’s arms.

“Balli! Malhaebwa, unnie!”

“Well, I’d tell you girls…” Hyoyeon sighed and the girls surround her.

“but please, don’t tell AJ that I told you”

#                                       #                                         #

~Flashback Sooyoong’s POV~

Where the hell is that diva? I’ve been waiting for him for 2 hours! What the hell is he thinking to even make me wait for him? I even left my future-husband-by-next-month in the hospital alone! And canceled our lunch without even tell him, since my phone ran out battery.


Nah! That is the Diva! I’d kill him if he didn’t have something important to tell! I’d kill him to if he didn’t treat me something good!

“Were you waiting me for a long time?”

“Ya! Micheosoyo, Kim Hyunseung?” I yelled to h9im as he closed his ears carelessly.

“I’ve been waiting for you for 2 hours! That princess nags a lot now! Such a headache!”

“Jinjjaeyo? Minahae…” Hyunseung just shrugged his shoulder as he turned his back.

“Let’s go somewhere private… Gajja!”

“Where?” I shouted to him on top of my lung.

“Ya! Kim Hyunseung! Answer me!”

“I’d treat you something good! Balli!” Hyunseung grabbed my wrist as I follow him.

“Have you told AJ about this?”

“My phone ran out battery” I whined as he rolled his eyes.

“Could I use yours?”

“Well, you never change” Hyunseung teased me as he tells the fact. I often forget to charge my phone.

“and I don’t bring mine”

“Crap!” I stomped on my feet as Hyunseung squints his eyes to me.

“AJ would be panic! Or even angry!”

“Stopi it! Why must he angry?” Hyunseung hits my head playfully.

“You go with me! It’s ME, Kim Hyunseung! His’ Hyunseung!”

Well, AJ oppa is my current fiancée, I mean he would be my husband from next month. He is a pediatrician at Boohwal’s International Hospital, his big family’s hospital. AJ oppa is a tall, not so skinny, brown haired with milky white skin and really handsome but pretty boy. Well, he is prettier than some girls. He has a really good voice with perfect music talents and  warm and nice smile, his smile is famous around our schools and college.

Hyunseung is AJ oppa’s and my best friend since middle school. Well, he is my sunbae after all. He is a shikshin diva! He ate a lot, but never gains weight , same as me. He looks more girly than my pretty boy and acts like a diva, people used to mock him as a gay back then. He was my boyfriend in middle school, but I chose AJ oppa over him when AJ oppa asked me out.

Well, my fiancé is the 3rd son on his family, same as Hyunseung. They are cousins by the way, and they are really close, even if I heard some rumors about their family’s guts for each other.  All I heard is Hyunseung’s family murdered AJ oppa’s Umma as well as tried to kill his little sister, Seohyun.

This Seohyun acts and treated like a princess a lot. Well, I guess she has a princess-syndrome, she always gets everything she want by a glance and everyone treat her well, I mean EVERYONE .but she isn’t a spoiled air-head brat, she is smart, I mean intelligently genius and also really talented. She is my dongsaeng, Choi Minho’s, best friend as they didn’t talk a lot when that jerk Kyuhyun kissed my dongsaeng in front of her.

Well, this princess was our cupid, yeah, the one who matched make us. But now, this baby is kinda annoying, she nags and whines a lot now. She acts like a spoiled brat a lot these days, never let me go with her oppa without her. I didn’t really mind, since I love her and she loves me and also it would be hard for her to let her sweetie oppa go for me.

“We arrived!” Hyunseung cheered as we stop at his family’s club, the one which placed in Incheon.

“Ya! Choi Sooyoong! Why are you dazing off?”

“Arraso!” I glared at him as he made his way out from his hammer.

“I’m hungry! I didn’t eat yet for 3 hours!”

“Aish, this girl! I wonder why are you still stick thin?” Hyunseung rolled his eyes as we enter his club.

“Here! Eat some gimbap!”

“Gimbap?!” I shouted as his eyes widened.

“3 hours starving and you gave me gimbap?”

“Ya! Just eat it!” Hyunseung shouted back to me.

“I don’t have any other foods”

“Well, I’d eat that then” I picked the gimbaps to my mouth as Hyunseung did it to.

“Could I charge my phone?”

“Let me charge it then” Hyunseung took my phone to somewhere and charge it.
“How was that princess? Is she still burdening you?”

“Gomawo, Hyunnie!” I did my aegyo as he clinched his fist playfully.

“Well, she still burdensome and picked some her silly trick on me as her oppa kept on my side, but it’s fine with me…”

“Such a childish, princess…” Hyunseung turned his body and picked something on the rack.

“Well, Summer Choi, tell me… Do you by any chance still love me?”

“Mworagoyo?” I almost choked when he suddenly asks my feeling toward him.

I always love you! You’re my best friend ever! BABO Hyunseung!”

“I MEAN IT!” Hyunseung pointed his guns to my throat.


“Mworagoyo? Wegure?” I cried as I scared to the death to see him like this for the first time.

“I do LOVE you a lot, but I’ll always choose AJ over you!”

“Why?!” Hyusneung cried as hard as he could.

“but I… but I… but I LOVE…”

“Do you love me that MUCH?” I guessed as he shocked.

“Why don’t you tell me earlier? It could be different”

“No different if I told you earlier” Hyunseung mumbled as he shakes his head.

“I LOVE AJ more than you love him!”

“WHAT?!” I almost fainted and choked when I heard this.


“How could I love you, babo? You are my sister as well as my opponent!” Hyunseung smirked as he looked sad.

“I LOVE that AJ since a kid! Why don’t you understand?”

I can’t say a thing but cry. I cry for every pains and regrets I feel now. I must realized it since Hyunseung clings to AJ a lot, since he never praised me pretty but AJ, since he always try his best to convince me to cancel the wedding , since…

“Yobboseyo?” That’s my AJ’s voice.

“Hey baby, what’s up? I’m about to check the kids now, wegure?”

“Hey, Kim Jaesop” Hyunseung answered him coldly.

“Miss your bride, huh?”

“Oh, hi Hyunseung!AJ cheered as they didn’t talk since AJ proposed me.

“How is life? Are you having fun now?”

“NOPE! My life has no fun since you proposed her!” Hyunseung shouted as I could hear AJ’s gasp.

“Your marriage plan ruined everything in my life!”

“Mworagoyo?” AJ’s voice sounds worry.

“Just tell me what’s wrong, Hyunseung!



What did you mean? You love Sooyoong?” AJ’s voice seemed truly worry now.

“Sooyoong, could you speak?”

“AJ oppa, I’m scared…” I cried out my heart.

“Oppa, I LOVE YOU”

“I LOVE YOU to, Sooyoong AJ seemed panics now.

Hyunseung, let her go! Let finish it!”

“NO WAY!” Hyunseung yelled as he put his guns closer to my throat.

“You know what I do to get what I want, right?”

“Hyunseung! Don’t do any stupid thing!” AJ shouted in panic as I could tell he is panting.

“If I want and LOVE something I must get it…” Hyunseung smirked evilly to me.



Argh! It hurst like hell! Mianhae, AJ oppa.. Mianhae… Saranghae…


~End of Flashback~

#                          #                              #

“WHAT?!” Seohyun’s and Lizzy’s eyes widened as wide as they could now as Hyoyeon, Taeyeon and Nana just nodded.

“So scary!”

“It was sad actually” Nana corrected them.

“None of Hyunseung nor Sooyoong nor AJ got their love”

“So, Sooyoong unnie died because of Hyunseung oppa?” Lizzy asked as Hyoyeon nodded.

“Poor AJ oppa… Really… No wonder why he hates him a lot now”

“Well, AJ is the poorest victim…” Hyoyeon spoke up as she gave Seohyun tissues.

“AJ thought that Hyunseung killed Sooyoong because he loved Sooyoong too much”

“But actually Hyunseung oppa loved AJ oppa” Seohyun mumbled as she stared blankly.

“I never know that Hyunseung oppa is a Gay”

“Well, sad, huh? He such a fun to hang around guy” Taeyeon added as she patted Seohyun’s head.

“Hyunnie, where would you go? It almost midnight? Just stay with the girls”

“Well, I wanna go to Kikwang oppa’s condo now…” Seohyun stood up and grabbed her Chanel bag.

“I won’t let Kikwang oppa turned into a gay since he stayed with Hyunseung oppa since I live here with Hyoyeon unnie”

“Well, be careful, Princess” Nana kissed Seohyun forehead as Seohyun kissed her cheek.

“Remember, your Kibum and Xander oppa suffer a lot because of you”

“So do your twins, Kiseob, AJ oppa, Hoon oppa, Eli oppa and Dongho for sure” Lizzy hugged Seohyun tightly.

“Please consider it, don’t hurt both Kevin oppa and Kikwang oppa… and most, don’t hurt yourself”

“Say our hai for Kikwang” Taeyeon kissed Seohyun cheek as she nodded.

“I’ll visit you guys sometime”

“Don’t do such a thing!” Hyoyeon teased Seohyun as she shook her head and blushed.

I’m just kidding! Here! Wear your coat! It’s fall now!”

“Ne, unnie! I LOVE you all!” Seohyun waved her hands and made her way to the door.

“I’m leaving now… Annyeong~”

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Chapter 29: I feel so sorry for Kikwang he didn't know that Seohyun is related to Kibum or the others.
seokyufeels04 #2
Chapter 4: I feel like im the only one that ships Kevin and Seohyun together
Chapter 32: can you do a story about Seohyun and Kikwang again?
KPOP_survivor #4
daebak brilllllllllllllllllliaaaaaaaaaaaaaant this can a official drama it's so good loved reading it^^
wow..the last part and the part where her umma and brothers pass is so sad..i got tears in my eyes but it didnt drp..cuz i will look crazy if they came out and husband would think im goin crzy or something..LOL..great job on this story.
iamsperfeccion #6
many people died in this story.. geez i even cry reading the last part. hahaha great job!