Chapter 15: After Shock

White Secrets

Minhee’s POV

I couldn’t believe what I just heard.  As soon as I stepped out of that house, the tears that welled up, fell.  Tears of anger, hate, betrayal, and familiar loneliness continuously hit the floor.  My heart tightened and clenched and was on the verge of exploding.  All my life.  For 9 years… I lived, liked, and hung out with Chanyeol and Naeun, trusting them.  I loved Chanyeol for 9 years, believing he was just a stupid, innocent friend.  How could he?  What angered me more was that I couldn’t bring myself to hate Chanyeol. I felt so betrayed and lonely.

I thought that it was weird that such people like them would befriend me.  I thought it was weird how right after my parents’ death, suddenly, there were people who decided to care for me.  I thought it just just luck, or life having pity on me.

I stopped at a nearby park and crouched down at the entrance.  I grabbed my chest, trying to make the pain disappear, and gasped for air.

“Minhee!” a familiar voice called.

“Go away” I yelled.

“Please… don’t do this! look at me” Naeun pleaded as she crouched down next to me.  I glared at her.

“You knew…. didn’t you?! That’s why you never said anything!” I screamed.

“Minhee… you don’t understand!... You didn’t get the full truth…” she tried reasoning.  

“Tell me… did he kill my parents?”

“H-he… technically did… but-”

“I don’t need to know anymore than that!”

“Minhee… you’re misunderstanding!” she tried to explain.

“Then clear it up so I won’t!” I declared.

“I-I… can’t…”I stood up, tears still falling.

“Fine… then don’t”

“Minhee… please… I already told you-”

“It’s Chanyeol’s secret!” I finished. “I got it…no need to say it again… I got it the first time”


“No Naeun!...” I interrupted, “You just don’t understand! You will never understand how it feels to lose both your parents at the same time!... You still have a mother and father that love you unconditionally!”

“Minhee… I-...”

“See, you never thought of that, have you?” I snapped.

“I’m sorry…” she apologized. She stayed silent for a while. I continued.  

“At least you have guardians who truly care for you” I softly mumbled mainly to myself.  

“And you have guardians too” she counter argued, “Me, Chanyeol, Luhan… we were all there for you!...”

“Were you ever able to provide for my necessary goods?  Were you able to comfort me when I had nightmares?”

“We did all we could to help you… but we were children ourselves… and that’s not all what a guardian does… they protect you and always make sure you are safe.”

“Who was there to keep me safe?!  who was able to protect me?!”

“Luhan was there for you… in your dreams… and in reality…. now stop being stupid!”

“At least answer this…. did you befriend me like Chanyeol, out of pity?  What was your reason?”

“I befriended you because… I knew we could relate to each other… We both went through mental and physical pain!... I knew that we would always be there for each other…. and I’m not going to stop now, Minhee!”


Luhan’s POV:

“So…want to go get some ice cream?” Chanyeol suggested.  I stopped walking and stared at him. How could he pretend like nothing happened?

“Why’d you do it?”

“Do what?”

“Take the blame?  Why did you make it sound like it was all your fault?”

“Look Luhan… Everyone doesn’t need to get punished for something that happened years ago. This time, I’ll be the one that takes all the blame.” he simply shrugged.

“Chanyeol, she’s bound to find out sooner or later” I pointed out.

“Forget about it… she won’t find out if nobody tells her… okay?”

“She’s not stupid…she will eventually find out that not everything was true”

“Only if someone tells her… she can’t find out if there is nothing to look for” I grimaced at his answer.

“Lies are meant to be uncovered.”

“What are you some philosopher or something?” he laughed. “I don’t really have any reason to be friends with Minhee or Naeun… Minhee’s yours and I know that Naeun hates me…”

“Don’t lie to me… I know,I’m not the only one that got attached to these humans… you’ve known them longer than me. I know you like them just as much as I do”

“I won’t deny the fact that I have grown to enjoy their company… but… it won’t work out for me… Luhan, you still have a chance with Minhee. I could always start over somewhere else...”

“Why are you so stupid?  No one said, your relationship with Naeun nor Minhee is over.  In anyone’s eyes… its clearly obvious, they don’t hate you”

“After what I told Minhee today? She will never forgive me…Let’s just stop talking about this… I’m fine… really”

“B.S.” I muttered.“Let’s go get that ice cream you wanted”


“Yes you do-do brain”



Hyuna’s POV:

“Guys… I’m going to take off too… see you at school.” I dazedly left.

“Alright… Bye!” Exo waved still flabbergasted about the events that took place.  Well, I mean why wouldn’t they be?  One of their closest friends just admitted that they killed someone.

As I walked, i just dwelled on Chanyeol’s confession. “Xiumin… do you think that he was the one that… caused the accident?” I asked my cat knowing he wouldn’t respond.

Freakin Chanyeol… trying to take all the blame Xiumin thought.

“I mean… I blamed Minhee for what happened… even though I knew it wasn’t her fault that her car crashed into mine”

Don’t blame her a voice affirmed.

“Huh?... Who’s there!?” my cat just purred in my arms. I glanced at my cat who peered at me with an innocent gaze. I looked around, but there was nobody in sight. “Must… be my imagination…”

I started looking for Chanyeol and Luhan.  I needed to know what really happened.

I only left a few minutes after him so he couldn’t have gone far.

I continued walking in search of Chanyeol for about ten minutes then decided to give up.  I have the school week to find out as well. When I turned to go home, I spotted him at the ice cream parlor with Luhan.

“Ch-Chanyeol!” I called.  He turned around and happily waved at me.

“What brings you here Hyuna?”

“I needed to clear some things… so I was looking for you…”

“Sure… what is it?” he asked after his ice cream cone.

“The accident… Did you really do it?” I cautiously asked.  His smile disappeared into a look of shock as quickly as it formed, and both him and Luhan tensed up.

“Why are you so curious about that?” he regained his smile.

“Because my parent’s car was the one that Minhee’s crashed into…” I revealed. His smile disappeared once more and the next thing I heard was the splatting noise of the ice cream hitting the floor.  Both Luhan and Chanyeol had dropped their dessert.

“Y-You’re their daughter!?” Luhan asked in disbelief.  I slowly nodded.

We moved to a small cafe table nearby and sat down.  They were both silent.

“It’s a small world… huh?” I commented softly as I Xiumin’s fur.  The two of them stared at my cat as if they were communicating with him.

“You never told us that that couple had a daughter! I thought you were just… taking care of a random child.” My cat purred from what they said.

“Excuse me.. we are not stupid!” Luhan objected after Chanyeol.

“What are you doing? Are you talking to my cat?” They straightened up and cleared their throat.

“Of course not… that would be weird…”

“Right…” I commented; they both started coughing awkwardly.  “So… about the accident…”

“Hyuna… I am really sorry! My past self was stupid and careless… and if I could change what happened I would-” Chanyeol started but I cut him off with a smile.  He stared at me with slight bewilderment.

“The weird thing is that… I’m not mad… I feel relieved…” Luhan and Chanyeol exchanged looks then stared back at me strangely.

“Relieved?” they both asked with scrunched up faces.  I nodded lightly.

“Yeah… and I’m actually quite happy to know what really happened… Like a whole load is taken off my mind...” I smiled.  They shot me worried looks as if I were going through a mental breakdown.  I ignored them and continued, “You see, I never had a good relationship with my parents… they were so strict and controlling.  They wanted me to do everything they desired.  I was six at that time and what kid would want to listen to every single order?  I’m no puppet...but I had no choice though… if I didn’t listen, they ‘hit’ me out of discipline then locked me up in my room for days without food or water.  Then they’d come in and say, ‘you know we do this out of love’... that’s not love” I bitterly spat.  “I was miserable.So when they disappeared one night, and one of my butlers told me they passed away in a car accident, I didn’t feel sad nor did I shed a tear.  I felt happy and free instead.  I began to enjoy my childhood and… realized I loved the maids and butlers more than I loved my own parents….” I smiled a smile of disgust.  

I stared at Xiumin’s fur and twirled my finger in his short hair.  “Does that make me a bad person?” I sneered more at myself than anyone else.  “What can I do?  They actually cared for me… all my parents ever did was… abuse me… So, after their death, I knew it was wrong but I secretly thanked whoever did what they did to my parents…”  I admitted shamelessly.

“And lucky for you Chanyeol… You’re not a person that someone can stay mad at for a long time…”

“You-… really?”

“I know that Minhee may be feeling angry and betrayed right now… but” I reassured, “She will eventually forgive you… as I said… Nobody can hold a grudge against you…”

“What?... Are you sure you don’t want to hit me?”

“You want me to hit you?”

“No…” he shook his head.

“Speaking of Minhee… you’re attitude is very different than when you told her that her parents passed away because of you”  he paused.

“Ahaha… what do you mean?”

“Well… you never apologized to her like you did to me.  You seem more sincere now than then.  You seem more truthful now….why?”

“There’s more to the story than you know… Originally, your parents’ car was never supposed to be involved in the accident….”

“Okay then… Thanks for clearing things up for me… I’ll see you at school…” I said before I left the shop, “Just give Minhee some time! She will forgive you! Just take another girl’s word for it!”

“I know that Chanyeol didn’t mean to do it… but he did kill my parents… why am I not angry at him?” I asked myself after I was far from the parlor. Xiumin just purred and snuggled deeper into my arms. 






another updateee 

hope you guys didn't wait too long :)

hehe well its only been a day since the special

i hope you ugys enjoyed it and could you guys guess who it was?

it might be a bit confusing as to why suddenly a couple was dating.... but its just a special that kind of foreshadows future couples?

not too sure but somewhere along those lines


uhhh not as funny as the other ones... but it might get a bit dramatic from now...



what did Infinite do for your birthday?











they sunggyu a song

hahahahaha.... okay lol

have a nice day :))


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Infinite_WooNamstar #1
this book gives me memories
my first kpop fanfiction
i don't wanna be rude but please update
curtiskwong5 #2
Chapter 32: bookmarked & subscribed :) awesome story
candypark #3
Chapter 32: Ah~ they still can't fix it xD.
Come on, NaYeol...
Update soon, author nim :)
Newbiepoke #4
Wah that was such a good read <3
Chapter 32: *shakes Naeun* waeyo?! I need you and Yeoly to be a thing! The two have already been put onto the little boat and shipped off into the distance! Great job Writer-nim! Cant wait until next time!
koala_panda #6
Chapter 31: why naeun why u did that?nayeol pleaseeeee
candypark #7
Chapter 31: Yay for ChanEun/NaYeol! :D
Why why why?-- I'm frustrated here, they are a pair of best friend who knows each other very well, Chanyeol must understand naeun is xD C'mon, I hope they relationship will works well :)
Thanks for update ^_^
candypark #8
Chapter 30: Really, this chap is so funny xD
Update soon,ne?
Ahmengo #9
Chapter 30: :O! Keeep it up pleasseee!
candypark #10
Chapter 28: Ya ya author-nim! Put more NaYeol moment XD Luv this couple!
Update soon, ne?