Chapter 14: The Beginning of Misfortunes

White Secrets

A little clarification/change before you guys continue to read on this ff.... we realized that their thoughts and the times when they talk through their minds were getting kind of confusing so we decided to color code.... their own thoughts will be italicaized only and when they talk to each other through their minds.... it will be color coded according to their power. e.g. Xiumin talking be  this, luhan will be this, chanyeol will be this, and so on....changes have been made to previous chapters as well... ENJOYYYY


Luhan’s POV:

I leaned against the counter as I listened to their laughter, Minhee’s laughter.  I closed my eyes then slammed the counter in anger.  I heard someone enter the kitchen. I took a deep breath and turned around to see who it was.

“Luhan… are you okay?” Chanyeol softly asked.

“What do you mean?” I replied with a straight, casual face.

“You just stormed out of the room” Chanyeol cautiously approached me, “What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing.” I denied.  He just stared at me blankly. 

“I kno-”

“Just leave me alone!” my voice cracked, “Go away!” Chanyeol walked up to me with the same face.   He attempted to pat my back, but I slapped his hand. “Don’t touch me!!” I snapped, “It’s all your fault!!” I knew it wasn’t his, but I couldn’t help it.

“Why are you mad at me? What did I do wrong?” he pleaded, “Tell me…”

“You made Minhee fall in love with you!” I revealed but immediately regretted it. I hissed and let out words of profanity. Did I really just expose Minhee’s secret?  He looked at me confused.

“Luhan… What do you mean? Minhee doesn’t like me…” he shook his head.  I stared at him in disbelief.

I finally exploded, “How can you not tell?! Why are you so stupid?!” I flung my arms to prevent him from coming near me.

“L-Luhan!... Just calm down!” Chanyeol tried to grab my arms, “You’re not thinking straight!” He was successful in pulling me into a stance where my arms could no longer move. “Can we please talk things over… please” he begged.

“No! I’m done with you!  How can you not tell these things? I can’t be your friend anymore! You’re… you’re just … I hate you! Get away from me!” I yelled, breaking loose of his grip.  He frowned and I wanted to take that back. 

I took a deep breath in remorse. He dropped his hands to the side and lowered his head.   His eyes were no longer visible due to his bangs.

“Okay… Sorry… I’ll leave” he turned around to head back to the party.  I knew I had to say something but I couldn’t.  Not because I hated him… but because I was ashamed… he cared for me.  He stayed by my side even though I put him through hell.   

“Chanyeol wait” I called.  “I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean that…” I apologized.  He turned around and looked at me like a lost puppy. 

“Luhan hyung…” he started.  I flinched at the word hyung.

“Yes we are still friends” I reassured. 

“Please don’t hate me…”

“I don’t hate you” he ignored me and continued.

“I really didn’t know… and if you didn’t know … I… don’t share the same feelings… I don’t love Minhee… If it makes you feel better…you can hit me…” His words just made me feel worse.  No wonder Minhee fell for this guy.

“Stop… I’m not going to hit you… I know you don’t like her… ”  I walked up to him.

Chanyeol flinched and closed his eyes when he saw my arm move. “I don’t hate you…I overreacted” I repeated. I put my arm on his shoulders, “You’re a good friend…” He opened his eyes surprised that I didn’t hit him. “I’m glad you’re my friend…”  Chanyeol smiled, but this time it was genuine.

“I-I just needed someone to let my anger out on… I’m sorry” He pulled me into one of his bear hugs. What is with him and hugging?

“Minhee just needs some time…” he reassured.  I nodded. 

“Or maybe she doesn’t” I sympathetically smiled.  Chanyeol grimaced then scrunched his face.

“Don’t say that.  She’ll fall for you”  I smiled at his effort to comfort me.“I will help Minhee fall for you. All of Exo is trying too. Don’t worry…” he comforted, “It hasn’t even been that long anyway. I’m sure Minhee has feelings for you, but doesn’t realize it… I will help you… I promise…”

I shook my head at his childish effort.  “Let’s go join the others.”  He nodded happily and we left the kitchen.  “Oh yeah… it’s good to see you truly smile.”  He acted like he didn’t hear me and skipped into the living room.




We came back and found Tao strangling Baekhyun.   I pointed to them while Chanyeol laughed his head off.

“Uhh why?” I asked.

“Glad you two can join us!” Lay beamed, ignoring my question.

“We’re playing truth or dare!!”

“How does truth or dare do that?” Chanyeol pointed to the two.  They shrugged.  I stared at them, knowing that the dare wasn’t good.

“Who’s turn was it?” They all pointed to Chen.

“Ohh… My turn?... Okay then… Hyuna… truth or dare?”

“Hmm…” Hyuna thought for a bit. “Truth!”

“Who do you think is the most attractive in exo?”

“What?... hahaha” Hyuna nervously chuckled. “I don’t know… umm…” She pointed at me and blushed. Chen sighed and crossed his arms. I looked at her surprised.

“Oh… Uh.. Thank you… I guess?” I smiled. She giggled and started playing with Xiumin’s tail.

“So my turn right?” Hyuna looked around the room. “Minhee… who do you think is most attractive in this room?”

“Me?... I-I…” Minhee paused. I shut my eyes and looked away. “I think Xiumin is a very cute cat!” She blurted nervously.  I opened my eyes, surprised that she didn’t say Chanyeol’s name.  I glared at the cat.  Xiumin, catching on to my feelings, purposely jumped out of Hyuna’s lap and curled into a ball onto Minhee’s.  That little cat… just wait till I get my hands on you… you little monster.  I swear I saw that thing smirk.  

“Stupid cat monster” I muttered.  Awww somebody jealous? Xiumin taunted.

“You wanna fight?” I hissed.

“Are you picking a fight with a cat?” Sehun asked as Kai, Suho, and Chanyeol rolled on the floor.

“Okay… My turn…” Minhee looked at me, “I know this may sound weird but… Luhan… why were you a dog?”  My eyes slightly rounded. Minhee’s using this moment to find out these secrets?

“What are you talking about Minhee?”

“Luhan’s not a dog” All of exo stared at Minhee like she was a mental patient.  Minhee’s gaze stayed locked on mine despite all the stares she was receiving.

“Just… answer the question Luhan…” Minhee ordered.

“Uhhh… It was my punishment for doing something stupid as a child…” I vaguely explained avoiding her eyes.  “I was sent here to protect you…”

“Why would you protect me?” Minhee cautiously asked, confused.

“Ahahah… next turn” Chanyeol interfered. Minhee threw him a look and he shut up.

“Why would you protect her?” Nauen added on.

“Because...I’m … the one… that…” I stopped in the middle of my sentence as I broke into a cold sweat. ...What do I tell her? Chanyeol gave me a worried look and mouthed ‘don’t tell her!’

“The one that what?”  she queried as her eyes brows narrowed.  I shut my eyes tight and looked down.

Don’t do it I heard Chanyeol try to interject.

“I killed your parents!” my voice quavered. There was dead silence and everyone exchanged glances.

“HAHAHA!... You are so funny Luhan” Suho laughed nervously trying to get rid of the tension in the room.

“If that’s a joke… you’re seriously not funny” Kyungsoo added. Suho glared at D.O.

“You what? What do you mean?” Minhee asked still focused on me.

“I ... I caused the car crash that killed your parents… I did it... because I didn’t care if… they died...” I admitted hesitantly.  I let out a shaky breath, slowly looking up.  Minhee stared at me with unreadable eyes.  It was mixed with hatred, betrayal, regret, and disbelief.  A murderous glare that was mixed with tears, indicating she wanted me to disappear and never come back.

“No!” Everyone turned their heads toward Chanyeol with confused expressions.

“Chanyeol what are you doing?” I whispered.

 “It wasn’t him… he’s just trying to cover for me… Luhan Hyung… You don’t have to lie...” Chanyeol faintly smiled at me then looked at Minhee, “I’m sorry… but don’t blame Luhan for your parents’ death… because it was actually me.” Minhee looked so lost and confused. What the hell are you doing?

She couldn’t tell who was telling the truth or who was lying.  The fact that either one of us killed her parents was more than enough to make her feel betrayed.


“I am a pyromaniac…” he lied, “I was bored as a child, so I decided, why not have some fun? ... It was my idea to create a bomb and place it in your car… I knew if I somehow made you crash… the car would explode… and it did… killing both your parents in the process” He paused and stared blankly at Minhee.  “… I wanted to see the fire engulf the car” Chanyeol’s taking the blame for me?  

“Are you l-lying?”

“You don’t believe me?” Chanyeol cocked an eyebrow. “Why do you think I’ve never invited you to my house before?... Because it’s damaged by my fire addiction... Everything is burnt… Only the smell of gasoline and kerosene is left… I like fire… I like how it destroys everything and doesn’t leave anything behind… it gets the job done” he lied making sure Minhee believed him

“Chanyeol don’t-”

“It’s okay Luhan… she was bound to find out…” Minhee looked to Naeun.

“Naeun is this true?... Is this the secret you couldn’t tell me!?” Minhee screamed at her bestfriend. Naeun barely managed to nod her head, as if even she barely believed him.  Minhee walked up to Chanyeol and slapped him across the cheek.  My jaw tightened and I clenched my fists.

“Stop!” I ordered.  She glared at me.  

“Stay out of this Luhan” Chanyeol requisitioned with a soft but stern voice.  I sent him a death glare.

What is wrong with you? I divulged.  He just sent me another faint smile.

“How could you?!... Is taking other people’s lives funny to you?!” Minhee jested but there was no humor in her voice. Chanyeol’s expression didn’t change and remained blank.

“At that time… yes…” He admitted.  Minhee lifted her hand to slap him once more but stopped it midair.  She looked at her hand then at me, lastly at Chanyeol, then dropped it lifelessly to her side.  She bit her lip and stood up, tears threatening to fall. Minhee took one last look at Chanyeol and stormed out the door. Naeun eyed Chanyeol with apprehension and concern.

“Chanyeol, I’m so sor-” she cut herself off when she saw Chanyeol smile.

“Don’t worry about it” he simply smiled but it didn’t take a genius to tell that he was hurting too.  Naeun bit her bottom lip but left to chase after Minhee.  Chanyeol slowly stood up as well and grabbed his jacket.

“I think it’s time for us to leave too… I’m sorry I ruined your night Luhan hyung...” Chanyeol said with another fake smile. I clenched my fists but just nodded and followed him out. We left the others hanging with their mouths wide open.








OMGGGGG we have updated....!!!

we were going to update earlier but we weren't satisfied so we kept changing and finally came to this! 

hope you guys enjoy this chapter:3

we added a little bromance scene ^^

hehe its a little intense but hope its fine :P

hope you guys had an amazing week

hehe anyway~~ until next time :P

the pun of the day

why did 2ne1 get kicked out of the airport?





Because they had a bom xDDD

have a nice week ^^ expect an earlier update than this time :)

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Infinite_WooNamstar #1
this book gives me memories
my first kpop fanfiction
i don't wanna be rude but please update
curtiskwong5 #2
Chapter 32: bookmarked & subscribed :) awesome story
candypark #3
Chapter 32: Ah~ they still can't fix it xD.
Come on, NaYeol...
Update soon, author nim :)
Newbiepoke #4
Wah that was such a good read <3
Chapter 32: *shakes Naeun* waeyo?! I need you and Yeoly to be a thing! The two have already been put onto the little boat and shipped off into the distance! Great job Writer-nim! Cant wait until next time!
koala_panda #6
Chapter 31: why naeun why u did that?nayeol pleaseeeee
candypark #7
Chapter 31: Yay for ChanEun/NaYeol! :D
Why why why?-- I'm frustrated here, they are a pair of best friend who knows each other very well, Chanyeol must understand naeun is xD C'mon, I hope they relationship will works well :)
Thanks for update ^_^
candypark #8
Chapter 30: Really, this chap is so funny xD
Update soon,ne?
Ahmengo #9
Chapter 30: :O! Keeep it up pleasseee!
candypark #10
Chapter 28: Ya ya author-nim! Put more NaYeol moment XD Luv this couple!
Update soon, ne?